Chapter 141
"This guy." Looking at the place where Qianye disappeared, Xi Hihong was speechless for a while.

Although she knew that Qianye would not attack Konoha's people, she did not expect to make such a big commotion.

Immediately after the enchantment completely disappeared, he hurried in with a group of medical ninjas.

Once Qianye left, everyone including Hiruzaru Sarutobi breathed a sigh of relief.

And those ninjas seemed to have been drained of all their strength, they were so frightened that their buttocks collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

Only Naruto stood where he was, with loneliness and sadness in his eyes.

At this moment, he had never hated his own weakness so much.

He was thinking, if he became strong enough, would Big Brother Qianye not leave?

Kakashi held his injured right arm and looked at Naruto, sighing and feeling sad in his heart, "I'm afraid what happened today will hit Naruto very hard."

"I'm saved." Kankuro gasped and said in a trembling voice.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave here first." Temari nodded, and the two helped Gaara to leave.

And at this moment, Yuhihong rushed over with many medical ninjas.

"Hokage-sama." Kurenu Yuhi walked up to Hiruzaru Sarutobi and saluted.

"Hong, thanks to you this time, you are the one who protected all of us." Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Kuroyuki with inexplicably complicated eyes.

Who would have thought that today he, the "strongest Hokage of all ages", was not only humiliated by a traitor in front of Konoha and other ninjas, but now he actually needs a woman to save his life.

"Master Hokage, you are too serious. I blame my disciples for being incompetent and not leading Qianye to the right path. This caused the current situation." Yuhihong took the initiative to take the responsibility on herself.

Hearing this, Hiruza Sarutobi knew that it was time for him to show the generosity of his 'the strongest Hokage in history', and sighed: "All this has nothing to do with you, it's my dereliction of duty as a Hokage. Well, hurry up and go Treat the wounded."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kurenai Yuhi replied respectfully, and led all the medical ninjas to put the seriously injured people such as Maitekai and Moonlight Hayate on stretchers.

"I just checked. Kai and Hayate were not fatally injured, and their lives were saved." Kureni Yuhi walked in front of Kakashi, "How do you feel?"

Kakashi sighed softly, "Well, it's okay, but it seems that the right wrist is dislocated. The bones are probably cracked."

"But having said that, your disciple is really powerful. Whether it's illusion, ninjutsu, or physical arts, almost all of them are outrageously strong. I have never seen such a powerful guy. Fortunately, you showed up in time. "

Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes and glanced around, and said solemnly: "If not, I'm afraid the situation will really develop in an unpredictable direction."

Kurenai Yuhi nodded slightly, connected Kakashi's hand bone, and bandaged it briefly, "I have already connected your hand, and you will go to the hospital to recuperate for a while later, I think it should be fine."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Haruno Sakura at the side looked at Kurenai Yuhi's disappearing figure, glanced at Naruto with complicated eyes, and asked with some doubts: "Mr. Kakashi, why did that Fujiwara Chiya just leave when he saw Mr. Hong?" What? Could it be that Teacher Hong is stronger than him? Is he afraid?"

Hearing this, other people around also moved their ears.

"No, it's not." Kakashi shook his head and sighed, "It's just because Fujiwara Chiya was her disciple."

On the other side, Qianye walked out of the Konoha gate grandly, and came to the rendezvous with Dai Xiaozi and Ye Cang. The ghost shark who had been waiting outside Muye Village for a long time was already waiting here.

"Lord Qianye, are you alright?" Ye Cang greeted him as soon as he arrived.

"It's okay, let's play with those Konoha ninjas for a while." Qianye shook his head.

Kisame came over, with a complimenting smile on his face, "As expected of Mr. Qianye, he was able to come and go so freely in the face of the siege of Konoha, the 'No. [-] Village in the Ninja World'."

"It's just the number one village in the ninja world. Now the talents played by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo are withered. To be honest, there are really not many ninjas who can handle it now." Qianye Shrugged slightly.

"How are those Konoha ninjas?" Uchiha Itachi hesitated for a while and asked aloud.

"It's really an accident!" Qianye looked at Itachi Uchiha pretending to be surprised, and a playful smile appeared on his face, "Even you, who are merciless to your parents and able to hurt the killer, would actually care A ninja from the same village."

"But don't worry, I have no enmity with those people, so I didn't kill them."

"Mitekai was worried that he would use that dangerous physical technique, so I stabbed him in the waist and made him lose consciousness."

"The escape technique ninja Moonlight Hayate wanted to attack secretly, but I stabbed him in the back."

"Kakashi hid behind his back and kept using Sharingan to observe me. He used Rachel's ability to dig out my heart from the back, but I broke his wrist."

"As for Sarutobi's crippled son, to be honest, he's really weak. I wonder if his elite Jōnin title was forcibly given to him by his old Hokage."

"I just cast a little illusion, and knocked him down. Then I turned him into me and put him in front of Morino Ibiki. Is it worthy of being the leader of the Konoha Torture Troop? In order to torture, I actually psychic out A strange torture chamber."

"Asma Sarutobi was tortured inside for a long time by him, tsk tsk, it's really miserable."

Hearing this, the dutiful son let out a sigh of relief, and explained: "That's Morino Ibiki's psychic technique, the torture room."

"It can summon several iron chains to bind the enemy, and pull the enemy into the torture room in a different dimension. The torture room is full of various instruments of torture."

"The caster uses ninja to torture the enemy, but at the same time, the caster will suffer the same pain from the enemy."

Qianye pretended to be stunned, "No wonder the old boy passed out after the psychic spell was lifted."

"Mr. Qianye, I have already placed the body of Urenin. I believe that Konoha's ninjas will find it in a short time. Don't worry about exposing our organization's base. But what should we do next?" Kisame hesitated asked.

Qianye said: "The Konoha collapse plan will be carried out on the day of the official Chunin exam. The next thing you and Dai Xiaozi have to do is to find a hot spring town."

"Uh" Kisame was puzzled, "Mr. Qianye, can you tell me why you went to the hot spring town?"

"Of course I'm waiting. There's still a month left until the official Chunin competition starts. Maybe you still want to sit here." Qianye rolled his eyes at him.

ps: First update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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