On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 114 Xia is inside the door, Mute is outside the door

Chapter 114 Qianxia Is Inside the Door, Mute Is Outside The Door

Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly: "It was agreed in advance that you are not allowed to mess around at night. Moreover, in the double suite of the hotel, each bed can sleep up to two people, that is to say, you can only share with Qianxia tonight. I alone."

"Of course, of course." Qianye agreed with all his heart, anyway, there is one night, and there are plenty of opportunities to put this little girl to sleep.

at the same time.

Kakashi, who is cooking, ushered in three special guests: Naruto, Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura.

"Fujiwara Chiya? What do you ask him for?" Kakashi added three new sets of bowls and chopsticks, and looked at the three of them in astonishment.

Tonight's main course is rice with salt-grilled saury and eggplant in miso sauce.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious." Sakura glanced at Sasuke without any trace, and laughed with lingering fear.

Because she praised Itachi Uchiha rashly before, she was disgusted by Sasuke, so she dare not stand in line easily at this moment.

Naruto, on the other hand, picked up the rice with relish. Foods such as saury and miso eggplant are usually rare for him.

Sasuke ignored Naruto, who turned into a foodie, and Sakura, the licking dog.

He straight to the point and said to Kakashi: "Yuhi Hong said, Fujiwara Chiya's Jonin exam was in charge of you, and Uchiha Itachi was in Anbu period, and you were his captain.

I wonder how strong they are.I want to know how big the gap is between me and them. "

"Is that so?" Kakashi suddenly realized, the expression under the mask was still so lazy, "Although I don't know why Hong told you this, but I can tell you with certainty that the two of them are probably stronger than me."

"How is it possible, Kakashi-sensei, you are a famous copy ninja, even if you don't kill that ghost, you will lose to you. No matter how powerful the two of them are, it's impossible." Sakura exclaimed.

"It's not impossible."

However, before she finished speaking, Kakashi's voice echoed in the ears of the three in Class Seven.

"Remember what I said in the land of waves, there are many ninjas who are younger than you but stronger than me in this ninja world? The two of them are one of them."

"And this was four or five years before they defected. To be honest, I don't know how strong they are now."

Speaking of this, Kakashi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Presumably in the mission of the land of waves, you are all very curious about that boy named Shiro, who was clearly hit by my Rachel, but he didn't die, right? It happened at that time , everyone suddenly fell into a coma again."

Sasuke's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice in horror, "Could it be?"

Kakashi nodded, and said seriously: "That's right, it's an illusion. The 'Shiro' I killed was pretended to be a shadow clone by Fujiwara Chiya after performing the illusion. Shiro was rescued by him. Afterwards, he With the shadow clone alone, he killed all of Kado's subordinates almost instantly."

When Kakashi mentioned Shiro, Naruto stopped eating, lowered his head halfway, his eyes were covered by shadows, and said in a low voice: "In other words, Shiro was saved by Qianye Nissan, right? Miss Casey."

Kakashi said solemnly: "That's roughly the case. The reason why I told you this is not to hurt your self-confidence, but to let you know the danger of these two people. If you meet, don't Conflict with them, run as far as you can. Otherwise... you will die."

"No Kakashi-sensei, I don't think so. I have always believed that Qianye Nisan is a good person. And sooner or later, I will bring him back to the village." Naruto raised his head suddenly, hammering his right fist on his chest, Shen Sheng said: "Do what you say, this is my way of tolerance."

"You bastard." Kakashi was speechless for a while, he just said so much about his feelings, and he was playing the piano to the cow.

"Then, let's eat first." Kakashi picked up the bowls and chopsticks and looked at the dining table, his complexion suddenly darkened. My good guy, there was not a single bite of the two dishes left, and this kid ate them all.

"Naruto, you are so rude, how can you eat all the food, at least you have to save some for Sasuke." Seeing this, Sakura angrily punched Naruto on the forehead.

But Sasuke secretly clenched his fists, began to doubt his life, and cursed in his heart, "Damn it. Even that bastard Qianye has surpassed Kakashi at my age. What have I been doing all these years?"

On the other side, Qianye had already arrived at Tsunade's double room.

Tsunade had a single bed, and Qianye and Qianxia shared a bed with their father and daughter.

It's early summer, the night is quiet at the beginning of the night, and people are already asleep.

In the tranquility and peace, outside the window, there are the sounds of insects chirping, and indistinctly, you can hear the crowing of frogs from the rice fields in the distance.

Tsunade turned his back to Qianye, his cheeks were flushed, and he dared not fall asleep for a long time, as if he was afraid of Qianye's sudden attack, and he was anxious and looking forward to it.

In this way, until one o'clock in the morning, Qianye remained silent.

This made Tsunade start to feel drowsy, and he couldn't help cursing inwardly, damn it, this bastard has become honest.

But Qianye had already coaxed her daughter to sleep after several setbacks.

The reason why he didn't do it for a long time was because of the system prompt sounded in his mind earlier.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the system option. 】

[1. For three consecutive days, punish him in front of Qianxia, ​​and reward Xiandou*10]

[2. For three consecutive days, Mute is outside the door, inside Qianxia Gate, Xiandou*20. 】

【3. Doing nothing is worse than a beast.Reward Viagra *999999]

At this time, in the room next to Jing Yin's, Qianye's shadow clone was ready.

The moment the shadow clone knocked on the door of the silent room, when Tsunade was drowsy, Qianye got off the bed, and very carefully arranged a breath barrier around Qianxia that could isolate the sound.

Qianye carefully moved towards Tsunade's bed.

"Who is it?" Sensing someone approaching from behind, the ninja's instinct made Tsunade react.

But before she got up, Qianye had already appeared on the bed, covered her mouth with his hands, and made a shush gesture, and said in a low voice: "Tsunade is me."

At this time Tsunade was lying flat, glanced sideways at Qianxia who was sleeping soundly, nodded slightly, and after Qianye let go, he whispered: "Don't mess around, Qianxia is still sleeping."

"Don't worry, I've already installed breath barriers around Qianxia that can isolate the sound, so she won't be able to hear what we're doing." Qianye smiled wickedly and kissed her.

Chapter [-], Tsunade!

A thousand words are omitted here, ask for a monthly pass, if the monthly pass is full, I will do the extra.

ps: The third update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

There are two more, wait around twelve o'clock

Thanks to [book friend ***0376] [book friend ***22466] for the reward of 500 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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