Chapter 320
Chu Cheng's eyes widened for a moment.

Fuck it, Green Lantern!

And it's not other Green Lanterns, not the thousands of unknown soldiers in the Green Lantern Corps, nor those successors, but the most well-known human beings who first joined the Green Lantern Corps, who have the reputation of "the greatest Green Lantern in history" Called the Justice League patriarch, Hal Jordan.

Hal Jordan, Air Force pilot.When I was flying a fighter jet on a mission, I ran into a cosmic man who was about to die. The other party told him Hal Jordan, wake up, I am Green Lantern Superman
In short, it is a classic plot where the master is dying and is eager to find someone to teach his life skills.It's just that in this case, the master's skill is replaced by a small green ring, which will automatically search for a successor with strong willpower.

That's how Hal Jordan was chosen, thus becoming the first human in the universe to join the Green Lantern Corps.

When it comes to the ability of Green Lantern, we must mention the Green Lantern ring he wears.This thing is known as "the most powerful weapon in the DC universe", and a single Lantern has the strength to sweep a star fleet.

Of course this is also necessary.According to the lighthouse relative theorem, no matter which world you are in, there may be a group of people who worry about world security all day long without even understanding their own security.

The Green Lantern Corps is such a group.Although their headquarters is attacked by terrorists once in five days, and they are known as the safest planet in the universe, but they are always in and out of various villains, but this does not hinder their enthusiasm for maintaining the law and order of the universe.

The Green Lantern Corps was born for this.A group of ancient races called the Guardians created [-] Green Lantern Rings, and each Green Lantern holds a Lantern Ring, endowing him with extraordinary power.They divided the entire universe into [-] sectors, and each Green Lantern is in charge of one of them, which is equivalent to the film police of the universe sector.

A Green Lantern is enough to govern almost all affairs, large and small, in a [-]% universe, and this is enough to see how powerful a Green Lantern ring is.

The lamp ring can project very powerful energy, and it can be shaped into any shape and become anything under the user's imagination.So with only a small ring, Green Lantern is almost equivalent to controlling an entire treasure trove of weapons, possessing all the weapons he can think of in the universe.

Of course, the strength of the green light ring's ability depends on the user, because it is completely driven by willpower.If the willpower of the holder can flow continuously like a surging river, then the lantern ring will naturally be an invincible weapon.But if it is in the hands of ordinary people with mediocre willpower, the energy it releases may not be comparable to ordinary swords and bullets.

There is a saying that "the green light will go out only after five times." If the Green Lantern wants to paddle, Superman can't move it.

This kind of setting also makes Green Lantern the most confusing character on the already confusing American Combat Rivalry list.When he is awesome, he can hang and fly. In the V6 comics, Hal once rubbed out a freshly baked and sold star, which can fly several planets with a slap.

This is why some people are surprised that this thing is called the strongest weapon in the universe, but it often does not have the expressive power to match it.Because the performance of the Lantern Ring as a weapon has no upper limit, but the willpower and imagination of the Lantern Man as a driver have no limits.But as long as the willpower is sufficient, the Green Lantern Ring is indeed omnipotent, literally worthy of the title of the strongest weapon.

Courage is fearless at best, reckless at worst.The Green Lanterns are a proper legion of scumbags. There are [-] scumbags in the whole regiment, and all of them are the type who prefer to use fists rather than brains.

Hal Jordan is the leader of this group of reckless people, so he was also nicknamed Ha Er.

In fact, Mang can't be wrong, after all, what they use is idealistic weapons, and they are going to use all their strength to make miracles.It's just that when the main character's halo disappeared in the joint issue, and the hanging was blocked, the mangzi suddenly became a cook, and nine out of ten times he rushed up and gave away the head. It's no wonder that Batman didn't go his way.

So Chu Cheng quickly calmed down a little.

Cannot swell.Although it seems that he has mastered "the most powerful weapon in the universe" in an instant, he is only an A-level hero in the game.He knows that each pool has an upper limit of strength, and most of the characters shipped are unlikely to be at their peak.Since it is an A-level evaluation, even Green Lantern estimates that it should be only about half the strength of Brother Hammer he currently holds.

But strength is only one aspect.More importantly, Green Lantern has the most important ability he lacks at this time.

Star Trek!

Unlike other Zhenglian heroes, the green light is for the security of the universe. He has an entire sector to take care of and has to fight with the Legion from time to time, so the background of the story rarely takes place on the earth.

Because of this, interstellar travel is an indispensable basic function of the green light ring.

With the interstellar travel tool, there is no need to talk about what to do now.

"On Friday, we recorded the energy readings released when the leader of the Cantel army disappeared, right?"

"Yes sir, that's pretty strong energy, we've never seen anything like it," said Friday. "There's remnants in the cabin too. If you want to try it."

"of course."

Chu Cheng said that he had already selected the freshly released Green Lantern, locked the character and entered the game.

The Green Lantern Ring is not just a weapon, but a tool with countless auxiliary functions.After all, Green Lantern was created to be a cosmic sheriff rather than a superhero, so the lantern ring must have all the functions of assisting security work.

One of the most basic items is the tracking of interstellar criminals.

Interstellar criminals must use spaceships to escape from pursuit, and spaceship navigation must be inseparable from curvature engines and interstellar jumping devices.Detective tracking is exactly what the green light ring is best at. It can lock the jump direction of the curvature engine and find the escapee's interstellar jump exit.

The operation of the game is similar to perception systems such as spider sensing and detective mode.Chu Cheng manipulated Green Lantern to fly to the emptied floating island, activated Lantern Vision, and the screen immediately turned into a light forgiving color.

The Green Lantern flew not far, and quickly marked a group of energy signals with light yellow under the light green background.

Chu Cheng zoomed in on the screen like a detective's vision, and pointed the camera at the target to scan.I saw Green Lantern raised his right fist, and the light ring worn on his middle finger shot out two slender rays of light, moving up and down to complete the scan. After some analysis and calculation by the top system equipped in the light ring, a coordinate jumped out in a moment.

Far beyond the solar system, at the other end of the starry sky, another world that is almost never accessible to human beings is a coordinate that is within reach in front of Green Lantern.

It's not even that far away.

Krypton in the DC universe is located in the Andromeda galaxy, which is more than 250 million light-years away from the earth.But even at this distance, in the sector division of the known universe by the green light, Krypton is still the next sector of the earth, and it belongs to the neighbor.

Although Green Lantern's interstellar jump also has a distance limit, for the Lantern who often needs to shuttle across multiple sectors to enforce the law, the distance of 300 million light years is nothing.

"Update the schedule, Friday." Chu Cheng smiled, "Looks like we have to go and see what the universe looks like."

With a dazzling light effect, Green Lantern sprinted at full speed, his whole body seemed to be wrapped in a cloud of green shooting stars.He rushed out of the atmosphere, flew out of the pole star, and continued to accelerate towards the other side of the starry sky, and a light green vortex opened in front of him in a short while.

The Green Lantern plunged straight into the vortex like a stray arrow, and disappeared in an instant.

The screen in front of Chu Cheng went black, and a short loading mark appeared.After loading the LOGO and turning it twice, the screen lights up again, but what I see is the starry sky full of stars, and the colorful lights complement each other.A green afterimage rushed out of the vortex, suspended in the vast universe like duckweed, and it was the Green Lantern who had just disappeared.

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and while manipulating Green Lantern to look around, he asked, "Friday? Did we succeed?"

"It appears that Mister Jordan has indeed left the solar system, sir," said Friday, "but I can hardly be of any help there.

Our equipment and network are still far away from the pole star, and my ability cannot reach that distance. "

Chu Cheng nodded, as expected: "It's okay."

Of course, it is impossible to rely on backup after flying to such a far place. Their current weapons and equipment are still limited to the range of the Earth Star.Green Lantern is the first superhero he obtained capable of interstellar exploration. The essence of this trip is to open up wasteland, and naturally he can only rely on himself when encountering any problems.

But to be reasonable, with a green light ring, whether it is Marvel or DC, it should be almost stress-free to run rampant throughout the universe.Enemies who can be stronger than Green Lantern, whether they are individuals or civilizations, are among the strongest in the universe.And even among those strong ones, even if the Green Lantern is invincible, if he wants to leave, there are very few people who can keep him.

Since crossing, Chu Cheng has never left the Earth Star to explore, and he is completely blind to the situation in the universe he lives in, and has no idea about the strength of alien civilizations and interstellar powerhouses.

The only reference is the Cantel people who came to the pole star this time.

To be honest, Chu Cheng was even more curious about the situation in the interstellar world after meeting the Kantel people.

Although it doesn't mean that this team is not fierce, after all, it would be a bit difficult to parry without him on the Earth's Pole Star.But Chu Cheng thought that in the deleted clip of Avengers 4, Rocket Raccoon called the Chitauri in Avengers 1 "the best fleet in the galaxy", and even then they at least had a laser rifle in their hands.

However, this Cantel man basically does things with his bare hands, and he is so stingy that he doesn't even get a gun.Chu Cheng thought that it was hard work to give them a fire stick and be the team leader. It couldn't be that they were so poor that they couldn't even afford a stick, right?
Or are aliens all like this?

"Interstellar Jump is cooling down." That's the reminder from the green light or the built-in AI.

It seems that the interstellar jump of the lantern ring can't be used continuously, and it needs to be activated after a while.There should also be an upper limit to the limit distance of a jump, but I don't know how far it is the longest.

"The remaining energy is 99.9%."

That's right, the green light ring also needs to be charged, but what is charged is not the electrical energy in human cognition, but the energy from the emotional spectrum of the universe.Each Green Lantern is generally distributed with a lantern battery, which is quite a mobile power bank, which can charge the lantern ring at any time.

Hal has just been dispatched right now, and the energy can be charged for a long time.Chu Cheng activated the lamp ring again and scanned the surrounding area, and soon found the residual trace of energy.Green Lantern followed the trajectory and flew forward in a boundless universe for a while, and soon the signal was traced back to a planet.

It is a planet that is different from the Polar Star, but also surrounded by an atmosphere.Green Lantern flew in, piercing through the atmosphere like a fog, and what he saw was a surface made of rock.

It seems that the surface of this planet is completely made of rock, one after another, large and small stones of indeterminate shape, closely spliced ​​together to form an endless ground.

"The air quality is excellent, and the planetary environment is suitable." Lantern Ring AI said again, "The force field operation can be turned off."

Green Lantern is usually surrounded by a force field, like an invisible energy armor.This force field enables the Lanterns from any galaxy and any species to use the lantern ring to simulate an environment suitable for their own survival, and can survive anywhere without obstacles.

Chu Cheng knew that this was the system reminding him that he could turn off the force field to save energy, but he ignored it.

"Thanks, but I'll choose to turn it on." Hal replied automatically.

After landing on this planet and moving forward, the energy traces began to become weaker and weaker, and the traces scanned by the lantern ring were intermittent from time to time.The Green Lantern continued to fly forward for a few minutes, and the trail broke off abruptly, stopping at the edge of a cliff.

He landed, and from this angle he could just see the half-rising star at the end of the horizon.

Hal stood on the ground, activated the green light ring and scanned the surroundings in more detail.It is still similar to the detective mode of operation, but the focus is different.

The Green Lantern Ring was specially created by the ancient guardians for the security of the universe. Its detection capabilities in terms of technology are undoubtedly more advanced than Batman's equipment.It's just that Green Lantern himself is a reckless man and not a top-notch detective, so the on-site investigation can only rely on light rings, and he can't add his own reasoning and imagination like Batman.

Lantern scans also quickly found remnants of certain traces.It modeled the restoration of the scene in a way similar to the detective model, and soon Chu Cheng saw that some kind of heavy object had been parked here, a very large thing.

The head of the Kantel legion came on foot not far away, and his footsteps disappeared here, as if he had stepped on a heavy object parked here - so it seems that some kind of vehicle should have been parked here.Then the thing flew off the ground, and the replay ended there.

It seems obvious from this replay that we can guess what happened.This planet is the destination where the legion leader teleported and fled, but he has already prepared a vehicle here, which may be some kind of spaceship.

He boarded the spaceship and left the planet, and the power of Lantern Ring seemed to end there.

As for where the vehicle flew after leaving, there was no trace in the vast starry sky.

Although it was the expected ending, Chu Cheng was inevitably a little frustrated.He shipped the Green Lantern in such a timely manner, and finally obtained the means of interstellar tracking. He thought that if he could catch up and solve the fish that slipped through the net within a day or two, maybe the coordinates of the polar star would be saved.

It's a pity that the clues were interrupted at this point, and it seemed that they still couldn't catch up.

I was secretly feeling regretful, when suddenly I saw a striking exclamation mark pop up in the upper left corner of the screen.

Chu Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Of course he knew what this mark meant, it was a reminder of timely missions around him.

But this is an alien, what kind of sudden mission can there be?Alien cat stuck in a tree?
Chu Cheng became interested, and after thinking about it, he manipulated Green Lantern to fly in the direction of the exclamation mark.

(End of this chapter)

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