On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 170 Kakashi's Suspicion, Unreconciled 2 Pillars

Chapter 170 Kakashi's suspicion, the unwilling second pillar

"Hokage-sama, should we go after him?" Kakashi looked at Orochimaru in the distance, and then at Tsunade who was clearly out of place, and asked hesitantly.

Tsunade didn't answer, just stood there trembling.

Just when she was about to collapse physically and mentally, Qianye's voice suddenly sounded from above the dome, "Hey, everyone in Konoha, your beloved third-generation Hokage-sama just died as he wished, at the hands of his most beloved disciple. Now we are waiting for you to worship him, the hero who died 'to protect Konoha'."

Yuhihong looked around and saw Qianye standing on the edge of the dome, her pale red eyes lit up instantly, "Qianye."

On the other hand, Tsunade lowered his head halfway, his hands clenched into fists, the tips of his hair hung down freely, his eyes were covered by shadows, and his knuckles creaked because of too much force.

At the same time, Ye Cang in the crowd retorted according to Qianye's prior arrangement, "Sarutobi Hiruzawa is not our Hokage, he and Danzo killed Konoha Baiya and the fourth generation for their own selfishness. Hokage-sama created the Nine-Tails Rebellion, killed our family, and now, for his own reputation, let Konoha fall into war again, we don’t have such Hokage.”

The surrounding Konoha people were all taken aback when they heard the words.

As the saying goes, everyone pushes against the wall, and one of the civilians who lost their loved ones in the night of Kyuubi hesitated for a while, but also mustered up the courage to raise his right hand, and shouted: "Sarutobi Hiruzen is not our Hokage."

Humans are social animals and like to go with the flow.

When there is the first one, the second one, there will naturally be the third one, and the fourth one, and suddenly, the whole audience is filled with the voice of "Hiruzaru Sarutobi is not our Hokage".

Hakura shouted again, "Our Hokage is Lord Tsunade the Fifth Generation."

Many people followed suit and shouted: "Our Hokage is the Fifth Generation Tsunade-sama."

"Down with Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura." ×2
"Long live the people of Konoha." ×2
"Down with Hiruzaru Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura." ×2
"Long live the Fifth Hokage Tsunade-sama." ×2
Ye Cang yelled, Konoha people followed, and finally even those vacillating Konoha ninjas shouted.

Kakashi looked at the high emotions of the crowd and the ninja, and at the same time he felt wronged for his father, he couldn't help feeling dizzy, "This is troublesome."

At the same time when the Konoha people were excited, Tsunade, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stood up and stomped his foot on the ground. The whole earth trembled instantly, and at the same time, Tsunade shouted angrily, "Give it all to me!" To shut up."

There was a sudden silence in the field, and the next moment, Tsunade was like a cannonball, rushing towards Qianye who was standing on the dome, with tears in the corner of his eyes, he swung out a strange punch, "Fujiwara Qianye, you bastard!" .”

"Is it because I pretended to be dead and didn't tell her in advance. This tiger girl, let her calm down." Seeing the fist that was close at hand, Qianye smiled, without any intention of dodging. The facial position in the middle is covered with a mass of armed color.

Let her punch fall.

Boom——, under everyone's horrified gazes, Qianye was punched off the roof like a kite with a broken string, his body directly pierced through the dome next door, and finally fell into the forest.

Qianye got up with difficulty, and said in a weak voice: "As expected of the future Fifth Generation Hokage, he was able to find my real body from my illusion. I, Qianye, would like to call you the god of the first generation of Naruto. The strongest Hokage. There will be a period later.”

After finishing speaking, Qianye threw a smoke bomb on the spot, the smoke dispersed, and he was nowhere to be seen in the forest.

On the dome, Tsunade looked at Qianye who was punched away by him, and then disappeared. An unreal feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. He actually hit Qianye and knocked this guy away?

But under the dome, there was a sudden tsunami of many people in Konoha, "Wow, is this our future Hokage-sama? It's so strong, even the second-generation Hokage-sama admits that he is not his opponent. She was punched and flew away."

Mitekai was also very happy and excited, he patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and praised: "Kakashi, look, Master Tsunade actually cracked the illusion of that guy Qianye, he is indeed one of the legendary Sannin .”

"Uh" Kakashi's mouth under the mask twitched violently, "I don't think that's the case, and"

Speaking of this, his complexion suddenly became solemn, and he turned his head to look at the person who took the lead in shouting that Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not worthy of being Hokage, and saw that his hands were sealed together, the smoke dissipated with a bang, and the whole person disappeared in place.

"Really? It seems that that person is in the same group as Qianye, and it is very likely that she is the female ninja I met in the Kingdom of Waves back then. So what is your relationship with Qianye, Tsunade-sama?"

Thinking this way in his heart, Kakashi looked at Tsunade standing on the dome, who was admired by thousands of people, and heard Maitekai on the side say blankly: "Kakashi, what did you just say?"

"No, nothing." Kakashi shook his head, hoping it was a blessing rather than a disaster.

The conversation was divided into two parts, while Kakashi suspected the relationship between Qianye and Tsunade, outside Konoha Village.

Naruto has already fought the runaway Gaara.

Although Sand Ninja has withdrawn from the Konoha collapse plan, in order to test how much his current strength has reached, he learned that Chidori's second pillar is like the original work, and it is extremely inflated to conflict with the three Gaara.

As a result, Gaara, who was turned into a beast with a tail, was tortured by blood.

In the end, Naruto and Sakura arrived in time, and Sakura played the role of dragging the bottle as always.

The sand palm turned into a beast by my love Luo Tai was nailed to the trunk.

In order to save Sakura and Erzhuzi, Naruto broke out with Gaara. Under Erzhuzi's eyes of jealousy, envy, resignation, and shock, which contained many complex emotions, Naruto, who had learned the spiral pill, once transformed me into a tailed beast. Airo suppressed.

In the end, Gaara was forced to use the technique of dozing to turn into a beast.

But he was still defeated by Naruto's psychic toad text.

"Why, why, why did you do this for others?" Childhood memories kept coming to mind, Gaara lay flat on the ground, tilted his head to look at Naruto who was slowly crawling towards him, and questioned.

"Because... because we are the same, the feeling of being alone is hard." With tears in the corners of Naruto's eyes, he recalled his childhood and opened his mouth.

This time he succeeded. Gaara was already touched when Naruto used mouth escape on Qianye for the first time in the Forest of Death.

After this battle with Naruto, he completely recognized himself.

With the support of Kankuro and Temari, he embarked on the road back to the hidden sand village.

At this moment, Erzhuzi who had placed Sakura came over.

Looking at Naruto who was unconscious due to the depletion of chakra, he recalled Naruto's previous battles in his mind. The extreme contrast made him clenched his fists unconsciously.

Erzhuzi gritted his teeth, thinking to himself, Naruto, how strong are you?

ps: The second change, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket

There are two more later

(End of this chapter)

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