On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 159 The Morbid Master-Apprentice Relationship in Naruto World

Chapter 159 The Morbid Master-Apprentice Relationship in Naruto World
"Spring medicine." Qianye spit out two words lightly.

After the words fell, the hairs of Kakashi and the four of them instantly turned back, and they shivered suddenly, and the carnival of four sixty-seventy-year-old guys, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitomon En, Shimura Danzo, and Zanzu Koharu, appeared in their minds. picture.

With a bang, it was as if several volcanoes erupted in my mind at the same time, and my brain went blank for an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi, Maitkai, and Moonlight Hayate quickly crawled to the corner and vomited on the spot.

As the leader of the Konoha torture troop, Morinoi Bixi was a little stronger to bear, and felt his scalp tingling. He looked at Qianye again, as if he was looking at a devil, and tremblingly said: "Fujiwara Qianye...you What a vicious heart... Ah you."

"It's a great honor to be recognized by you, the leader of the Konoha torture team." Qianye smiled, not ashamed, but proud of it.

After a long while, Kakashi almost vomited, put on the mask again, and asked the doubts in his heart, "After all, he was framed. This alone, at most, would embarrass Hokage-sama, and it shouldn't be enough to force him to step down from the position of Hokage. Bar."

"Of course, because the patriarchs of many families in Konoha saw something that shocked them and made them terrified." The smile on Qianye's face was restrained, and he didn't make any more excuses. He casually took out a photo with extremely hot eyes , in the way of flying cards, and threw it towards Kakashi.

Kakashi took a look, and instantly broke out in a cold sweat, "This is"

"How does it feel? Does it feel creepy and terrifying to think about? You said that if Er Zhuzi saw this, what would happen to him?" Qianye asked with a smile.

"Kakashi, what did he show you?" Maitekai walked to Kakashi's side.

Moonlight Hayate and Morino Ibiki also approached curiously.

But Kakashi put away the photos ahead of time before they cast their gazes over.

Qianye said in a deep voice: "There is no need to hide it, and it can't be hidden. Anyway, Konoha has seen all the family heads with names and surnames, and even some of them have leaked the information. This matter is I can't hide it."

Hearing this, Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and handed out the photo.

As a result, like Kakashi before, Maitekai, Moonlight Hayate, and Morino Ibiki all looked pale and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Qianye, what is the purpose of telling us this?" Kakashi took a deep breath and stared at Qianye.

"Don't worry, you can't become fat in one sitting, please listen to me slowly." Qianye continued: "Presumably, these are exposed to the public, and you should also know what it means."

"And these are all the result of Sarutobi Hiruzen's acquiescence and connivance. Although Danzo is very selfish, he is indeed not a thing, but at best, he is just a person who Sarutobi Hiruzen prepared for himself. That's all. "

"This is why Hiruzaru Sarutobi had to voluntarily propose to resign. After all, he, Hokage, cannot escape the blame for what happened. To some extent, he is the chief culprit."

"Uchiha is just an insinuation. The real purpose is to strengthen the Sarutobi clan and stabilize his regime of 'the strongest Hokage in history'."

"It's just that he didn't expect that my accident would happen, and his decades of hard work would be ruined overnight."

Maitekai asked with some hesitation: "Then why did Hokage-sama agree to Sand Ninja's request to start the Chunin Exam in advance?"

Qianye smiled faintly, and spit out two words, "Please die."

"Want to die?" Kakashi, Mitekai, Moonlight Hayate, and Morino Ibiki were puzzled.

Qianye nodded, "I should have said that Hiruzaru Sarutobi is a person who values ​​reputation more than his own life."

"He is old now, and he doesn't have a few years to live. He has done too many stupid things in his life. In this little life left, life, for him, is not as important as the earlier years .”

"Compared to these, what he values ​​more is his fame before and after his life."

"Originally, he planned to have a life-and-death battle with his precious apprentice Orochimaru in the Zhongnin Exam Competition, and then, like the previous generation of Hokage, in the name of a hero, he would die to protect Konoha. Take it away by the way Everything was dark in life."

"That's why he still didn't terminate the Chunin exam even though he knew that Orochimaru had a conspiracy."

"It's ironic, isn't it, you, the three-generation lord who is known as the 'strongest Hokage in history', did not hesitate to drag the entire Konoha into the flames of war in order to leave a name for himself in life and death. He has never taken any effective measures. Presumably when you proposed When he objected, he just replied "I believe in you" and let Dashewan go. "

Speaking of this, the four of them, including Kakashi, have begun to doubt their beliefs.

They looked at each other with uncertain eyes.

Obviously, they had begun to believe what Qianye said.Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, I don't want to admit it.

Qianye continued: "It's just a pity that I have exposed his scandals now, especially the carnival world that happened, which made him have to step down from the position of Hokage early."

"He's in a hurry. Once Tsunade, one of the Sannin, comes back to inherit the Fifth Hokage, even if he dies as originally planned, he will no longer be the Hokage. The dead will no longer be so valuable."

"Furthermore, the new successor, Fifth Hokage Tsunade, will never stand by and watch the third generation throw Konoha into the flames of war for his own reputation, and even forcibly terminate the Chunin exam, and maybe enter a wartime state."

"That's why I can't wait to agree to Sand Shinobi's request to start the official Chunin exam in advance."

Kakashi couldn't help asking: "Then what does this have to do with Orochimaru?"

"Because Orochimaru wants to give his teacher a face." Qianye said with a smile.

"Decent?" Kakashi and the four of them were taken aback at the same time.

Qianye sighed softly, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "The most complicated thing in this world is neither the relationship between parents and children, nor the relationship between brothers and sisters, nor love, but the relationship between master and apprentice."

"Even if people have different positions, or are purely psychopathic, even to the extent of deceiving their teachers and destroying their ancestors, after killing the teacher, they will more or less feel a little bit of intolerance in their hearts."

"Oshemaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen are the most typical examples of the master-student pair. Although neither of them is a good person. Even to the point where they would fight each other with their lives when they meet. But the friendship between the master-student is genuine. existing."

"Most of you think that the purpose of Orochimaru's return this time is for Sasuke, that is, the second pillar. In fact, this is just one of his purposes."

"Another purpose is to give Hiruzaru Sarutobi a decent death. The master and apprentice hit it off right away. That's why this twists and turns of the Chunin exam came about."

ps: The second change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

The third update, the writing is not satisfactory, and it is being revised.Hold on

(End of this chapter)

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