After hearing Wang Ming's question, although the Emperor of Eternal Night hesitated, he still spoke honestly.

"Returning to my lord, the Holy Son is the Holy Son, and there is only one such existence in Eternal Night. Apart from this, there is no other special identity in Eternal Night."

"Holy Son is the future successor selected by Yong Ye, or the future manager. His strength is very strong, he has reached the pinnacle of the ancestor level, and he is currently the strongest Yong Ye apostle."

The Emperor of Eternal Night roughly introduced the existence of the Holy Son, but after Wang Ming thought for a while, he digested the information and continued to ask.

"Then what do you think he and I look alike?"

"I really don't know about this, but the Holy Son and you are really very similar, and you can even be consistent at the cellular level in appearance, which I don't understand."

As the Emperor of Eternal Night spoke, he also showed a very troubled and puzzled expression, as if he really didn't understand the difference between the two.

Wang Ming also fell into deep thought when he heard the words, as if he didn't know what the truth was.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a reason, so he changed the subject and asked again.

"Then what kind of means, or skills, does your holy son have?"

"I'm not very clear about this, because the Holy Son rarely makes a move, but I know that he has a very strange ancient bronze book."

"All powerful enemies defeated by him will be sucked into the book, and he can use that ancient bronze book to use the abilities of all the powerful people he defeated."

"That's why his combat power is extremely strong, and his methods are so numerous that it is impossible to defend against. It is impossible for a strong player of the same level to be his opponent."

The Emperor of Eternal Night thought for a while, and really couldn't think of anything to say, so he could only pick the one that impressed him the most.

After Wang Ming heard this, he also fell into deep thought. The bronze ancient book can also absorb the defeated people and use the power of these people.

Why is this setting so familiar?
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Wang Ming's mind, and he looked at his waist and realized something.

Meow, isn't this just a variant version of the ultra-dimensional Decade driver? !

That's right, Wang Ming immediately thought of the super-dimensional Decade driver, and he can also use other people's power.

In this way, the working principles of the two parties seem to be similar?

It's just that Wang Ming's ultra-dimensional Decade driver is a bit tricky, and he can gain the opponent's power through the indirect method of brushing bond points.

And the other party will not have any losses, which can be regarded as a relatively peaceful method.

And the ancient bronze book that the Emperor of Eternal Night mentioned was pure violence.

Disable the opponent, let the ancient bronze book swallow it, and then use the power of these once strong people with the help of the ancient bronze book.

This is absolute violent suppression, and it is also the cruelest method of use.

In terms of convenience, it is definitely not as good as the super-dimensional Decade drive. After all, Wang Ming can use it to defeat the strong with the weak, and make a comeback with the bond value.

The Bronze Ancient Book had to cripple the opponent, and there was no way to deal with someone who couldn't be beaten.

But in fact, this kind of small disadvantage is nothing to the Son of Yongye.

Because he is an immortal body, even if he is an order of magnitude weaker than the opponent, he can slowly exhaust the opponent.

Then use the ancient bronze book to devour it, just like this cycle step by step, and finally become extremely powerful.

The two paths seem to be diametrically opposed, but the final result orientation is actually not bad, and the effect shown is similar.

"Interesting, doesn't this sound like another me?"

Wang Ming stroked his chin thoughtfully, and things became more and more confusing. Is this a coincidence, or something deliberate?

Wang Ming also fell into confusion for a while, originally he thought that when things developed, it would be over if he defeated Yong Ye.

But now it seems that all this has just begun, and Wang Ming even began to doubt his own life experience for a while.

But after thinking for a long time, Wang Ming didn't think of a suitable explanation. He could only say that he wanted to know the truth of these things.

It was only after Wang Ming met the so-called Son of Eternal Night that the two sides communicated with each other again. Now there is no answer.

And judging from the reactions of these people, Yong Ye probably didn't know there was such a person as Wang Ming.

So when the time comes, if Wang Ming and Shengzi Yongye meet, the two parties may indeed chat a little more.

After figuring out this joint, Wang Ming no longer struggled. After all, if he could not get new information, it was useless for him to struggle all the time.

Then Wang Ming asked about a more important matter besides this.

"How is your Yong Ye's current strength? How many strong people are there from high-end combat power to low-end combat power?"

That's right, apart from his own identity, Wang Ming is more concerned about Yongye's overall strength, because it means whether he can beat it.

If he can't beat it, Wang Ming will have to continue shaking people, like DC and Marvel.

Or go to some more powerful worlds to find allies, after all, he hasn't explored carefully, those worlds that belong to fantasy and high martial arts.

The worlds Wang Ming is more interested in include the Great World of Devouring, the World of the Great Master, and the World of the Galaxy Emperor.

If it is really discovered that Yongye's strength far exceeds their current strength, then Wang Ming must go to these worlds to shake people, otherwise, he really can't beat them.

"I'm quite clear about this. Yongye has a jingle, the Eighth Patriarch, the 108 Emperors, and the Three Thousand Emperors."

"One Saint naturally refers to the Lord Son, he is the strongest among the Apostles of Eternal Night, and the Eight Patriarchs are eight ancestor-level powerhouses who are at the same level as you."

"The 108 emperors refer to us, beings like me, there are 108 in Eternal Night."

"Three thousand emperors are existences that are one level weaker than ours. The imaginary number is 3000. In fact, it should look like five or six thousand."

"As for the combat power below the emperor level, to be honest, it is impossible to count the small ones, because there are too many. Only Yong Ye himself knows how many there are."

The Emperor of Eternal Night was very honest, and he fully revealed the overall strength of Eternal Night.

After Wang Ming heard his words, although his face remained unchanged on the surface, his heart was already full of turmoil.

Although he knew that Yong Ye's strength might be far beyond his imagination, he never expected it to be so outrageous.

There are nine all-around cosmic-level powerhouses, one of them is the peak of the all-around cosmic level, and the other is the one who can fight several almighty cosmic level.

There are 108 infinite multi-level, five or six thousand multi-level powerhouses, and those below the multi-level are even uncountable. It can be said that it is impossible to count, at least it has to break [-] billion.

Not to mention Yong Ye's high-end combat power is scary, but their low-end combat power is even more exaggerated.

No wonder they are confident that they want to single out the entire heavens and worlds.

If all the worlds of the heavens and myriad worlds unite, there will be a fighting chance.

But now the heavens and myriad worlds are like a mess, everyone lives in their own world, playing their own games, and Yong Ye wants to invade, it is simply too easy.

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