Chapter 475 Siege of Jindou Mountain

"Hmph, as long as the Tathagata Avalokitesvara does not come in person, you can see if I'm afraid."

Dujiaosi still seemed unconcerned, and at this time Monkey King had already reached Lingshan, and his somersaults were extremely fast.

In terms of flying speed alone without using space abilities such as shrinking the ground to an inch, it is one of the best in the entire prehistoric world.

That's why Monkey King arrived at Lingshan so quickly, and Lingshan seemed to have known that he would come, so it was also a green light all the way, and Monkey King came directly to Tathagata in a short while.

"Buddha, I'm here to ask for help. We encountered a very powerful monster on this westbound road. She had a strange circle and took away all our magic weapons. It was too difficult to deal with. We are no solution anymore."

Sun Wukong directly explained his purpose of coming, while Tathagata smiled very easily, and then said.

"It's not a big deal. Since the monster can take your magic weapon, I'll send eighteen arhats to help you. They don't need magic weapons, and forming a golden body Arhat formation is enough to deal with the monster."

After listening to Tathagata's words, Monkey King felt that it made sense. After all, the situation this time was different from Pingdingshan, far worse than Pingdingshan.

But just to be on the safe side, Monkey King still spoke.

"Buddha, can you send one more Bodhisattva? That monster is so powerful, I'm afraid the Eighteen Arhats won't be able to handle it."

"In that case, Lingji Bodhisattva, you should follow along."

Tathagata did not reject Monkey King. After thinking for a while, he sent out another model worker in Buddhism besides Avalokitesvara: Lingji Bodhisattva.

"Follow my Buddhist teachings."

Lingji Bodhisattva didn't refuse either, anyway, no matter what the shit was, Tathagata thought of him and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva first, the two of them and Avalokitesvara were called the Three Great Model Workers of Buddhism.

Then Sun Wukong led Lingji Bodhisattva and the Eighteen Arhats towards Jindou Mountain.

At this time, Zhu Bajie once again came to the Lingxiao Palace.

"Help, Your Majesty, my master is about to be boiled!"

Zhu Bajie is still an old-fashioned UC headline party, the opening speech of the shock department, this skill in the UC shock department, at least he can be a manager.

"What happened again?"

The Jade Emperor also looked at Zhu Bajie calmly and asked, the other gods also cast their curious eyes over, the last Pingdingshan battle was exciting enough, what kind of moth did the master and apprentice come up with this time?
"Your Majesty, our master and apprentice met a very powerful big monster on the way westward. He has a very powerful circle that can collect all magic weapons. Our magic weapons were all taken away by that circle. Now there is no Can't beat him!"

Zhu Bajie also told the truth honestly, and even exaggerated a bit. After all, his nine-tooth nail rake was not taken away, but the more you talk about asking for help, the easier it is to get strong help.

"It's interesting that there is such a monster. Since he can collect the magic weapon, then I will send Mr. Water and Mars, the Lord of Thunder and the Mother of Lightning to subdue the monster with you. If he can collect the magic weapon, he can't take away the water, fire and thunder, right?"

The Jade Emperor pondered for a while, and gave his own countermeasures. To be honest, the Jade Emperor had reason to consider this way.

But Zhu Bajie thought of the monster, and after using the diamond bracelet to take away their bullets, he felt a little bit drummed, wondering if it would work.

But Zhu Bajie was not good at refuting the Jade Emperor's face, if it was a big deal, he would just ask for help, so he agreed directly and started to thank him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, I am willing to fight!"

At this moment, Nezha, the most rebellious boy in heaven, stood up and said, and then he winked at Zhu Bajie without any trace.

The relationship between him and Zhu Bajie is quite good. It can be said that Marshal Tianpeng is one of the few friends that Nezha has in the heavenly court. Now that the friend is in trouble, he naturally wants to help.

"Since the third prince wants to contribute, let's go."

The Jade Emperor didn't stop him either, and agreed immediately, and then Zhu Bajie led Nezha, Shui Hsing Jun, and Lei Gong Dian Mu to the direction of Jindou Mountain.

However, the quality of the reinforcements Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie invited this time was not as good as that of Pingdingshan. After all, it was Wang Ming himself who played tricks last time, but this time it was just a fixed catastrophe, so the immortals and Buddhas didn't pay much attention to it.

Soon, bursts of Buddha's light and fairy light came from outside Jindou Mountain. Honghaier and Sha Wujing, who were squatting outside the cave, were overjoyed when they saw this.

"It must be the big brother and they are back!"

At this time, Monkey King and Zhu Bajie also led their reinforcements to the two of them.

"Is there nothing going on inside?"

"There is no movement for a while."

Monkey King asked a question as soon as he came, and Sha Wujing replied with a serious expression, and then Monkey King smiled as if he was relieved.

"Now I see if the monster is still crazy or not, so I'll just deal with him! I'll call the door first, and then I'll call when she comes out."

After Sun Wukong finished saying this, he ran directly outside of Dujiaosi's cave and shouted.

"Cow, your grandpa and I are back again, open the door quickly and send my master out, otherwise I will use you to cook hot pot tonight!"

In the cave mansion, the Dujiao Si who was bragging with Wang Ming immediately became furious when he heard this, raised his weapon and rushed out of the cave mansion.

"Damn monkey, you're not finished, are you? If I don't kill you today, I'll take your fucking surname!"

The unicorn came to the outside of the cave cursing, and when she came out, she looked up and saw the reinforcements that Monkey King and the others had invited, and she smiled angrily.

"I don't think you have the guts to provoke me. It turns out that you hired a few soldiers and crab generals. Use whatever you have."

Dujiaosi spoke in a rather loud tone, looking arrogant, and those gods and Buddhas were directly angered by her words.

"A mere bull demon actually has such a big tone, even the mighty bull demon king is polite when talking to me, who gave you the courage!"

The one who reacted most violently had to be Buddhism with the strongest self-esteem. Bodhisattva Lingji cursed directly, and what he said was actually the truth.

After all, he is also a free-spirited big Luo, and he can be regarded as the number one figure in the prehistoric world. Now it is quite uncomfortable to be humiliated by the unicorn like this.

But the people in the Heavenly Court were at most angry in their hearts, and didn't directly scold them, because of the strength of the unicorn.Stronger than they were present, they had no reason to get mad, they were just a little annoyed.

"You bald donkey, I'm just telling the truth, why are you so impatient? Come down and fight grandpa if you have the ability!"

Dujiaosi was still begging for a beating, yelling and cursing, Lingji Bodhisattva may be able to scare other monsters, but it is impossible to scare him.

Not to mention that he is a big boss, when I was with Lao Tzu, I have met even quasi-sages and saints countless times, and a mere big guy can't scare him.

(End of this chapter)

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