Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 701 The Conquest of Heaven's Punishment

So Heaven's Punishment directly began to attack the Tianzhu Empire.

They crossed the national border and broke through one city after another, and their team gradually grew.

And the convenience of this era is here, even for civilians without any combat power.

As long as a copy of combat data is copied into their minds, they can learn the use of various weapons and equipment in an instant.

In other words, it takes less than a day to transform from a civilian to a soldier.

After getting familiar with it for half a day at most, you will be able to skillfully control the modified Gundam.

The conversion ratio between civilians and soldiers reached 100%.

Basically, every time Heaven's Punishment breaks through a city, millions of soldiers can be created.

Originally, tens of millions of Modified Gundams were stored in the Death Star, but it is not enough now.

Therefore, Heaven's Punishment temporarily stopped the march and began to repair on the spot.

The Gundam factory in the Death Star is running at full capacity, producing non-stop day and night.

This is where the horror of Heaven's Punishment lies. Every Magic Gundam that is manufactured has a semi-permanent energy source.

There is no need to worry about energy at all, and the abundant resources that can be seen everywhere can be used as materials for God's Punishment to make Magic Gundam.

So basically wherever it is hit and where it is built, this is a mobile giant production arsenal.

The fully automated manufacturing plant in the Death Star can produce 1 Magic Gundams a day.

Although this amount is already terrifying, it is not enough.

And Heaven's Punishment also realized that he should have a base camp and base.

So when they completely captured, after the capital of the Tianzhu Empire.

Heaven's Punishment established its headquarters directly in the capital of the Tianzhu Empire.

Fully automated arsenals began to spring up near the capital.

GN force fields guard these arsenals, and there are a large number of magic-modified Gundams guarding them.

Not even a hydrogen bomb can threaten the arsenal below.

Because even if it is a high-yield hydrogen bomb, if you want to hit the ground and explode it, it will instantly become scrap iron and destroy all electronic equipment.

But if it is a high-altitude explosion, with the strength of the GN force field, it can completely resist all energy shocks and radiation.

This has no way to affect the normal operation of the arsenal, as I said before.

It is impossible for these empires in Honghuang to resist the punishment of heaven before they get the technology of the solar furnace.

Can't even do the most basic offense, let alone passive defense.

At this time, the Heaven's Punishment has expanded to the point where there are hundreds of millions of Modified Gundams, and each Modified Gundam has a driver.

Even more than 100 Death Stars have been created, and each Death Star is the most terrifying weapon of war.

Then Heaven's Punishment, who had rested for half a year, started to attack again.

One after another, portals were established, leading to technological empires all over the Great Desolate Continent.

A unparalleled battle that could be recorded in the history of the entire Primordial Continent began.

Although the intensity of the battle was not comparable to any catastrophe, the scale and scope of the battle were not smaller than the previous catastrophe.

The entire prehistoric world was drawn into the abyss of war, and an endless war began.

It can be said that in the prehistoric continent at this time, there is no empire that has not broken out in war.

Just like the war of one of the legendary Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Heaven's Punishment brought war to the human world and to the whole world.

But things were developing rapidly as Wang Ming expected.

The number of the Heavenly Punishment Organization is expanding at a terrifying speed that makes people feel unrealistic.

In just two years, half of the Great Desolation was completely occupied by the Heavenly Punishment Organization.

All occupied places have been abolished with high technology such as weapons.

Only the minimum livelihood of the people is kept, and the remaining resources are used to make war factories.

This is also the main reason why Heaven's Punishment can expand brutally.

And under the pressure of Heaven's Punishment, the remaining unconquered empires in the Great Desolation finally couldn't sit still.

They finally panicked, so they formed an alliance and all the empires united.

They form an alliance, share technological power, and jointly resist the punishment of heaven, so they call themselves allies.

But Heaven's Punishment doesn't care if they resist or not, because the technological gap between the two sides is at least two centuries.

Even if there is a technological explosion, it is impossible for the Allied Powers.In just one or two years, something useful has been researched.

Therefore, the speed of God's Punishment's march still did not stop, and the Allies retreated steadily.

But all their resistance is in vain, this is all-out crushing war.

In this way, two years have passed, and now it is the Spring Festival after two years.

That's right, there is also a Spring Festival in Honghuang, but this Spring Festival is only established in the new era.

It was also on this day that Heaven's Punishment wiped out all the allies and completely unified the entire Primordial Continent.

Completed a great cause that many immortals and demons dared not even dream of, just relying on this mere human being.

And this moment is undoubtedly the most glorious time in the Dharma-ending era, because the achievement of unifying the prehistoric world has already been achieved.

But the purpose of Heaven's Punishment has never been to rule, not to overthrow all the empires and make him the emperor.

Only Xi and Wang Ming know the core secret of Heaven's Punishment.

What Heaven's Punishment wants is a new life, the new life after the Great Destruction, which is the so-called spiritual recovery.

Human beings will once again usher in the age of longevity. It is conceivable that if there is a choice.

No one wants to ascend mechanically, wouldn't the body be immortal?

This is what Xi hoped for, so none of the members of the Heaven's Punishment Organization thought of it.

Xi, as the supreme commander of the entire organization, is not one of the most powerful women on the Great Desolate Continent today.

But she had already planned the rebellion secretly, and she wanted to completely destroy the existing civilization.

Fulfill the long-cherished wish of yourself and your teacher, and bring the whole world back into a new era!
And she is the pioneer of the new era!
"Hey, are you ready? A new era is coming."

In the headquarters of the Heaven's Punishment Organization, Wang Ming looked at the slim beautiful girl in her early 20s and said.

Now Xi has been replaced with a bionic prosthesis, so it is impossible to tell from the outside that she is disabled.

"Teacher, I'm ready, or rather, I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

Xi looked at Wang Ming with fanaticism and implied affection. For Xi, Wang Ming was the only light in her life.

It used to be, and it is now, so she basically obeyed Wang Ming.

"If you're ready, then we can start."

Wang Ming also touched Xi's head habitually and said with a smile.

And if you zoom in on the camera at this time, you can find that they are located in the hibernation warehouse of the Heaven's Punishment headquarters.

At this time, tens of thousands of people have already slept in the hibernation warehouse, entering a deep hibernation state.

These are the core members of the Heaven's Punishment Organization, and they are also the hope for the future.

And there are still two positions in the hibernation cabin in the front row that are vacant.

Wang Ming and Xi are standing here, looking at this glorious and prosperous world that is about to end.

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