And after the system master finished saying this, the gears on his body began to rotate crazily, as if something had been activated.

Then its body began to blur like this, and finally disappeared directly.


Seeing this, the Ancestor of War and Slaughter hummed with some doubts, while the Lord of Devourer and Wither curled his lips in displeasure and said.

"This guy's body didn't come at all. What came just now was a projection, but even I was tricked by him. Now we can be regarded as alarming the snake."

"What a cunning guy, but it's okay, as long as he continues to kill his chess pieces, he will not be able to stand it sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

The ancestor of war and slaughter also realized what was going on, but he said something indifferently.

Anyway, he is an all-around cosmic-level powerhouse. Even if he is not good at fighting, he must have his own specialties in other aspects.

And the system master is obviously extremely cautious when it comes to escaping, or in terms of behavior.

Anyway, fighting is not good, there is always one side who can do it, too mediocre existence, there is no way to train to this level.

But the guy who is the master of the system is a monk who can run away but can't run away from the temple. He will show up again sooner or later.

Unless he is willing to abandon all his pawns and become a loner, then Yongye can't force him out.

And Wang Ming was relieved to see this, but fortunately, the guy who is the master of the system has strange methods, otherwise, he would have to wipe these guys' ass again.

And this time, if Wang Ming dared to come, he would have to face the two ancestors of Eternal Night at the same time. Even if his strength had improved a lot now, he was not sure.

Soon, the space confinement in this area was lifted, and the two Ancestors of Eternal Night, Wang Ming and the others all returned to the dark void.

The world has become silent again. To be precise, the world was still full of vitality before.

But the two Ancestors of Eternal Night ran over and released their momentum, killing all the creatures in it.

They didn't do it on purpose, they just caused this kind of damage unintentionally, just like the unintentional breath of a giant dragon, which can confirm the ants.

A world that is too low can't bear the presence of this level, because they don't need to do anything.

Just standing there can cause the whole world to go to destruction. This is the terrifying aspect of the Almighty Universe.

It is also the horror of these almighty cosmic level powerhouses who belong to the evil way.

Originally developed according to the normal trajectory, this world will barely give birth to creatures again after a few years.

But now the void of this world suddenly twisted, and a huge collection of gears just jumped out of the void.

"A group of brainless idiots still want to catch me like this, but they really have to keep a low profile recently, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of losses."

The master of the system looked at this lifeless world, and said something to himself proudly.

That's right, he didn't run away at all just now. To be precise, the master of the system really didn't have any avatars or projections that could fool the two of them.

An all-around cosmic powerhouse who is a small realm higher than himself, so the ancestors of war and slaughter and the ancestors of devouring and withering did not see it.

In their eyes, the master of the system's avatar technique is indeed very subtle, and they didn't think about it that much.

Because they didn't anticipate the audacious behavior of the system master.

To be honest, the main reason for the success of the master of the system's plan to hide from the sky is that he is really courageous.

Hitting the two ancestors of Eternal Night in a blind spot of thinking and logic, everyone, even Wang Ming, thought it subconsciously.

The master of the system really ran away, the ghost knew he was hiding where he was, pretending to run away.

How much self-confidence and courage is required to dare to do such a thing.

It can be said that the master of this system is indeed a very cunning existence, and it is completely opposite to the main god.

The main god is extremely domineering and wants to occupy everything, while the system master is extremely cunning.

Even if he has thoughts about other worlds, it won't reveal itself.

Instead, use the hands of those system hosts to indirectly control those worlds.

This is also the reason why the master of the system has been able to prosper for a long time. There is no other reason, and the main thing is a dog.

After the system master appeared, he just taunted, and instantly broke through the void and left the world.

Moreover, the master of the system has roughly understood that someone wants to force him to show up by killing the master of the system.

So it is impossible for him to show up because of the mass death of system hosts.

After all, he has already seen today that part of the opponent's power is a terrorist force that he cannot resist.

Even if all the system hosts are dead, the system master will never show up again.

After all, the opponent's two strong men are both a little higher than him, so he should fight with the head?
Even if it breaks through, it can't be beaten, it's still like what the ancestor who devoured the withering said.

They have already startled the snake, and the next thing they can do is to try their luck and try their best to surround and kill these system hosts.

See if you can force the system master out again, if not.

Then they have no choice but to choose another target. They can't hang on the tree of the master of the system all the time.

The heavens and worlds are huge, and there are more new worlds waiting for them. If they can't take shortcuts, they can only open up wasteland honestly.

However, there is a saying that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and waits until the next second after the system master leaves.

Wang Ming's true self suddenly broke through the space and appeared in this world, and the reason why he appeared.

It was purely because Wang Ming's Evil Ancestor clone set up a monitor before leaving.

The system lord's self-talk was all seen by the evil lord's avatar.

Logically speaking, the owner of the system should be able to spot this crude monitor immediately.

But the master of the system, who had just escaped a catastrophe, was somewhat careless, and his emotions were in a state of high.

So I didn't notice this small detail, or subconsciously ignored it.

After all, after he appeared, he stayed for less than a second and then left. Even if the two ancestors of Eternal Night left and returned, they would not be able to catch up with the system master again.

Because they didn't have the means to track them down, but Wang Ming's Evil Ancestor clone recorded the trajectory and direction of the system master's jump.

So after Wang Ming's main body appeared, he chased in the direction he thought without any hesitation.

As for the reason why he is looking for the system master is very simple, although this guy is notorious and very unpopular.

But Wang Ming's Alliance of All Heavens is now recruiting talented people, regardless of whether it is a black cat or a white cat, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

So Wang Ming wants this guy to join the Alliance of All Heavens, and by the way, ask him about all kinds of information he knows.

This can point out the direction for Wang Ming's next action.

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