Chapter 176

"It's okay." The members of the Xiao organization were stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and then replied.

"An accident happened in Konoha Village. I don't know why. The Chunin exam was suddenly carried out ahead of schedule. Orochimaru declared war on Konoha with Otonin and Sand Ninja, but it seems that he failed to destroy Konoha." Payne finally spoke, and the lavender circle reincarnated Opening his eyes, he looked around and finally landed on Qianye, waiting for his report.

"That Orochimaru guy. It's really embarrassing." Didara put his hands on his waist and said disdainfully.

Qianye shrugged slightly, "The leader's information is really accurate. Orochimaru's attack on Konoha happened during the day, and you will know it in the evening. I haven't had time to report it to you yet."

"Has Orochimaru's plan started ahead of time?" Itachi and Kisame's phantoms appeared, hearing Qianye's words, Itachi couldn't help asking.

Kisame's face also showed doubts, because at this time, there is still a week before the time of Konoha's collapse that Qianye told them.

Therefore, during this time, they ran to other places to complete the task.

Qianye said nonsense in a serious manner: "The incident happened too suddenly, and I don't know where you all went, so I didn't have time to inform you, but don't worry, the mission has been completed. The third Hokage died in battle, the first Hokage, the second Dai Hokage has been sealed, and Orochimaru has lost the ability to perform Dirty Reincarnation, as well as all ninjutsu that require seals."

Payne asked indifferently, "Tell me about the specific situation."

Qianye said: "The power that can be exerted by the reincarnation of the dirty soil is related to the strength of the living sacrifice. In order to give his teacher a face, and to fulfill the so-called 'the strongest Hokage in history', he used the immature reincarnation of the dirty soil to use The two ninjas acted as sacrifices to revive the first and second Hokage."

"As a result, these two former ninja gods and the number one speed in the ninja world have been weakened to an unsightly level. Leaving aside the immortality of the reincarnation of the dirt, I am afraid that any group in our organization can have The strength to fight against it."

"The last three generations of Hokage were defeated and used the trick of killing each other. I have experienced it personally, and I have to say that it is really dangerous. At the cost of sacrificing one's own soul, you can summon a god of death, and the god of death will give you Using the magician as the medium, stretch out a ghostly hand, pull the human soul out of the body, and swallow it into the belly."

Hearing that it can seal the soul, all the members of the Xiao Xiao organization frowned. This bug-like ninjutsu is really terrifying.

"That's really a terrifying ninjutsu. Hmm." Didara sighed first, then looked at Qianye, and couldn't help admiring: "As expected of Brother Qianye, you can't even perform such a dangerous ninjutsu!" Can dodge. Hmm."

Qianye smiled, without explaining too much, and continued: "Third Hokage relied on this technique to seal the souls of the first and second generations. As for Orochimaru, it may be because the third Hokage is old, physically weak, or not. I had the heart to take away this once most cherished disciple, only sealed his hands, and made him lose all the ninjutsu that needed seals."

Payne said in a deep voice: "That is to say, the souls of the first generation to the third generation and the hands of Orochimaru have been swallowed by the god of death, and it is impossible to be reincarnated by the filthy soil. Orochimaru has also lost the ability to perform filthy soil reincarnation. Yes Bar."

"That's the reason." Qianye nodded.

Payne then asked: "So how is the intelligence investigation by Injuriki?"

Qianye smiled softly, "Konoha Nine Tails Jinchuriki's name is Uzumaki Naruto, and Sand Hidden Jinchuriki is Sandstorm Gaara, the youngest son of the Fourth Kazekage Rasa."

"It's a coincidence that this time Sagakure spent a lot of money in order to deal with Konoha. Although the fourth Kazekage died before he was able to complete his mission, he sent a Jinchuriki. As a result, the two Jinchurikis met. Outside Muye Village, a big battle broke out. That scene was truly spectacular."

"The battle between the three generations of Naruto and Orochimaru excludes the ninjutsu that both died together. Compared with it, it is like a child's game."

"Originally, I wanted to arrest directly, but unfortunately, Jiraiya and Tsunade, who are also Sannin with Orochimaru, have returned. These two people are very strong, and unlike Orochimaru, because of frequent reincarnation, the soul will decline and fear Illusion, Hakura and I couldn't take down two Inchurikis in front of the two of them under the siege of many sand hidden and Konoha ninjas, so we retreated for the time being."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you find out the information about Jinzhu Riki. And it's not time to capture it yet." Payne is still expressionless, but the Uzumaki Nagato, the main body hidden in the highest clock tower of Urenin Village, has a slight change in expression , and looked at Xiao Nan beside him, the two finally said nothing more.

Jiaodu asked from the side: "Then when will we start to act?"

Fei Duan continued: "That's right, I've been waiting impatiently for a long time, and sacrificed Renzhuriki to the great evil god, Sai Gao."

"It won't be too long. Three years, three years later the organization will enter the final stage and capture all the tail beasts."

This is the result of discussions between Nagato and Obito. Considering that the information on Inchuriki is still incomplete, if it is captured rashly, it may arouse the vigilance of other countries.

There is also a big problem with the members of the Xiao organization.

Not solid enough.

Almost everyone has their own ambitions, and it is not an exaggeration to say that each has their own ghosts. This will take time to get used to.

Finally, there is the issue of the soil itself.

First of all, he and Itachi had an agreement that during Itachi's lifetime, he would not lay hands on Konoha.

Secondly, although it is better to catch the tailed beast as soon as possible, in fact, he doesn't want to become Madara's puppet.

Want to get out of Madara's control.

Therefore, he deliberately extended the time of the Eye of the Moon project, thinking about using Nagato to form his own power, and act according to his own wishes.

Under the influence of many factors, Akatsuki's organization plan had to be postponed.

"Three years." There was a brief silence in the pitch-black hallucination space. Everyone had different thoughts, and no one knew what each was thinking.

After a long while, Payne spoke first, breaking the silent atmosphere in the venue: "For the next three years, everyone should stay in hiding for a while, and don't make too much noise, especially Qianye, it seems that what you did this time was a bit too much Alright, Konoha’s high-level executives have been punished enough by you. Then you can come back and focus on collecting intelligence.”

"Brother Qianye, did you do anything else in Konoha?" Didara was taken aback, and looked at Qianye in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just that before Orochimaru Konoha's collapse plan started, he injured a few Konoha jounin, and by the way gave some medicine to Konoha's high-level officials." Qianye shrugged slightly.

"Medicine? What kind of medicine?" Didara became more and more curious.

Most of the rest of the Akatsuki members also cast curious eyes.

ps: First update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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