On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 189 Ye VS Jiraiya and Uncle Sasuke

Chapter 189 Qianye VS Jiraiya and Uncle Sasuke
Puchi——, Qianye swung his knife through Bo Ren's chest, and the shining pure white blade shone dazzlingly under the refraction of the sun.

The blogger stared wide-eyed, looked at Qianye with an expression of disbelief, then looked down at his own chest, his pupils gradually dimmed, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, he wanted to speak, and asked Qianye why, but he didn’t even have the strength to speak. Gone.

"It's a lie." Naruto's eyes were empty, and he froze on the spot, his body trembling slightly. He, who hadn't reacted to the sudden addition of a son, saw this scene, and at the moment he felt his brain go crazy. blank.

Jiraiya and his uncle Sasuke were furious, and their contents were about to tear apart.

"Bo Ren..." In the roar, Uncle Sasuke pulled out the saber from his waist, Ji Lai also sacrificed the spiral pill, the two of them shot at the same time, and rushed towards Qianye.

Qianye pulled out the blade, and Boruto fell straight down. With a flick of blood on the blade, he easily caught the blade swung by Sasuke and kicked the uncle Sasuke away.

The powerful chakra gathered in his hands, kneading out a spiral pill that was bigger than Ji Lai Ye, and went up to him.

"How... how is it possible?" Zilai was also shocked, he didn't expect Qianye to know the spiral pill.

The two spiral pills touched each other, and Jiraiya's spiral pill lasted for less than half a second before being disintegrated by Qianye's spiral pill.

And his whole body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

With a flash of his figure, his powerful flashing skills erupted, and before Zilai was about to land, Qianye kicked him flying again.

"Lord Qianye." Ye Cang wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Qianye's voice, "Just watch from the sidelines."

Ye Cang had no choice but to stand aside and watch the battle.

"It seems that one of the legendary Sannin is nothing more than that! There is also Erzhuzi. I didn't expect that even in middle age, you are still so weak. You were squeezed dry by that named Sakura. Are you suffering from kidney deficiency?"

Qianye taunted Jiraiya and Uncle Sasuke if he wanted to test their strength.

Uncle Sasuke looked at Qianye, and then at Boruto, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He recalled Naruto from that time and space in his mind. He didn't know how to deal with him. The corners of the eyes slipped.

Sensationalized by Qianye's experience, he turned sideways to avoid the inextinguishable black flames produced by a cloud of Amaterasu.

Seeing that Amaterasu missed the hit, Uncle Sasuke clicked his tongue lightly and spit out a burst of dragon fire into the sky, Qilin was ready to go.

And he himself attached Chidori to the saber, turned into a thunder knife, and attacked Qianye at an extremely fast speed.

"It's like this. Do you still want to use Qilin?"

Qianye pursed his lips and smiled, and also covered Chidori on the Zanpakuto, and met Sasuke who came to kill with the sword.

Even though Uncle Sasuke lived longer than Qianye, since he entered Bo Ren Zhuan, he has been weakened again and again, and now he is even more imaginary.

On the other hand, Qianye not only possesses a close-combat sharp weapon, but also possesses terrifyingly strong physical skills under the blessing of Tiangang Jue.

Almost in just a few moves, the uncle Sasuke was already at a disadvantage.

Clang clang!
Under the blessing of Chidori, the two figures continuously flashed among the chaotic rocks like a human-shaped electric current. The two swords kept clashing, and the high-intensity friction of the metal caused sparks to burst out continuously.

Feeling the powerful slashing power of Qianye coming from his hand time and time again, Chinori Blade almost flew out of his hands several times in his uncle's assistant, and dangers abounded.

But he didn't care much about being suppressed, and quietly waited for the formation of the unicorn.

In the end, under the influence of Qianye's powerful slashing force, the uncle Sasuke finally couldn't hold on anymore, the saber in his hand flew out, spun in the air, and finally stuck upside down on a boulder.

And he himself was kicked away.

At this moment, a huge shadow appeared above Qianye's head and gradually expanded.

At the same time, Jiraiya's voice rang out, "Spiritualism·Roof Collapse Art."

The next moment, Toad Hiroshi, who was carrying two huge swords on his back, descended from the sky, and pressed heavily on where Qianye was standing. The ground trembled violently, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

"Did it work?" Jiraiya stared at the big toad and murmured.

Sasuke shook his head aside, "No, not yet"

As soon as the voice fell, the ground trembled again, and the huge body of Toad Guang rose slowly. He also took a closer look, and it was Qianye who lifted the huge toad with one hand. If he observed carefully, Bianneng noticed that there was an extra layer of jet black luster in Qianye's hands.

"It's really heavy enough. I just missed it. I couldn't lift it." Qianye remained calm, and casually flew Hama Guangding out.

For him who possesses a huge celestial chakra and the blessing of armed color, the weight of Gamahiro, one of the three major toads in the Miaomu mountain area, is nothing at all.

His strength is enough to handle it with ease.

Jilai couldn't help exclaiming, "What a powerful force this is, it has already surpassed Tsunade's strange power."

The sky became darker and darker, and the sun was covered by dark clouds.

The clouds in the sky were gathering and rubbing, lightning flashed and thunder thundered, and there were faint signs of rain.

And at this time, the uncle Sasuke, who found that he could not win this way, quickly jumped to the highest point, "Thunder Dun. Qilin."

While speaking, Chidori emerged from Zuo's assistant, raised his hand to lead towards the sky, and suddenly thunder and lightning gathered in the sky, turning into a huge unicorn.

Accompanied by thunder and lightning, the gigantic unicorn slashed towards Qianye who was locked by his uncle Sasuke's Sharingan.

After performing this trick, the already weak uncle Sasuke ran out of Chakra again, knelt down on one knee, and finally lay down, panting violently.

However, the result was beyond the expectations of Uncle Sasuke and Jiraiya, the imagined scene of Qianye being struck by a lightning unicorn did not happen.

Instead, it hovered above Qianye's head, turned around and roared in their direction.

Underneath the unicorn, Qianye raised his left hand high, and the lightning in his palm made up for it. Countless small electric currents connected to the unicorn, causing the qilin to grow limbs and step on the ground, and its overall power increased dramatically.

"How is this possible, actually controlled the unicorn?" Uncle Sasuke was dumbfounded, with an expression of disbelief.

Jilai also explained from the side: "Before you, Qianye has already learned Chidori from Kakashi, and he is better than blue, and he is ahead of everyone in terms of thunder escape."

Speaking of this, Jilai also blamed the dead three-generation old man in his heart for making such a powerful enemy for Konoha.

But blame the third generation, blame the third generation, Zilai also did not sit still, if he was hit by this trick, he might really die here.

Both hands formed seals quickly, and Jiraiya cast Earth Dun·Huangquanma.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful ninjutsu is, it needs to be manipulated by humans. As long as Qianye loses the ability to move, the unicorn will be self-defeating.

ps: The first update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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