Chapter 360 Human Forces in the Northwest

From today, the northwest belongs to the human race!

After Song Yun's voice spread, the roar of ferocious beasts could no longer be heard on this land, which also proved the truth of this statement from the side.

In addition to the eight major tribes, there are also a small group of human tribes hiding elsewhere. After hearing Song Yun's words, they were dubious.

But there were not many people, dozens of people came over.

After coming, the procedures are simple, kowtow to Emperor Xuan's tent a few times, and report your identity, you are considered to have joined.

The crowd on the oasis was chaotic, those who built huts, those who fetched clean water, those who slaughtered beasts... were busy and very lively.

Such a scene may be the first time it has appeared in the world.

Yin Ke stood at the door of the tent, greedily looking at the crowd in the oasis, he couldn't bear to blink his eyes.

He was excited and relieved, thinking of those relatives and friends who died early, and those strong men who were bitten to death by the wolf emperor, he suddenly felt a little melancholy.

"It's not easy..."

After waiting for so many years, finally came an emperor who could turn the situation around.

From time to time, someone in the distance cried aloud, thinking of the clansmen who died in battle, lamenting that this day came too late.

Is it late?

Yin Ke had seen the fighting power of the Wolf Emperor back then, and the scar on his chest was still aching.

He had never expected that a human emperor could kill the Demon Emperor.

After only a few decades of martial arts training, do you want to kill the Silver Moon Wolf Emperor who has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years?

It must be a god-given miracle.

Undoubtedly, Emperor Xuan was such a miracle... Yin Ke turned his head slightly to look at the tent, with a look of fanaticism in his eyes.

If it was said before, he still had doubts about this emperor who appeared suddenly, and he didn't dare to trust him 100%.

Then at this moment, with Emperor Xuan's order, he was willing to die!

There are not a few people who hold the same idea.

The moment they saw the bustling scene of Anxi Oasis, many people have regarded Song Yun as the object of lifelong pursuit.

The name of Emperor Xuan is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at the fastest speed.

Three days later, all the human tribes in the northwest, large and small, had assembled.

Anyone who heard Song Yun's voice would come, and no one wanted to live in a precarious life again.

In the end, a total of more than 1 people gathered on the oasis.

There are basically only so many human races left in the Northwest.

The good news is that the combat power of this group of humans is not weak. After all, only warriors who are best at fighting can survive in such a harsh environment.

Song Yun asked Yin Ke to make a count. There were 22 martial sages who defected, including four peak martial sages, including Yin Ke and Yin Han. The proportion of top powerhouses was quite high.

There are more than [-] masters and more than [-] congenitals.It doesn't look weak innately, but its combat power is equivalent to that of an adult beast, barely qualified to survive.

More than a dozen witch doctors who are proficient in Taoism are of average level, and they don't even have ghosts and immortals. Now the strongest Taoist mages seem to be in the Qishan Taoist Palace, following the Qing Emperor Taizhu.

In addition, there are more than 6000 people whose strength is not congenital, and they are all classified as "old, weak, women and children" and do not have the ability to act in the wild.

These [-] human races did not have any deterrent power when they were torn apart, so they could only hide in the east and struggle to survive under the claws of ferocious beasts.

Now that they are gathered together, their combat power is much more impressive. With more than 20 martial saints in command, the general group of fierce beasts would not dare to provoke them easily.

But compared with the forces under the Demon Emperor's command, it is still far behind.

In order to surround Song Yun, the Wolf Emperor mobilized tens of thousands of beasts back and forth.

The Tiger Emperor came to support the Wolf Emperor temporarily, and in just half an hour he greeted thousands of fierce beasts.

If a full-scale war breaks out, the people in the Northwest will not be enough.

"Emperor." Yin Ke whispered outside the tent, "The human race in the northwest region has initially gathered, and those who haven't come, I'm afraid they won't be able to come either."

"With so many people gathered together, the management is somewhat chaotic. How should we integrate?"

Yin Ke originally thought that Song Yun would break up these tribes and reunite them into one body, a force directly under Emperor Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Song Yun just said: "There is no need to integrate, you can choose your own habitat and settle down."

"All clans remain independent and still run by patriarchs."

"The same will be true for the tribes that defect to us in the future."

"But you must obey the call and listen to my orders during wartime. Violators will be severely punished."

Song Yun knew that he would not be able to stay in this era for long, and integrating forces would consume too much time and energy, and his goal was to destroy all the beasts.

"Yes." Although a little puzzled, Yin Ke and other patriarchs still bowed and saluted, expressing their obedience. Doing so was naturally a good thing for the patriarch, and they had no reason to object.

Immediately afterwards, Song Yun issued the first call-up order:

Each tribe dispatched a group of patrols to cooperate with each other to guard the border of the territory with a radius of [-] miles to prevent fierce beasts from sneaking in.

More importantly, it is to meet the human races who come from other places.

Song Yun's voice spread thousands of miles away, not only the people in the northwest, but also people from other places could hear it clearly, and there would definitely be people who wanted to join him.

Once they go out, they will be attacked by ferocious beasts. The journey must be extremely difficult and they need to be supported.

Northwest also needs more and more people to join.

Hearing this order, the quick-witted patriarchs quickly understood that their own emperor might not be satisfied with demarcating the territory, and this five-hundred-mile territory was just the beginning.

With the gradual expansion of the power of the human race, it will be a matter of time to start a war with the beasts.

"No!" A group of patriarchs excitedly took the order and left. This first task must be completed beautifully and performed in front of Emperor Xuan.

This is Song Yun's first call-up order issued to the tribes under his command.

The emperor recruited, the tribe sent people to contribute, rewarded for meritorious deeds, and punished for demerits... This is the beginning of the recruiting model that has been used for tens of thousands of years.

Such a newly gathered human force was mobilized by Song Yun at the fastest speed.


In the north-central region, Qing Emperor Taizhu is leading a group of Taoist mages, using illusions as bait to attract a group of leopards into the trap.

Tens of thousands of vines rushed out from the ground, tightly entangled and strangled the leopards.

"These beasts must know the pain, otherwise they will attack endlessly!" Taizhu said in a deep voice.

In the past few days, he has been launching a revenge operation to avenge the dozens of Taoist masters who died.

Forming an "offensive and defensive alliance" with Song Yun gave him a lot of confidence, and he dared to make troubles everywhere and go against the Tiger Emperor.

Hearing the roar of the wolf king and the tiger king at this time, Taizhu's face changed slightly, and he turned his head to look to the west.

"What's going on? Emperor Xuan and the Wolf Emperor are fighting?"

He took out the jade token "Qianli Ling" to see if Song Yun had sent a message for help.

There is no light on the token.

"Is it too far away?"

Taizhu was worried, and signaled his subordinate Taoist masters to retreat. He rose into the air alone and hurried to the west.

As a result, he almost bumped into the Tiger King who was also heading west.

Forced to slow down, Taizhu quietly followed behind, thinking to himself:

"When they fight, I'll attack from behind!"

(End of this chapter)

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