But if the benefits are sufficient, it can indeed significantly improve the alliance's high-end combat power, and it's not that Wang Ming can't consider taking a risk.

So after thinking for a while, Wang Ming asked the system master seriously.

"Let me make it clear that this plan is very risky, so if you can't come up with enough reasons to convince me."

"Even if you don't join the alliance, we won't help you take this risk."

After seeing Wang Ming's serious appearance, the master of the system also said very confidently.

"Don't worry, I can't forget the pawns I want to save, it is definitely of high quality."

"According to the information you gave me and the division of power, the chess pieces I laid out have more than 1600 pieces in the multi-level and 98 in the infinite multi-level."

"Hiss... You guy, how many years have you been in business?"

After Wang Ming heard the other party's words, he took a deep breath.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the master of the system rescues his chess pieces.

The mid-to-high-end power of the entire alliance will be replenished in an instant, reaching the same level as Yong Ye, or even stronger.

Since then, the last short board of the alliance has also been blocked.

In the future, Wang Ming's side will be no matter whether it is a mid-to-high-end force, or the top all-around cosmic level combat force.

On the bright side, it can be said that there is almost no difference between Yong Ye's combat power, and the rest can only be accumulated slowly over time.

Wang Ming thought about it again, and felt that it seemed to be the same reason.

This reason is very simple, if it is based on the settings of the system master.

All the worlds in the heavens and myriad worlds, as long as the protagonist with the system is actually his pawn.

Even the master of the system is very chicken thief, giving some talents are very strong, and the strength is very strong.

In fact, Destiny's Son, who didn't need the system at all, forcibly installed a system plug-in.

Originally, these children of destiny could become the strongest in the world with or without a system.

And now being forcibly put on a system by the master of the system is tantamount to being forcibly put on the shackles of control.

No matter how it is calculated, the master of the system is not at a loss. After all, in so many novels and literary works, many protagonists have a system.

It is conceivable how huge the hidden power of the system master is, from this perspective.

Wang Ming suddenly felt that it was not surprising that the master of the system could have so many high-quality chess pieces.

After all, he is a chess piece that is robbed and cheated, or even fooled.

"Even I can't remember exactly how many years. In short, it is many years. You can also use countless years to describe it."

The master of the system also replied very calmly. In fact, he was a little proud of himself. After all, there are not many existences like him for so many years.

"Very good, you have proved your worth. Since that's the case, I'll help you with this. Let's go. I'll take you back to the headquarters of the alliance. Let's shake people."

Wang Ming didn't think too much about it, so he just nodded and agreed. The system master also showed some joy in his tone when he heard the words.

"Okay, I like a happy partner like you!"

Then Wang Ming took the system master directly, and returned to the space where the main god was still wandering.

At this time, the core of the main god space has become the bright world, not the original main god hall.

Because the Ming Realm at this moment connects several powerful worlds, it is a very important transportation hub.

Moreover, several omnipotent cosmic-level powerhouses are stationed here all year round. Even if the Yongye army invades, they may not be able to occupy the Ming Realm immediately.

After returning to the Ming Realm, Wang Ming immediately started shaking people. He directly called Hongjun, Luo Feng, Dongbo Xueying, Yuan, and Shi Hao over.

Counting Wang Ming himself at this time, there are a total of 7 all-around cosmic level powerhouses on the scene.

Wang Ming hasn't called in foreign aid yet. The two foreign aids of DC and Marvel can indeed be called in when necessary.

If those two are called over, there will be exactly nine, and they can completely form a confrontation with Yongye's nine all-powerful universe-level powerhouses.

The most important thing is that Wang Ming still has a main god sealed, so it seems possible to throw him out to ward off disasters at critical moments.

However, unless it was absolutely necessary, Wang Ming would not do this, because if he did so.

It is likely to cause the main god to be assimilated by Yong Ye, sending Yong Ye an all-powerful cosmic level combat power in vain.

And the current main god has not been sealed for many years, and his arrogant and domineering character has not been tempered during this period of time.

So releasing it and persuading him to join the group is temporarily impossible.

That is to say, Wang Ming exhausted all his contacts and could barely gather nine all-around universe-level powerhouses.

But it doesn't stop there. After all, Ye Fan and Chu Feng in their own camp are destined to become almighty universe-level existences in the future.

After a while, Wang Ming's top combat power will increase again. When it comes to the top combat power, it will be Wang Ming and the others who will suppress Yong Ye.

To be on the safe side, Wang Ming also started shaking people from the air. That's right, he notified Supreme God and OAA directly.

The Supreme God came happily. After receiving the news of the mission and the cause and effect, he broke through the boundary and came after 2 minutes without saying a word.

But OAA dawdled for a long time before breaking the boundary reluctantly.

However, when OAA saw so many strong players and such a huge lineup, in addition to being amazed, it also had a lot of confidence.

Because according to the information Wang Ming gave to OAA, there are only nine strong men of the same level on Yongye's side.

They are at least on par with each other in terms of numbers, not to mention that they can 100% defeat an ancestor of Eternal Night.

But being able to hold one is already their greatest contribution.

Now Luo Feng and the three of them, under the guidance of Wang Ming, have successfully attributed the mighty power to themselves.

Being able to truly display the level that an all-around cosmic level powerhouse should have.

That is to say, if Yuan meets the ancestor of war and slaughter again, not to mention defeating the opponent head-on, at least he can hold the opponent for a long time.

Therefore, none of the almighty cosmic-level powerhouses present is imaginary, and they are all real, overlords with absolute strength!
In fact, Wang Ming was a little excited at this time, after all, this was their first time fighting Yong Ye head-on.

And it's exciting to think about head-to-head with hard power.

"Okay everyone, I won't talk nonsense anymore, the information has been passed on to you, act according to my plan."

"The system master and I are the first to show up. You hide in the dark and stay still. If the other party does not show up for reinforcements, you don't come out either. We can't fully expose our strength."

Wang Ming arranged his tactics very seriously, and he didn't even think about letting the nine of them show up directly.

That kind of words is probably a bit silly, and Yong Ye didn't figure out their reality, so they exposed themselves first.

If his strength is exposed, Yong Ye will become more cautious, and it will be more difficult for Wang Ming to do things in the future.

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