Chapter 461 Educating the Red Boy

In Wang Ming's Westward Journey team, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are not very clear, but Sha Wujing has definitely eaten people. Among other things, he ate Tang Seng nine times, and some pedestrians passing by the Liusha River. They are all the objects of his extra meals. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an expert in cannibalism.

So at this time, after he saw Honghaier, his subconscious actions also proved that the meat of Honghaier's quality was quite attractive in his eyes.

At this time, Honghaier also had a shuddering illusion when he looked at Sha Wujing. To be precise, he glanced over and felt that none of the three masters and apprentices looked like a good person. Can prove many things.

"Master, is this kid the monster? How should we eat it? Steamed or braised?"

After Sha Wujing swallowed his saliva, he stared greedily at Hong Boy, who was startled by fright and yelled.

"Aren't you monks? You still want to eat people!"

"Come on, you're not human, you're half a cow, half a Rakshasa, that's just maintaining your human form."

Regarding the fear of the red boy, Wang Ming did not comfort him, but instead added fuel to the fire, but because Rakshasa is also a race that looks quite similar to humans.

So even if Hong Haier shows his original shape, he is at most a person with a little bit of bullish features, and even from the outside, it is impossible to tell whether he is a human or a demon.

"Help! The monk is going to eat people!"

At this moment, Hong Haier was completely frightened, and started screaming, and tried very hard to break free from the hemp rope on his body, but this hemp rope had already been tampered with by Wang Ming.

Even if it is an ordinary Daluo Jinxian who wants to break free, it will take some effort, not to mention that Honghaier is just a rookie who has just arrived in Taiyi Jinxian.

In the original book, if it weren't for his true fire of samadhi, he wouldn't have made Monkey King so embarrassed. In fact, the restraint of some immortal attributes in Journey to the West is very serious.

A scorpion spirit who could sting Tathagata so painfully was actually taken care of by Uri Xingjun, and a multi-eyed monster who could blind Sun Wukong's fiery eyes was also taken care of by Uori Xingjun.

So if some monsters in Journey to the West really talk about their strength, that's the case. It just means that they happen to be able to restrain Monkey King, or their abilities are quite special, and they are particularly difficult to fight without corresponding means.

"If you call me again, I will throw you into the Flame Mountain to roast."

In the end, Wang Ming was really too lazy to listen to his yelling, and threatened decisively. Although the red boy had lived for hundreds of years, he was still a child at heart. To put it bluntly, he was a bear child. Just be honest.

"Little kid, you still fight with me. It seems that you lack the beatings and education of the society. Have you been to school?"

When Wang Ming saw that the red boy was being honest, he immediately showed a smug smile, and then rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of a very interesting idea.

"Red boy, now that you have been caught by us, you must be prepared to fail. Seeing that you are so skinny, you must be lacking in discipline. How about this? I have ten papers here. I will release them after you finish them. you go."

With a malicious smile on Wang Ming's face, he took out ten papers for the sixth grade final exam from behind his back.

He can't bully people too much. After all, Honghaier is just a child. It is a bit difficult for him to do junior high school questions for him. test paper.

After this guy finishes his junior high school test papers, he will be given a set of three-year simulation and five-year college entrance examinations, so that he can fully experience how good the town is as a tester.

"Really? Isn't it just an exam? What's so difficult! I'll answer it for you in minutes!"

Red Boy's eyes lit up when he heard Wang Ming's words, and then he replied quite confidently, not noticing Wang Ming's weird smile, and the gloating smiles of Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.

"Okay, that's what you said."

Wang Ming showed a very bright smile, and then released the restraint of Honghaier's one hand, giving him space to hold the pen, and by the way, gave Honghaier the first test paper, which is a sixth grade math problem.

And the moment Hong Haier saw this question, he was a little dazed, because he knew these words separately, connected together, and those special symbols like ghost symbols, he didn't understand any of them!
"Are you playing me on purpose? How can you answer this! You know these things!"

Hong Haier glared at Wang Ming with a little embarrassment, he finally understood what the other party meant just now, this guy was deliberately embarrassing him.

"If you say you can achieve it, or if you want to understand it, learn these books first."

Wang Ming still had a malicious smile on his face, and then he took out twelve math books and placed them in front of Hong Boy. These were two math textbooks for grades one to six, a total of twelve books.

Hong Haier obviously still didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at this time, he looked at the book Wang Ming took out, and asked with some doubts.

"Is there an answer in this book?"

"That's right, as long as you learn everything, you can find the answer."

Wang Ming nodded very seriously, his eyes were quite sincere, and then Honghaier dubiously opened the mathematics textbook for the first grade of elementary school, and began to read it. After reading a few pages, his face was full of complacency. Smile, hum a few words.

"It's so simple, 1+1, 2+2? Aren't you insulting my IQ? I can learn everything in two days!"

The red boy glanced at Wang Ming with some complacency, and then continued to study hard. Wang Ming still smiled and said nothing. This silly boy has not realized the seriousness of the problem. This is a book that can take away children’s dreams. You How dare a bastard Taiyi Jinxian say that he can stand up to it?

In fact, it hasn't been two days, but after half a day, Hong Haier is a little skeptical about life and talking to himself.

"60 chickens, 80 rabbits... why are the chickens and rabbits locked together! NND! Separate them and put them next to each other and it's over, why are there so many ghost problems!"

Hong Hai'er glared at the contents of the textbook with some irritability. It was obvious that he also had doubts about the topic, and Wang Ming and the others could clearly see that there were wisps of samadhi real fire burning in Hong Hai'er's head.

Obviously, at this time, Honghaier was on the verge of eruption, and after a while, Honghaier completely erupted, and he yelled a little frantically.

"Construction on both sides counts as construction time, and I count your mother's size! If anyone is slow in working, I will burn him to death!"

"And this, pumping water while releasing water, you're fucking out of your mind, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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