Comprehensive Manga: From the Armored Warriors to Blast Unlimited

Chapter 715 The time is ripe, pull the main god into the water

"Today, I am sanctified immediately, and my name is: Evil Saint!"

Wang Ming, who successfully broke through, also declared his existence to the entire prehistoric world.

Let all the creatures above Honghuang know that the seventh saint appeared in Honghuang, whose name is Evil Saint.

This is the declaration that every saint makes when he is sanctified.

Since then, Wang Ming has also become an eternal existence high above the prehistoric.

Heaven and earth are destroyed, saints are immortal, all kinds of reincarnation, saints are immortal.

No matter how the times change, how many reincarnations Honghuang has experienced has nothing to do with saints.

It really jumps out between heaven and earth, high above the nine heavens, overlooking all living beings, and the tide ebbs and flows.

At this time, Wang Ming also successfully enjoyed the attention of all living beings.

Seeing that the catastrophe had come to an end, Hongjun also withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.

No one knew what he was thinking, and no one dared to ask.

At this moment in the main god's space, Wang Ming's true self also stood up suddenly, because he knew that the time had come, and it was time to fool the main god.

As for the time difference between Honghuang and the two sides, this is the case for the two worlds, and the two sides have a huge time difference.

But for the two bodies that are already connected with each other, there is no time difference. This is the strongest connection across time and space.

The time of breakthrough was 15 years for Hong Huang, but for Wang Ming at the Lord God Space, it was really just a moment.

Because Wang Ming already possessed all kinds of rigid conditions for a breakthrough, he was only short of finishing.

That's why breaking through is as simple as eating and drinking.

But even if Wang Ming persuaded the main god now, and the main god rushed to Honghuang in a very short period of time.

It is estimated that hundreds, even thousands of years have passed by Honghuang.

But at this time, Wang Ming's Evil Ancestor avatar could be used to strengthen his cultivation.

After all, he has just broken through and has not yet reached his peak state, so he needs to consolidate.

At this time, Wang Ming has already contacted the main god, and the main god is usually not in the main god's space.

He is looking for more powerful worlds outside, and only with a specific communication device can he contact the main god.

"Is there a problem?"

The Lord God, who was contacted suddenly and urgently, asked a question curiously, and Wang Ming replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"My lord, I discovered an extremely powerful world, even stronger than the world we were in before."

"But it's still a bit worse than the entire main god space. I don't know if my lord is interested in going to that world. I've got the coordinates."

Wang Ming's tone was calm, as if he was talking about an irrelevant matter.

He had to pretend to mention this unintentionally, otherwise it would arouse the suspicion of the main god if he was too deliberate.

After the Lord God heard Wang Ming's words, his eyes lit up immediately, obviously he was also very interested in the powerful world that Wang Ming said.

"Let's hear it, what is the strength of that world?"

After Wang Ming heard this, he knew that the fish had already bit the hook, and the next step was to slowly release the bait.

So he also reported Honghuang's situation truthfully. After all, the main god would not just listen to his words and let the entire main god space aggressively attack Honghuang.

He himself will definitely lurk into the wilderness to investigate first, and he will choose to act only after the investigation is completed.

The Lord God is not some reckless man, he can survive for such a long time, naturally he has his own rules of survival.

"This world is called Great Desolation, and its strength is a bit weaker than ours. There is one of them who is extremely strong, and his cultivation level is comparable to that of an adult."

"Seven of them are at my level, and there are more strong players in the next level, so we don't have an advantage in terms of mid- and low-end combat power."

"But it's just data on paper. In a real fight, I should be able to deal with three of them by myself."

"There will be a surplus of top powerhouses left to deal with those mid-range powerhouses, so according to my calculations."

"If our main god space wants to attack the prehistoric world, the winning rate is about [-] to [-] percent."

"However, for the specific situation, you have to investigate it yourself before making a decision."

Wang Ming briefly explained Honghuang's combat power, and all the real data he said were not bluffing.

Because he knew that he couldn't deceive the Lord God, and if he wanted to fool the Lord God and deceive the Lord God, he would have to say seven points of truth and three points of falsehood, or even eight points of truth and two points of falsehood.

After listening to Wang Ming's analysis, the Lord God nodded in agreement.

If the combat power in that world is really distributed like this, maybe they can really do it.

If this wave is successful, the main god space will usher in an unprecedented huge expansion.

The strength has more than doubled, and it is indeed possible to give it a try.

Moreover, the main god felt that Wang Ming was being modest, because in the eyes of the main god, Wang Ming was half his own combat power.

Not to mention playing three infinite multi-levels, it is more than enough to fight five main gods.

In fact, looking at it this way, the main god space has already crushed the prehistoric world with its top combat power.

So if what Wang Ming said is true, the Lord God will really think about it seriously, and will take action with a high probability.

"Very good, your information is very valuable, give me the coordinates of that world, and I will go and investigate carefully to see if there are any hidden powerhouses."

Apparently the Lord God was moved, and he directly asked Wang Ming for the coordinates.

And what he said was very euphemistic, saying that he was going to detect the hidden strong man, but he was actually verifying the truth of Wang Ming's words.

But he was embarrassed to say it directly, which would hurt his feelings, so he made up another reason.

In fact, the main god still attaches great importance to Wang Ming, a heavyweight subordinate.

If it were someone else, the Lord God wouldn't bother to care what they were thinking or what other thoughts they had.

As far as Wang Ming is concerned, he needs to coerce and lure, and even maintain his relationship.

After all, a strong man of Wang Ming's level is quite rare even in the entire heavens.

Not to mention that this kind of strong man is willing to work for him and become his subordinate. The positions of both parties are as if Liu Bei got Zhuge Liang.

But the Lord God didn't know that what he got was not Zhuge Liang, but Sima Yi.

In terms of ability, they are similar, but it is not clear whether they are loyal or not.

"Okay sir, these are the coordinates of that world, be careful when you sneak in."

"The powerhouses in that world are not kidding. I was almost discovered when I peeped before."

Wang Ming also happily transmitted the coordinates to the main god, and also reminded him with great concern that if you are acting, you have to perform a full set.

"Very good, if you win that world this time, I will count it as your first achievement, and the benefits will be indispensable to you."

After the main god got the coordinates, he also praised Wang Ming very happily.

He even secretly admired his original decision in his heart, allowing him to accept such a good subordinate.

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