"Now that you're interested, let's talk about it, or I may change my mind later."

Seeing that the other party had compromised, Wang Ming quickly began to ask questions. The black-robed man hesitated for a while before he began to speak.

"Then let me first explain the origin of Yongye to your lord and His Majesty."

"The origin of Eternal Night is actually not complicated. Everything in the world has light and darkness, and the same is true for the worlds. The worlds we are in are actually like a mirror."

"What is outside the mirror is the current world, and what is inside the mirror is another space with a completely different concept. The so-called eternal night is this space itself."

The man in black briefly explained Yongye's world view, and Wang Ming thought for a moment before speaking.

"According to what you said, it means that the so-called Eternal Night is the dark side of all the heavens and worlds, a shadow-like existence?"

"That's right, my lord, you understand very well. Eternal Night is the shadow of all the worlds in the heavens and worlds. It cannot be detected and is everywhere."

The man in black nodded in agreement with Wang Ming's understanding. To be honest, Wang Ming was a little shocked. It turns out that the world also has shadows. The projections of the heavens and worlds gather together to form the so-called eternal night.

No wonder they couldn't kill these black-robed people before. It turned out that they were all shadow-like existences.

Even the so-called death is just to muddy the shadows, and it will recover in a short while, which can also explain why the power of the suns of all realms synthesized by Wang Ming can restrain them.

A very simple reason, the shadow of the worlds must be restrained by the light of the worlds, and this light must be specially synthesized, the ordinary light of the worlds is useless.

This is really an existence similar to the mirror images of the heavens, but Wang Ming thought of a more critical question, so he asked directly.

"Then is there any reason and reason for Yongye to erode the real world? Or is there any benefit to him?"

"What kind of existence are you to Yongye? How are the levels divided? What is the combat power between each level?"

Wang Ming asked several questions that he cared about in succession, and the emperor was listening attentively, and the black-robed man also spoke after thinking for a while.

"The reason why Eternal Night erodes the real world is very simple. It wants to completely replace the real world. Eternal Night's instinct is to expand infinitely. This is the reason why it erodes the worlds."

"Our so-called Eternal Night Envoys are the outstanding ones selected by Eternal Night from the eroded world, similar to the pioneers of the path, or the existence of the vanguard."

"We have been endowed with the power of Eternal Night, and we have achieved immortality in a certain sense. The price is to become slaves of Eternal Night, and we will help him find a new world for the rest of our lives."

The man in black actually spoke in a low tone when he said this, most of them were unwilling to be corrupted by Yong Ye or were willing to be lackeys.

The man in black was only unable to resist because his previous world had been eroded by Yongye, and he was chosen by Yongye, and he continued to speak after temporarily recovering his emotions.

"In terms of levels, the guy who was killed by an adult and I are only the lowest level Sons of Eternal Night. Above us are the General of Eternal Night, the King of Eternal Night, the Emperor of Eternal Night, and the Five Emperors of Eternal Night. Whether there is, I don't know."

"In terms of specific combat power, I'm not very good at distinguishing it. I can only briefly describe it in terms of destructive power. As far as I know, the King of Eternal Night can already destroy the universe."

The man in black has said everything he knows, because his level is too low, many things he knows are vague, and it is still hearsay, but this is enough, and it already has a reference value.

"It turns out that this is the case. It seems that Yongye is really not to be underestimated. Not to mention his own existence, his subordinates who have not seen the upper limit are already powerful enough."

Wang Ming thought to himself, according to what the man in black robe said, the King of Eternal Night should be a cosmic level powerhouse.

Correspondingly, the Son of Eternal Night should be below the black hole, and the General of Eternal Night is probably ranging from the black hole to the constellation. The King of Eternal Night = universe level, the Emperor of Eternal Night = multi-level, and the five emperors of Eternal Night = infinite multi-level .

As for whether there are any above, it is not clear, if there is an Ancestor of Eternal Night or something, to be honest, this kind of combat power is a bit scary.

Under the siege of Yong Ye, it is basically impossible for most of the world to survive. After all, for most people, these things are truly immortal.

"This is really a great headache..."

After listening to the words of the man in black, Wang Ming really realized the seriousness of the problem. The Emperor obviously calculated Yongye's strength, so his tone was a bit serious.

"Now we may be in big trouble. Since Yong Ye sent an envoy here, it proves that he has set his sights on this place."

"Even if these envoys are killed, they will continue to send people over, and the people who will come will be stronger than each other. This is very bad for us."

At this time, Wang Ming thought of a more troublesome problem, because Yong Ye was eyeing the Armor Universe, and the Armor Universe had intersected with Masked and Ultra Universe.

This also means that the Ultra Universe, the Masked Universe, and even the Sentai Universe or the entire Tokusei universe may be discovered by Yong Ye.

After all, according to Wang Ming's observation, from the perspective of the world distribution of the heavens and myriad worlds, similar types are all in the same area.

Just like the channel partitions on video software, the animation world occupies a certain area in a certain corner, and the movie world also gathers a large group in a certain corner.

And the special photo world is naturally gathered into a world group, what is left, the area of ​​fantasy and myth, of course the area of ​​myth and fantasy is the high martial arts area in the heavens.

As far as the entire heavens are concerned, the combat power is the strongest. They are average. There may be some top fighters in other places, but they are not as good as this area.

And since Wang Ming encountered this matter, he can't ignore it, because the Teshe World Group is the place where he made his fortune.

It is not too much to say that it is his hometown. Now that someone wants to steal the house, he is the first to refuse.

"What is the follow-up of the world that you are eyeing? Or what is the erosion process of Yongye?"

After Wang Ming pondered for a while, he also asked another important question. After all, he wanted to prevent Yong Ye from eroding.

You must at least know how their erosion works, right?Otherwise, if you want to resist, you will have no way to start, and you don't know what to do first, or what to do.

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