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Chapter 322 Big basket

Chapter 322 Big basket

"My God. I thought I was dead."

The humanoid alien trembled for a while, as if he had lingering fear.When he saw Deadpool walking towards him, he wanted to get up in a hurry, but it seemed that he couldn't use his strength, so he sat back after struggling for a while.

"Ha, don't be nervous, I don't eat people. At least not when I'm in a good mood." Deadpool put away his weapon and said.

Of course Deadpool doesn't have the ability to communicate with aliens, but Green Lantern does.As an interstellar sheriff, the universal translation is of course one of the most basic functions. In the game, translation is also set as a passive skill of Lantern Man, which can be shared with teammates on the same team.

So Deadpool can also communicate with aliens when Green Lantern is on the same team.

The man looked at him carefully for a while, then got up carefully: "Thank you. Damn it, damn Ake Xing, I knew it would never be good to come to this cursed place"

It turns out that this place is called Akexing.Chu sincerely said.

Of course he knows that this is definitely not the original name, it is the saying that the green light ring automatically translates the alien language into human language.But he doesn't know the standard of the translation of Deng Jie, maybe it's a homonym or a free translation, or it's just a code name randomly selected in the green light dictionary.

The alien cursed a few words, seemed to be finally relieved, and thanked Deadpool repeatedly.

"I'm Claire, a... er... businessman, I'm here for some goods." The alien slowed down and moved his hands and feet, "Originally, our team also had soldiers guarding them, so these beasts shouldn't be anything to be afraid of.

But I got separated from the team, if I hadn't met you. Are you a local?You look like a warrior"

He didn't seem to be surprised to see a human being in the universe.Chu Cheng didn't know if it was because there were many human-like species in the universe, or because Deadpool's strange costumes made it impossible for the other party to distinguish his race.

Deadpool muddles questions about his origins vaguely - which isn't too difficult.Deadpool's speech is upside down, and the logic is unclear.Chu Cheng answered a few words, and then Deadpool was free to make a few nonsense to change the topic, and this part was revealed.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to only ask casually, and was not very interested in his ethnic origin.Only from the casual words and tone behind Claire, Chu Cheng could guess that there might be more than one planetary race on this planet, making a strange man with two swords not so strange.

"Are you here to hunt?" Claire asked casually, "Your skill is very extraordinary, to be honest, it is also top-notch among the fighters I have seen.

I think Bruen may not be as good as you. Oh, by the way, Bruen is the guard of our team, the top player in our league. "

With a thought, Chu Cheng said, "I'm looking for someone. He came to Akexing not long ago, but he seems to have left now."

"That's going to Krafal?" Claire muttered, "No matter where you want to go from a place like Ake, you have to go to Krafal, after all, there is no second one in this entire star field." The star gate is gone.
Phew, the damned place.If I hadn’t heard that there is one here.”

He stopped suddenly, as if he almost blurted out something he shouldn't have said.

". Anyway, thank you very much, but I have to go."

Can we only go to the planet called Krafal from here?Chu Cheng secretly wrote it down.

This is an important message.If the leader of the Kantel army teleported to this planet and escaped in a vehicle, he might have gone there.

Of course, going to a completely unknown planet to find aliens is still looking for a needle in a haystack, and there may not be much hope for catching him.It's just that this is Chu Cheng's only clue so far, and it's better than nothing.And even if it can't be traced, it is right to open up wasteland.

Anyway, besides trying his luck on this trip to see if he could catch the lost legion leader, he also wanted to go to the interstellar desert to find out the situation. As long as there are intelligent creatures and civilized places, it doesn't matter where to start exploring.

In the past, it was completely helpless to stay in Jijixing all day long and wait for someone to call on you. Now that you have the ability to open up wasteland and explore, it would be good to get even a little more information about the enemy.

But even with the green light ring as a vehicle, Chu Cheng's interstellar map is still darkened.Even if he knew the name Krafal, he didn't know which direction to go.

"Are you here to hunt? Or to buy goods?" Claire asked, "I'm going to go back, but I'm still a little far away from the spaceship. I already regret coming to this damned planet. It's dangerous to walk all the way.

If I meet another group of brutes like that just now, I might be done for. "

He paused, looked carefully at the strange man in front of him, and asked tentatively: "So I was thinking, if your uh...arrangement does not conflict, can you escort me for a ride?

Just go to the spaceship, and my companion will be there.Of course, the reward will never be less.”

Chu Cheng quickly had an idea.

"Are you going to Krafal?" he asked through Deadpool.

"Of course. I don't want to stay in this ghost place for a moment, and I will take off when I get back to the spaceship."

"Then is there any good buddy to bring me one?"

The alien's translated tone and body movements showed surprise.

"Ha, it would be great if a powerful fighter like you is willing to go with you. This way I can feel at ease."

Claire needed a bodyguard, Chu Cheng needed a compass, and the two hit it off.The two immediately walked together.

They chatted casually as they walked.Chu Cheng knew almost nothing about interstellar affairs, so he was just an audience most of the time, and only occasionally opened the microphone to guide the topic to let the other party reveal the information he wanted.

Although the alien occasionally felt strange that this expert brother in the same industry didn't even know some common sense, he didn't think much about it and just responded casually.

From what he said, Chu Cheng probably knew that the entire starry sky they were in was called the Yevgon Star Realm.There are countless intelligent species in this astral world, and very few people have gone beyond the astral world.

From Claire's words, Chu Cheng could feel that the astral world might be a concept similar to a country, but it was more vast, and it was a collection of countless planets and races in the universe.

But if it is based on the concept of a human country, there must be a ZF and leadership.But when he secretly tried to guide Claire to talk about this part, he found that the other party seemed to have avoided the relevant topic on purpose, and even aroused alarm for a while.Deadpool prevaricated with his dizzying ramblings, and didn't ask any more questions for the time being.

Chu Cheng could sense some taboos that might be involved in the issue of leadership.A collection of countless planets in the entire astral world is different from any collective concept that humans have, and he is not sure whether it is appropriate to speculate based on inherent experience.

He then tried to mention the race of Kantel, and this time there was an unexpected harvest.

"Ah, those desperadoes." Claire said casually, "They have really become famous these two days."


Claire looked at Deadpool strangely: "You don't know? I thought everyone in this star realm already knew it."
They made a big mess this time, the really big one.Since you haven’t heard of it, you have to be mentally prepared and don’t be intimidated.”

Klein lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that someone would hear, and said mysteriously.

".They were suspected of killing an angel."

(End of this chapter)

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