On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 181 Boren Biography is Really Not Hokage

Chapter 181 Boren Biography is Really Not Hokage

"This is."

Qianye looked up and saw a bright light suddenly rising above the forest, and then two figures, one large and one small, fell from the light and landed tens of meters away from them.

One of them, who looks to be in his early 30s, has a gray jacket with a blue and white vest, the left sleeve is empty, a ninja glove is worn on the right hand, dark gray trousers and new ninja boots are worn underneath, a black robe is worn, the left eye Covered by bangs, his appearance is somewhat similar to Madara in Qianye's impression.

This sense of déjà vu is obviously the second pillar after growing up.

It's just that his appearance is a bit stretched compared to his youth, his cheeks and figure are obviously fatter, and his handsomeness is obviously not as good as the Erzhuzi he just met yesterday, and he still has some kidney deficiency.

The other person left Qianye speechless.

Appears to be twelve or thirteen years old, with blond hair and blue pupils similar to Naruto, and the face shape and eyes are even more surprisingly consistent.

The difference is that his hairstyle looks more like a leaf.

The beard texture on the face is also a little different from Naruto's. Naruto has three, but he has only two.

Not surprisingly, this guy is Naruto's son Boruto.

No way, no way, Xiao Hinata has already been cut off by himself.

This pineapple head who likes cheating the most is still born?
Moreover, the time period for Erzhuzi and Boren in the future seems to be more than a month earlier than the original book.

Although he doesn't want to admit Bo Renzhuan.

But according to the history of the original book, it should be the time period when Naruto will go out to practice with Jiraiya after Erzhuzi defected to Konoha.

Why is it so much earlier now?

Could it be because of his own butterfly effect that the time and space of this world have become disordered?
Then the time and space that this pirated second pillar brought the blogger who likes cheating fathers traveled earlier?

"Ah, it hurts."

The boy suspected of being a blogger landed on the ground face first, and landed in this world in an upside-down posture.

If he hadn't inherited Naruto's Uzumaki Clan's physique, he might have broken his neck on the spot if he changed someone else.

The second pillar of the uncle's version landed safely, but it was too weak. He covered his eyes and suddenly knelt on the ground, panting, "Chakra is exhausted."

Looking at the uncle Sasuke with a face full of kidney deficiency, the corners of Qianye's mouth twitched fiercely.

Should it be said that he is indeed the direct disciple of Hatake Fifty-Five?

When a person reaches middle age, he actually becomes even more imaginary than his teacher.

Moreover, he has become numb to the extent of this situation.

He didn't even notice himself and Ye Cang who were so close at hand.

Sure enough, Bo Renchuan is not Hokage.

"Mr. Sasuke, are you okay?" The pineapple head greeted Er Zhuzi, seeing that he was just running out of Chakra, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to look around, and finally landed on Qianye and the two, "Where is this? It seems that there is no Ura-style breath. Ah, Sasuke-san, there are two people in strange costumes over here."

Sasuke heard the words, turned his head to look, saw the red cloud and black robe, frowned slightly, and immediately protected Bo Ren behind him, staring at Qianye and the two.

"Looking at the appearance of this uncle with kidney deficiency, he seems to know me?" Qianye walked up to the two of them with Ye Cang, and began to test.

He wants to confirm whether the Sasuke in front of him is the genuine second nephew, or the pirated one from Bo Renchuan.

Or both belong to the same person.

Bo Ren Chuan is the follow-up of Naruto.

If that's the case, then he probably couldn't help but slaughter the cheating Bo Ren.

"Mr. Sasuke, do you know the two of them?" At this time, Boruto didn't know that the danger was approaching, so he asked curiously.

"No, I don't know him." Sasuke shook his head, and the reincarnation eyes under the bangs on his forehead began to look at Qianye without any trace.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, especially when he saw the huge celestial chakra in Qianye's body, it was hard to hide the seriousness in his heart with his obviously fat face.

Er Zhuzi thought to himself, "This huge magic chakra, why have I never seen him in the Akatsuki organization? I have never seen his information, and the ring in his hand is not right, it belongs to Didara, could it be Didara's former member of the Akatsuki organization?"

"Do you recognize me? I'll find out after I try it out." Qianye didn't know what Er Zhuzi, the uncle's version, was thinking, so he just took out the Zanpakuto with a smile on his face.

The next moment, he was surprised to find that Er Zhuzi was not in the mirror.

In other words, the two pillars, which are so imaginary, really come from parallel time and space.

Bo Renzhuan is not Hokage at all.

Qianye was overjoyed, and whispered softly, "Crack it, it's a mirror image."

In front of this pair of masters and apprentices from another world, the mirror flower and water moon were liberated and the hypnosis ceremony was completed.

Seeing the Zanpakudao in Qianye's hand, Er Zhuzi instinctively felt the danger, so he also pulled out the saber at his waist, turned his back to Bo Ren, and said anxiously: "Bo Ren, run."

"No, Mr. Sasuke, your chakra has been exhausted, I must not leave you alone." Boruto shouted.

"Don't worry about it so much, let me go, or the two of us will stay here today." Pirate Er Zhuzi sternly said.

Qianye was overwhelmed by the conversation between the two of them.

In this era when the combat power is not broken, the most important thing for ninjas is personal information.

These two guys have no common sense at all, especially Pineapple Head, who easily shouted out the fact that the second pillar of the pirated chakra was exhausted. Is this because they are afraid that the enemy will not know?
"It seems that I misunderstood." After confirming that the two were not genuine, Qianye immediately lost interest in doing it, put away Zanpakutao, and left behind these words, Qianye disappeared into the jungle.

Ye Cang took a deep look at them and followed closely behind.

As soon as the two of Qianye left, Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief.

"It looks like they're leaving." Er Zhuzi collapsed again, just the movement of drawing the knife, and the chakra he used to see Qianye and the two through the eyes of reincarnation, the trace of chakra he finally recovered was exhausted again .

Next, the two rested for a while, walked out of the jungle, and walked towards Konoha City.

Not long after they left, Qianye and Ye Cang jumped down from a big tree not far away.

"Lord Qianye, that guy called Sasuke just now seems to have the same name as Itachi's younger brother, do you know them?" Seeing the pirated version of Sasuke and Boruto walking away, Hakura asked curiously.

"Probably. It seems that we still need to stay in Konoha for a few more days." Qianye smiled, no accident, that guy Pu Shi will come soon.

He will not let go of the opportunity to seize the opponent's blood and eyes.

Perhaps it is a common problem of all Datongmu people, because power comes too easily, resulting in weak combat experience, lack of attack methods, and only a few moves back and forth.

It was too easy for Qianye to kill them.

Look at Pu Shina's ability to go back in time, which is equivalent to predicting the future, and to hide and level A, you will know that there are many dishes.

It was like putting his life on the line, and in the end he killed himself, in the hands of a bogus guy like Bo Ren.

ps: The second update, asking for a recommendation ticket, asking for a monthly pass, the third update, still writing, working overtime recently, the update may be delayed
(End of this chapter)

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