Start operation Batman

Chapter 21 Casino

Chapter 21 Casino
Standing downstairs, Chu Cheng watched Agent Luo's car disappear into the distance, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

There is a saying that working overtime at noon on the day of hoeing is very hard, and it is even more painful if you don’t have money to spend.At this point, some people may not even arrive at the time to get off work, but the dignified super agent actually leaves work and runs away.
Even if infection prevention and control is a matter of the prevention and control department, the investigation and clearance of the source of infection can't be delayed, right?Even if you don't talk about staying up all night, isn't it inappropriate to call off work and run away so early?
But it's also good.In this way, Chu Cheng could move about freely.

He returned to the room, turned on the computer, and the game started directly.In a short time, his screen has become a third-person perspective of Batman, and the location where he appeared is still the place where he offlined the game last night.

Chu Cheng stretched his ten fingers, adjusted a comfortable sitting position, and prepared snacks and drinks.The night is just beginning now.

Chu Cheng also wrote down what Shao Risheng and Agent Luo explained during their "friendly conversation".He entered the address on the game map, and quickly located the gang den he mentioned.

On the surface it is a casino.It is a dark Gothic building, and the signboard is hung with a few luminous characters of "Let's get away with it", it is not known whether it is simply highlighting personality or implying sarcasm.

Batman landed on a nearby height.Chu Cheng didn't move anymore, but turned on the detective vision to scan the building structure.

Luo Yajun said that it was just an unknown life, and similar incidents may have happened many times.Someone might die for no apparent reason every month, but no one cares, and no one pays the price.

He was wrong.

Maybe not before, but there will be in the future.

After two days of exploration, Chu Cheng also discovered another wonderful use of detective vision.

Also like traditional Batman games, the detective mode in the game will mark enemies and civilians.It will succinctly and clearly tell the player which enemies need to be defeated and which are innocent people or teammates.

Including when there is no main mission to control Batman roaming the streets, this feature also allows players to quickly scan for enemies and criminals in the nearby area.Players can control Batman to go to any street in the city to break a few bones at any time.

In this game, this feature helps players identify which targets earn hero points when defeated, and which do not.

During the experience of operating Batman last night, he saw with his own eyes that someone was originally wearing a civilian logo in the detective mode, but during his sneaky attempt to steal the battery, the logo on his body changed from "civilian" to "enemy".

At that time, Chu Cheng speculated that the identification of the enemy's identity under the detective's vision should be judged by the game system, or the game character Batman.

But now that Chu Cheng drove Batman to this "get away with it" casino, he remembered that he seemed to have passed by here when he controlled Batman to patrol the city last night.

At that time, he also turned on the detective vision, but there was no enemy in the vision mark, and it seemed that all the people inside were recognized as civilians.

But when he came to the same address today, he turned on the detective vision to scan the building again, and as far as he could see, there was a dense area full of enemies.

Could it be because they knew that this place was a den of criminals?
But it stands to reason that the one who inquired about this information was someone from Chu, so what does it have to do with Betterman?
Or, can the characters in the game share the information they have obtained during the day?
Chu Cheng's first reaction to this idea was absurd.But then he thought that manipulating game characters to act in reality seemed absurd enough.

After surveying along the outside of the building for a while, he quickly found a suitable entrance.Batman entered the interior through an open skylight, and landed silently in the circular corridor of the tall building.

Chu Cheng has never been to a real casino in person in two lifetimes, and he only has a little understanding of it from the limited performances in film and television dramas.

His impression of this kind of occasion is probably champagne, roulette table and a lot of chips, gamblers who spend a lot of money and lose their minds, and ragged croupiers playing cards
Don't wait for a while, it seems that he is not that unfamiliar after such a summary. After all, he has visited Azur and Griffin's high-end kilns (the mobile games "Azur Lane" and "Girls Frontline"), and the feeling seems to be not too different.

But today none of the above is available.The beautifully decorated hall was quiet, there was no gambler or croupier, only a large number of black sunglasses with guns scattered throughout the hall.

There were faint voices of shouting and cursing from further down the hall.

Chu Cheng observed and memorized the scattered positions of all the black sunglasses in the hall, and quickly planned the attack route.

Batman fell silently against the wall behind the two on the high platform.The positions of these two people have the best vision, and it is difficult to avoid their observation range for attacks on other positions, so they need to be resolved first.

Originally, Chu Cheng had already thought about what to do if he was discovered or seen by other guards, but he realized that he was thinking too much.These two black sunglasses stood guard on the surface, but they were blowing water and farting, and they didn't pay attention at all.Not to mention a sneak attack from behind, they might not even be able to see it if they jumped across from them.

It took only a split second to settle the two.Before that, Chu Cheng even hid in the shadows behind, and eavesdropped on the conversation between the two with the help of the auditory enhancement of detective vision.

The content of the conversation is also very simple.In short, the whole gang was frightened by this weird incident, and the casino was suspended for this reason.

At the moment, the boss is discussing countermeasures in the casino with the first, second, third, and other people in the casino. Judging from the current situation, either they have to collectively surrender and seek official asylum, or they all pack their bags and run away hoping to escape this curse.

One of the miscellaneous fishes was still lamenting that he fell into this quagmire accidentally when he was young and ignorant.If he is lucky enough to get out of this incident, he will wash his hands and marry his girlfriend when he returns.
From their conversation, Chu Cheng learned that the gang leaders are basically in the casino.He got the information he needed, and was not interested in Miscellaneous Fish's next stack of murder book-style flag-planting methods, so he controlled Batman to step forward and instantly stunned the two of them.

Chu Cheng didn't come to find fault with them simply because he wanted to punish the evil, promote the good and uphold justice.Although it's fun to beat up these usually arrogant and domineering guys without arms and legs, what's more important is to have some experience.

As they were marked as enemies in the detective vision, these people immediately changed from penniless fish to walking experience packs in front of Chu Cheng.While hammering them into mentally retarded one by one, the hero points in the store also skyrocketed, which is as enjoyable as cutting leeks.

Thinking back now, Chu Cheng felt more and more that the gangsters he fought in the tutorial were all elites, and they all felt like they had become elites, which formed a sharp contrast with the real gangsters in front of him.

Maybe e-sports doesn't need eyesight, and neither do those who play on the road.

That's not what he said, just with these few eyesight, they are basically the same as Chu Cheng's former referee in a certain country, who is physically disabled but struggling on the front line of the Olympics.Or it might be similar to the fact that the police in a certain country surveyed and reasoned at the corpse of the victim who had been shot seven times in the back, and after thinking for a long time, they came to the conclusion that the cause of death, Emmmm, should probably be a stroke, right?
Of course, it would be best if the villain's vision is like this, and the game level will be automatically downgraded to easy difficulty.

Although the enemy is a dish, there are indeed quite a few people in the hall.Detective Mode flagged a total of 22 enemies, all armed with guns.

It is unrealistic to avoid everyone's sight and kill them all, but you can consider killing a few of them in the field of vision as much as possible, and finally turn off the lights and use the cover of darkness to solve them all in one fell swoop.

Chu Cheng was about to continue to move along the planned route for the two people who had solved the commanding heights, but suddenly froze.

In the screen of the detective vision, it shows that a new guest has appeared from the direction of the gate.

A cylindrical object was thrown into the room from nowhere, and rolled down to the feet of the two black sunglasses patrolling the hall.

a grenade.

Dazzling flames exploded under the bewildered expressions of the black sunglasses in the hall.The two people who were closer were directly blown away, and the shrapnel flying in the fire swept them down again, and they rolled on the ground and howled.

The door was kicked open.From the screen on the computer screen, Chu Cheng clearly saw Agent Luo Yajun, who had just parted with him not long ago, appearing in the hall, with a cigar in his mouth and a submachine gun in his hand, and he shot straight at the hall. Shoot!
(End of this chapter)

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