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Chapter 332 Come whenever you want?

Chapter 332 Come whenever you want?

With a bang, the entrance of the building was directly blasted away, and some fragile ornaments like glass or porcelain in the inner courtyard were affected by the energy wave, and they were smashed to pieces.

Green Lantern strode in and saw there was an open space between the gate and the inner room. Alien warriors of several races were all in this empty courtyard. At this time, they screamed and cursed loudly when they saw someone breaking in.

More than a dozen aliens gathered together.The Green Lantern stood in place without retreating or evading. No one saw clearly what he had done, but everyone present clearly felt a heavy pressure on their chests. They were invisible and unable to dodge. When they recovered, they had already collapsed. He fell out and smashed everything in the courtyard with a bang.

Green Lantern was covered with a layer of green light, his feet lifted off the ground, flew across the entire inner courtyard, and crashed into the inner hall.

The members inside had better status and were stronger, especially the group in the center who were obviously discussing something seriously when he came in.At this time, when they saw such a green guy knocking in the door, everyone was shocked, as if they were wondering what the guards outside were doing for food.

The Krafal Second Alliance is the strongest force on this planet, and the only one that can barely contend with them is the "Eastern Hemisphere Alliance" located in another place, also known as ASEAN for short.

These two major alliances have not interfered with each other for many years, and they are basically the main snakes on Krafal.The Second League has been used to bossing around in this three-acre land, and no one has ever dared to come and shout.

After seeing who was coming, everyone was even more confused.

Does it seem like there is only one person here?

A single-handedly broke into the headquarters of our Second League?

Who do you think you are?God king?

The two alien warriors who were closer to the door both stepped forward, and they were the first to reach Green Lantern.The one on the left is shaped somewhat like a walking sea cucumber, while the one on the right is covered in spikes like a hedgehog.

Green Lantern still didn't hide, and watched with a smile as the two aliens caught him in front of him.There were two muffled bangs again, and the sea cucumber turned backwards exaggeratedly and flew out. With a bang, it got embedded in the wall and couldn't be pulled out.That Hedgehog even slammed his head into the space between his teammates, because he was flying backwards with his back outwards and his speed was so fast that he bumped into the two teammates before they had time to react, and was stabbed by his barbs so that they screamed .

A group of aliens were shocked when they saw this scene, and they all realized that this time they might have really hit a hard point.

Although the strongest members of the alliance are generally not all at the headquarters when the incident happened suddenly, there are also some strong members among the core members stationed at the headquarters. There are so many people that none of them can clearly see what the other party has done.

But it's normal not to see it, Hal really didn't do anything.This is his automatic defense skill.

Every hero in the game has defense key corresponding skills, but each hero's skills are different.For example, Batman dismantles and defends against counterattacks in a regular manner, Captain America uses the superb and indestructible "shield fighting technique", and Spiderman relies on the reflexes endowed by spiders to completely miss.

The Green Lantern is even more special, his defense key corresponding skill is "absolute defense".

It is also the most basic function of the Lantern Ring, generating a transparent force field to protect the Lantern Man.The force field is extremely strong, which allows Lantern to survive in almost any harsh environment in the universe, and can resist and automatically rebound various powerful attacks.Even Superman's fist can take a few punches.

So this may also be Chu Cheng's most brainless defense skill among all heroes so far. With just one button activation, Green Lantern is basically invincible.Hal did not move just now, and the two aliens hit Hal hard with all their strength, activating the automatic defense of the green light force field all over his body, and an extremely domineering energy rebound bounced each of them away.

Green Lantern is a feared magistrate in the entire DC universe. For hundreds of millions of years, everyone in the universe has known it, and only country bumpkins like people on earth have never even heard of the name of Green Lantern.

But how have the aliens in this universe heard of such a comparison?A group of people next to him saw this green guy almost paralyzed his two teammates without even moving his fingers.

Through the screen, Chu Cheng's gaze quickly fell on the person sitting at the farthest side of the room.

It was another humanoid creature, which caught Chu Cheng by surprise again.That looks like a man, with a strong physique and dark skin. You can only see the subtle differences from the Earth Star humans in the facial features when you look carefully. At first glance, he looks like a human being.

He noticed that several core members had the intention to subconsciously protect this person when he came in, and he expected that even if this person was not the leader of the organization, he should be a leader.It seems that the question still has to start from this person.

"who are you?"

The person who asked the question was Brother Mercury, who led the team outside before, and he seemed to have a high status here.

"It's not important, I just want to ask a simple little question."

Howl took two steps forward.He walked casually and confidently, and his eyes seemed to hide a knife ready to go.And he just took two steps so casually, the aliens surrounding him couldn't help but take two steps back, and the surrounding circle also moved forward with him.

It was as if there was some irresistible order in his every move.

"A Cantel man is missing, I heard he belongs to you." Hal said.

The hearts of all the aliens were shocked, thinking that "so they came here for this again".

After the killing of the head of the Cantel Legion, he was wanted in the entire star world. Not only the chosen ones in the entire system wanted to arrest him, but also many other strong men who boasted of their strength were moved.

The fall of an envoy is an extremely rare event. It is conceivable that if someone can catch the prisoner, the great existence that rules the star realm will naturally benefit.

It's just that the powerhouses from all walks of life are trying to find ways to investigate and inquire on their own. Due to the status of Krafal's second alliance, although everyone knows that the fugitive used to belong to their alliance, no one dares to ask questions for the time being.

The green man in front of him was really the first one to directly hit the door without giving any face like this, and it felt as if he didn't take them seriously at all.

At the same time, another question popped up in the hearts of several high-level officials——

——Is there such a number one person in our star realm?

From the moment they just entered the door, they had already seen that this person must be unusual, otherwise they would not dare to say that they had the guts to break into their second alliance headquarters alone.

But how could a strong man like this be so unknown in the star realm?
A group of people looked at me and I looked at you. From the faces of each other, it was obvious that no one recognized this green buddy.

"Are you asking about the whereabouts of the legion commander again? Then you will be disappointed." Brother Shuiyin said bluntly, "And even if we know, why do you think we will tell you?
What do you think this is?Come whenever you want? "

(End of this chapter)

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