"It's the 13th time I have traversed, I hope this time I will come to a world that satisfies me, otherwise it will be really tortured."

Wang Ming sighed helplessly, and then clicked the World Traveling icon on the tablet. The next second, the familiar gray mist appeared in front of Wang Ming again, and Wang Ming got in without hesitation.

The breeze was blowing, the grass was low, and the fragrance of the grass immediately poured into Wang Ming's nostrils. What appeared in front of Wang Ming was a lush green prairie.

The scenery here is very good, but now Wang Ming has no time to care about the scenery, he immediately closed his eyes and began to feel the situation of this world.

He must immediately know what kind of world this is, how strong it is, and whether it is the world he wants.

"This, this is really the right place. Thank God, I finally came to a world that meets expectations."

After a while, Wang Ming opened his eyes and murmured to himself excitedly, because he had sensed a lot of interesting information just now.

Krypton, Darkseid, Wonder Woman, Steppenwolf...

All these signs indicate that Wang Ming has come to the legendary DC world, and just now Wang Ming specially felt whether there is a multiverse here.

Then Wang Ming felt that there are countless multiverses, and there is no doubt that this is the legendary DC universe.

This is a magical infinite multiverse that has bred all-powerful cosmic-level powerhouses just like the Marvel Universe
Even though it is only an infinite multiverse, it can be called a miracle that an almighty universe-level powerhouse can be bred.

Few of the universe's natives are stronger than the universe itself. As far as Wang Ming knows, the only such special universes are DC Universe and Marvel Universe.

Even in the Great Desolate World, which has all-powerful cosmic-level powerhouses, there is a stronger way to suppress Hongjun, and he will not be allowed to do whatever he wants in this world.

So the DC universe and the Marvel universe are really special existences. To use an image metaphor, it is like an ordinary egg hatching a dragon, which is simply a fantasy.

No matter in theory or in reality, it is impossible for such a thing to happen, so Wang Ming felt it was miraculous.

Just when Wang Ming was stunned, a line of fire suddenly crossed the sky, it was something like a shooting star.

But at this time, this thing was thrown straight at Wang Ming. That's right, it was such a coincidence. It wasn't a missile, but a pure heaven-falling thing.

To be precise, it should be a big pitch-black iron ball. Facing this sudden big guy, Wang Ming didn't have any intention of dodging.

He just put his hands in his pockets, looking at the big iron ball with great interest, and after a while, the big iron ball came to Wang Ming.

It seemed that it was about to hit him, and I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the original landing point of this big iron ball was where Wang Ming was standing, so this thing naturally slammed towards Wang Ming.

There was a dull impact sound, and Wang Ming caught the big iron ball firmly with one hand. He didn't pay attention to it before, and Wang Ming didn't realize it until then.

What kind of big iron ball is this? This is clearly the rescue capsule of an alien spacecraft, and Wang Ming looks familiar with this thing, as if he has seen it somewhere.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Ming brutally ripped off the shell of the rescue cabin.

Then he saw a baby sleeping peacefully in the rescue cabin. Seeing this, Wang Ming's expression suddenly became a little weird.

"This... seems to be Superman? The Superman who was sent to Earth as a baby."

Wang Ming was talking to himself thoughtfully, just when he was a little confused, a bold idea appeared in his mind.

"I seem to be able to adopt him and be Superman's father?"

Wang Ming suddenly came up with an interesting idea, and Superman's growth potential is extremely high, he seems to be able to play a wave of growth?

Directly bring up Superman, and then train him into Silver Superman, Gold Superman, with great thinking. Unlike other strong people, Superman's feelings and heart are relatively delicate.

The super-thinking is almost the overlord of the omnipotent universe, and his combat power is infinitely close to the omniscient and omnipotent Supreme God of the DC universe.

Although it is still a little bit worse, it is also very strong.

The Supreme God is also the strongest in the current DC world, the only almighty universe-level existence, which is the same as the OAA in the Marvel world.

In this case, after Wang Ming really cultivates Superman to the point of superhuman thinking, with Wang Ming's kindness in nurturing him, he will get the card almost instantly after binding the bond value.

Then this means that Wang Ming has a card that is infinitely close to the omnipotent universe level in disguise, and has an extra son who is infinitely close to the omnipotent universe level.

This is equivalent to a quasi-omnipotent universe-level son. This business is not a loss, it is a blood profit!

After thinking through the joints, Wang Ming also showed some anticipation and excitement on his face.

When the time comes, Wang Ming will directly bring his quasi-omnipotent universe-level son back to the Armor Universe, what kind of shit Eternal Night Messenger, come and die!
And basically only the DC universe can get this kind of route and opening. There is no way, Superman values ​​feelings, and it is impossible not to repay the kindness of nurturing.

And the potential is almost limitless. Such a good seed can only be found in the DC universe. In comparison, the more cruel and realistic Marvel universe would not have such a good thing, otherwise Wang Ming would have done this early.

"Since we are destined, I will adopt you."

Wang Ming looked at Superman who was sleeping soundly, and also showed a faint smile, and then Wang Ming carried Superman out of the rescue cabin.

And Wang Ming's actions seemed to have awakened the superman in the baby state. The little guy stared at the cute big eyes, looked at Wang Ming a little naively, and then showed a smile.

"Little guy is so good. I will be your father from now on. I have to give you a name. My name is Wang Ming. Then you should be called Wang Xiaoming. Yes, from now on you will be called Wang Xiaoming."

Wang Ming looked at Superman, no, he should be called Wang Xiaoming now, and said with a wicked smile.

As for whether Men Yashi would have an opinion, it had nothing to do with Wang Ming. After all, Men Yashi didn't know what Wang Xiaoming meant. After all, he couldn't break the Dimensional Wall, so he knew that this was his nickname.

So it shouldn't be considered an infringement, right?Well, if you don't know, it doesn't happen, and everyone is safe and sound.

Then Wang Ming took Wang Xiaoming and left this grassland. Compared with the restrained Huaxia, Wang Ming felt that it was more appropriate for Wang Xiaoming to live in the wild America.

After all, the country is too stable to make things happen, which is not conducive to Wang Ming's future plans, and the main plot of the DC world basically takes place in Europe and the United States.

It is not easy to participate in the plot if you return to China, so Wang Ming chose to settle in the United States, and then started his own secret operation.

In this way, a Chinese man lived in New York's Chinatown with a child with a European and American face.

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