On the night of the nine tails, I cut off Hu Yuzhibo Quan

Chapter 193 Communication Between Stepfather and Stepson

Chapter 193 Communication Between Stepfather and Stepson
"Uncle Asma was also eunuched by you?" Boren suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. It's over, and the future sister will also be gone.

Qianye nodded slowly, "Yes, I also eunuched."

"It's over. It's over, my sister will be gone in the future." Bo Ren held his face in his hands in panic, frantic in place like a ghost.

"What future sister?" Qianye looked at Uncle Sasuke knowingly asking.

Uncle Sasuke explained: "Sarutobi Mirai, the posthumous daughter of Sarutobi Asma."

"You can rest assured about this, because Asma's daughter has already been born." A wicked smile appeared on Qianye's face.

"How is this possible? Wasn't he eunuched by you? Or did he catch up with Aunt Hong ahead of time?" Bo Ren showed disbelief.

"The Aunt Hong you're talking about should be my teacher, Yuhi Hong. How could Teacher Hong like that kind of guy?"

Qianye slumped his hands in disdain, and then made up a nonsense reason, throwing the blame on Dashewan.

"When I was eunuching him, in order to continue the incense of the Sarutobi family, I fed him a potion that I got from Orochimaru that can make a man pregnant."

"The little guy is probably almost five years old now. He is more than a year older than Qianhua."

"You guys are really wicked." Uncle Sasuke twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, and said, he hesitated for a while, and ate the fairy beans in his hand.

In the next moment, Uncle Sasuke felt his muscles swell and his bones cracked.

Chakra, physical strength, and even the pupil power of both eyes are instantly restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, even the severed left arm has regrown.

"This is." Uncle Sasuke looked at his newly grown left arm with an expression of disbelief, feeling a burst of shock in his heart.

His left arm, which he had lost for many years, came back, and even his pupil power, body functions and even Chakra were restored to their prime.

"Mr. Sasuke, your left arm has grown." Boruto exclaimed.

Uncle Sasuke nodded, stood up and looked at Qianye, and couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

"Xiandou, a rare god. Just eat one grain and you will not be hungry for ten days. It has a strong recovery power. As long as the person is not dead, it can restore physical strength and energy almost instantly in extreme fatigue. , to readjust the body to the best condition." Qianye replied.

Uncle Sasuke was stunned, and couldn't help sighing, "That's really amazing."

Qianye nodded, skipping the topic just now: "Now that guy named Pu Shi is dead, so what are your plans next? Do you want to meet your mother?"

"No need." Sasuke thought for a moment, then shook his head.

Even if they look the same, the Mikoto in this world is not her mother after all, and even if she meets her, it will only cause troubles for both of them like Itachi, so it is better not to see her.

"Then go back. If you can, I hope you don't interfere with the progress of this world." Qianye smiled and discussed with Sasuke. Although he said so, there was no room for negotiation in his words.

The blogger heard the threat in Qianye's words, his throat rolled, he swallowed hard, and asked hesitantly, "Then what if we don't go back?"

Qianye glanced at Bo Ren, and said nonsense in a serious manner: "Then I will probably really kill you here. It's like killing Pu Shi."

"Things in your own time and space should be resolved by people in your own time and space. Pu Shi wanted to forcibly destroy the progress of this time and space, so I killed him. You are here to stop him. Although it didn't help much in the end, I still Choose to help you."

"Of course, there are exceptions, unless the enemy you encounter comes from outside the sky. This is another matter."

Speaking of this, Qianye turned his eyes to his uncle Sasuke, with a dangerous smile on his face, "I know you are very strong now, but since I dare to restore you, I am still sure to kill you here. Then... yours answer?"

"Before I answer, I have another question to ask you." Uncle Sasuke, who had recovered his combat power to his prime, suddenly turned cold, and turned into a young man again. "The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and I feel that I am doing well again." 'The second pillar.

"Ask." Qianye said lightly.

"Although the overall timeline is still going on, because of your appearance, the history of this time and space has greatly differed from ours. I want to know your position."

Uncle Sasuke looked at Qianye with a serious face, and asked hesitantly.

Qianye shrugged slightly, turned around and walked to the edge of the hillside, looking down at Jiraiya, who was full of vigilance, and Naruto, who was devastated because of Kyuubi's rampage.chuckled and said:

"I don't have any lofty ambitions, and I don't have any leisure time to care about world peace and ninja systems. In my opinion, these are just a part of the fun of life, including joining the Akatsuki organization now."

Speaking of this, Qianye suddenly turned to look at Uncle Sasuke, "Now my revenge has basically been avenged, and next, I will probably witness the future of this ninja world as a bystander."

There is another sentence he didn't say, that is, it is inevitable to do something in the middle.

"I see." Uncle Sasuke felt a little relieved when he heard that, it was obvious that Qianye's answer was very satisfactory to him.

"Later I will return to our original world with Bo Ren. I will also erase the traces of us in this world one by one."

"At present, I know that Boruto and I came through time travel. Except for you, the female ninja and Itachi from Sand Hidden, only Jiraiya and Naruto are left now. The memories of other people, after leaving Konoha Before, I used Sharingan to clear them one by one. Next"

Before Sasuke could finish speaking, Qianye interrupted, "Don't expect to use Sharingan or Samsarayan to delete my memory."

"I don't want to forget something as interesting as time travel, and, maybe one day, I will go to your place as a guest, and you can't do it either."

While talking, Qianye quietly released Mirror Flower and Water Moon.

The corner of Uncle Sasuke’s mouth twitched fiercely, and continued: “Next, I will delete the memory of Jiraiya and Naruto during this period, but if one day I find out that you used Pu Shi’s reincarnation eyes to do harm to the world matter, then I and the Naruto of our world will never let you go."

"It's really as arrogant as ever. If you can do it." Qianye shrugged nonchalantly.

Just when Uncle Sasuke turned around to leave, Qianye's face withdrew his smile, and asked suddenly: "Before you leave... don't you plan to call me stepfather?"

"Bang" Uncle Sasuke staggered and almost fell to the ground.

ps: First update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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