The level of destructive power in the battle of infinitely diverse peak-level strongmen can be directly referred to when Wang Ming fought against the Mercury Snake and the Golden Beast in the world of Sun of Wrath.

And the Tongtian Sect Master in front of him is even more powerful than those two. In terms of physical strength alone, there is no obvious difference between the powerhouses at the peak of infinite diversity.

Master Tongtian is powerful because of his magic weapon. It is better to say that the most important reason why the prehistoric saints are strong, or surpass the masters of the same level, is the awesome magic weapon in their hands.


After fighting for a few minutes, Wang Ming suddenly let out a loud roar, and a terrifying power erupted from the God Killing Spear, and all the long swords in the entire world were blown away.

The Jade Immortal Formation trembled violently for a few times, even the Heavenly Cult Master couldn't grasp it. It could be seen that Wang Ming must have used all his strength just now.

"Not bad strength, but with only this level, there is still no way to break through my Jade Immortal Sword Formation."

Seeing that Wang Ming seemed to be serious, Master Tongtian said with a smile, but Wang Ming didn't explain what it was, instead he said it very confidently.

"Fellow Daoist, don't panic, how about you try my trick again."

Wang Ming suddenly retracted his gun and did not move, an incomparably terrifying aura erupted from his body, and the bright golden light shone across the blood-colored space.

Wang Ming is infusing the energy of the great golden light into the God Killing Spear. What he has to do is very simple, that is to release the great golden light through the God Killing Spear.

And Wang Ming named this move...

"God-killing golden light!"

Wang Ming yelled a little, and then held the God-killing Spear that was already emitting bright golden light, and swung it fiercely towards the sky!
A bright golden-red light beam was suddenly released from the tip of the God-killing Spear, like a laser cannon, and it hit the sky in the array space fiercely.

For a moment, the entire array space was trembling crazily, and there were signs of collapse, the face of the Tongtian leader suddenly changed when he saw this, and then he began to take action to stabilize the array.

"not good!"

However, the leader of Tongtian seems to be a bit slow to make a move. By the time he makes a move, a gap has been opened in the entire array space.

If it was an ordinary huge golden light, it would naturally be unable to shake the formation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but Wang Ming's attack just now was sent out by the God Killing Spear, so its nature is completely different.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Wang Ming's strike just now, as long as any one of the Six Great Prehistoric Sages is hit head-on, he will be killed instantly. relation.

Because of the destruction of the array, the Master Tongtian also suffered a backlash. He couldn't hold back, and told him directly with a mouthful of blood.

"Cough, cough, fellow daoist is really good, I can't remember how many years I haven't been injured, or in other words, you have been the only one who injured me in a one-on-one duel."

Master Tongtian coughed up two mouthfuls of blood with a smile, looked at Wang Ming who had reappeared in front of him, and said, he was not as angry as he imagined.

Although the current Master Tongtian was slightly injured, there was a smile of excitement and joy on his face, which was the joy of finding an opponent.

"So fellow daoist, aren't you ready to get serious?"

Wang Ming waved a gun flower casually, and said to the leader of Tongtian with a smile, and the latter also replied with an excited smile.

"Naturally, you have to be a little more serious. I don't know if fellow daoists have ever heard of a supernatural power?"

"Oh, what kind of supernatural power?" Wang Ming was curious.

"One gasification and three cleanliness."

Master Tongtian said slowly with a confident smile on his face, and when his words fell, a leader Tongtian in white came out of his body like an illusion.

"Daoist friend is polite."

Tongtian in white bowed very politely to Wang Ming, and to the left of the leader of Tongtian, there was another Tongtian in black.

"Boy, you have to be careful."

Heiyi Tongtian obviously had a bad temper, and his words sounded very aggressive, Wang Ming said curiously upon seeing this.

"Are these your good and evil corpses?"

"Fellow Daoist really has vision, so please be careful next time."

Tong Tian saw that Wang Ming was also a man of knowledge, and immediately nodded with a smile. This technique of evaporating the three cleanses is quite perverted.

It is no exaggeration to say that it can instantly increase a person's combat power by three times, because the strength of the beheaded good and evil corpses is exactly the same as the main body.

Now Wang Ming's situation has become one against three. This is the power of these prehistoric sages' supernatural powers and magic weapons.

This is the reason why it is difficult for people of the same realm to win against them. Whether it is supernatural powers or magic weapons, what the prehistoric sages mastered is unreasonable.

"Sword come!"

The Master Tongtian shouted loudly, and then four immortal swords shot from afar. The Absolute Immortal Sword fell into the hands of Baiyi Tongtian, and the Killing Immortal Sword fell into the hands of Black Yitongtian.

The Immortal Execution Sword and Immortal Tranquility Sword fell into the hands of Master Tongtian. He was holding two swords, and the image of the Immortal Execution Sword Formation hung behind his back.

This is the state where the leader of Tongtian broke out with all his strength, and this is also the first time that the leader of Tongtian used his real full strength. His previous opponents were not qualified or worthy, so he showed this posture.

The main reason is that Wang Ming has a god-killing spear in his hand, and the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is useless to him and cannot trap him.

Therefore, the most powerful method that Master Tongtian can think of at this time is to roll up his sleeves.

"Hahaha, fellow daoist is a wonderful person. I thought that we would almost never have close combat in our level of fighting skills, but fellow daoist is back to basics and has a true temperament."

After Wang Ming saw the actions of the leader of Tongtian, he instantly understood what the other party wanted to do, so he made a joke like this.

"Does fellow Taoist dare you or not?" asked Master Tongtian with a smile.

"Why don't you dare?"

Wang Minghao yelled angrily, and then rushed forward with the God-killing Spear in his hand. To be honest, he admired Tongtian Cult Master quite a lot.

After all, what he is holding now is a god-killing spear, and close combat is the easiest way to get stabbed. Even if he is stabbed by a single shot, even if he is the leader of Tongtian, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

So the current situation seems to be unfavorable to Wang Ming, but it is quite beneficial to Wang Ming, but Wang Ming will not really stab the other party.

Wang Ming used all his strength to fire a single shot, and Chaos was stirred up into a big storm. The leader of Tongtian, who rushed to the front, directly greeted him with the Zhuxian sword in one hand.

However, Wang Ming's spear was so powerful that the Master Tongtian couldn't block it with one hand. As a last resort, he crossed his swords in front of his chest, and barely blocked Wang Ming's attack like the sky. gun!

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