Chapter 171
On the third day, the large and small buildings in Anxi were basically completed.

The folk husbands were very happy, received a share of wages from the Gao family, and ate a full meal with meat.

If the Gao family hadn't said that there was still work to do, most of them would have left immediately. After all, the environment in Anxi was too bad, and no one wanted to stay for a long time.

At noon, a long queue appeared outside the city.

The leader on horseback was a 50-year-old middle-aged strong man with beards, tall stature, and bulging temples. The hands holding the reins were thick and strong enough to show extraordinary martial arts skills.

On both sides of the middle-aged strong man, several men and women in brocade clothes respectfully followed, listening carefully to the strong man's lectures.

They were not fast, because the line behind them was very long, stretching for several miles.

In the team, hundreds of mules and horses pulled four-wheeled wooden carts forward slowly, and thousands of warriors in blue armor kept order back and forth.

Even more, tens of thousands of ordinary people were walking slowly on their feet, wiping their sweat while looking at the lonely city deep in the desert.

This is a huge migration team.

At the head of Anxi City, Gao Lanchun was waiting early in the morning, looking forward to it, and finally saw the Gao family team, and his expression immediately became tense.

The head of the Gao family attached great importance to the construction of the urban area this time.If it is done well, she has merit and can offset many previous sins. If something goes wrong, she will offend the Patriarch.

What worries Gao Lanchun the most is not the issue of urban construction...

She turned her head to look, and at some time, that mysterious young man "Song Bai" had appeared by her side, looking leisurely into the distance.

Gao Lanchun became even more nervous.

Until now, she doesn't know whether this Song Bai is an enemy or a friend, and how she plans to treat the Gao family.

Sensing her anxiety, Song Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as you cooperate honestly and don't talk nonsense, I won't kill you."

Gao Lanchun heard a different taste from these words, and couldn't help asking: "What about my Patriarch? Will you attack him?"

Song Yun: "Then it depends on whether he has done anything harmful to nature or reason."

Gao Lanchun immediately shook his head when he heard the words, "My Patriarch acts aboveboard, and has never used unscrupulous methods in business. He has a very good reputation in Xu Country, so you can rest assured."

As he spoke, he pointed at the long line, "As soon as the Patriarch speaks out, so many people are willing to migrate here, which is enough to show the Patriarch's reputation."

"Perhaps." Song Yun was noncommittal.

Seeing that the team was approaching, he turned around and disappeared at the top of the city.

Gao Lanchun walked down the city wall anxiously, opened the city gate, asked his servants to stand on both sides of the road, and lined up to welcome them.

"Oh, please don't make any trouble."

It didn't take long before the gate of the city was full of smoke and dust, Gao Shan, the head of the Gao family, took the lead and came to the city of Anxi.

Gao Lanchun rushed to meet him, "The Patriarch has worked hard all the way."

Gao Shan looked down at the eldest daughter, and said in a deep voice, "After two years of hard work in Anxi, have you restrained your bad temper?"

"Restraint, restraint." Gao Lanchun nodded quickly.

"Hmph." Gao Shan jumped off his horse and entered the city in a blink of an eye, his movements were very agile.

The age of 60 is the heyday for the Grandmaster. If he didn't want to show the majesty of the Patriarch, he didn't need to ride a horse all the way, and he could run here easily.

Gao Lanchun trotted to keep up, introducing the construction of the city.

The Gao family paid a lot of wages, and the peasants also did their duty, repairing the house so well that it can still be lived in even 100 years later.

Gao Shan paid more attention to quantity than quality, and finally nodded when he learned that this urban area could accommodate more than 5 people.


With a wave of his hand, the Gao family warriors in the back immediately got busy, arranging rooms for the migrating people, and asking them to drag and salute to move in one by one.

In the dark, Song Yun was observing the chaotic scene.

These people were all yellow and emaciated, dressed in ragged clothes, and they seemed to be refugees. They were affected by the war and fled to this area for refuge.

Anyone with a bit of craftsmanship, young and strong, has long been accepted by the major cities.

Those recruited by the Gao family are mainly old, weak, sick and disabled.

There are also a lot of sloppy ones who like to make trouble at first glance. If they were not afraid of the Gao family warriors, they might have caused troubles long ago.

Just such a group of people, who say they want to build Anxi, don't think it is reliable.

Seeing this scene, the Xu Guo soldiers who guarded the city shook their heads secretly, "The Gao family really thinks that money is too easy to earn!"

Gao Lanchun glanced around, thinking the same way, couldn't help asking:

"Patriarch, with so many people coming to Anxi, how are we going to live?"

Gao Shan didn't bother to explain, "You don't need to worry so much, quickly settle these people down, and the big stove is ready? Hurry up and start a fire to cook!"

After working for a long time, the carts of food brought in turned into delicious meals, and the fragrance in Anxi City was overflowing.

The common people gathered in a large open space in the south of the city, sat on the ground, grabbed the food with their hands and stuffed it into their mouths, eating with great joy.

Two thousand civilian husbands also participated in this super-large-scale dinner.

Gao Shan stood on the roof of a small three-story building and began to speak, blowing his breath, and the voice rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"Every day in the future, there will be such a meal to eat, and you will be full!"

5 people burst into cheers like a tsunami.

Gao Shan held up another shiny little thing and shouted:

"There are precious black gold mines underground in Anxi. The next task for everyone is to explore the mines. As long as you find black gold stones, you will be rewarded with 500 taels of silver on the spot!"

The crowd cheered again.

This news was very shocking. Gao Lanchun and other members of the Gao family looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently they didn't know about it before.

If there is really a black gold mine buried underground in Anxi, then the Gao family will undoubtedly make a lot of money in this deal.

Gao Lanchun changed from being puzzled at the beginning to admiration, "The head of the family can rise in troubled times, and his vision is indeed far beyond ordinary people!"

In the dark, Song Yun sneered.

The folk husbands were also shocked, and even if they received a new job from the Gao family-staying to help prospecting, the wages would be doubled directly, and they could live in the new house without worrying about food and drink.

Under the temptation of the copper plate, all the peasants chose to stay. Anyway, they work for making money. Working in Anxi, they earn much more than in other places.

Amidst the laughter, the large-scale dinner did not end until the evening, and the people went back to their residences. Because of the tiredness of the journey, they all fell asleep soon.

The night gradually fell, and in the corner of the house that people didn't notice, there was a faint black air emitting from one side of the formation, and there was nothing unusual under the cover of darkness.

Several residences of the Gao family did not have such formations.

At this time, the head of the family, Gao Shan, advised the family members a few words, and then returned to his room.

The candlelight was faint, and his tall figure was reflected on the wall.

Gao Shan sat by the bed, facing his own shadow, showing a smile——

"When this trip is over, I will be promoted to Martial Saint."

"Martial Saint... By that time, I will also be the venerable of the country, and the whole country will be honored!"

His smile became brighter and brighter, and the next moment, it froze suddenly.

On the wall, a second shadow appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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