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Chapter 335 The Temple

Chapter 335 The Temple
The Second Alliance has a deep background in Krafal and there are many strong people, but the stronger they are, the less they like to be restrained. All of them are used to free movement. Normally, only one or two cadres will stay at the headquarters on duty.

Then it happened that the leader of the alliance was away again in the past two days, so the only cadre left in the headquarters was the man who manipulated the liquid metal.

In fact, it is quite enough to have him in charge normally, and there are only a few other forces in Krafal who can have such a strong person who can do it.It's just that no one would have imagined that such a green monster would pop out out of nowhere today, and the cadre-level boss acted like a mere fish in front of him.

The man withdrew too quickly and was temporarily stunned by his own liquid metal.Green Lantern stood among the crowd, his eyes slowly sweeping over everyone around him.The sight under the green goggles was like a sharp knife, everyone couldn't help trembling when they met that gaze, not daring to look directly.

"Angry, Slight Fear, Calm, Slight Fear, Severe Fear."

"Severe fear. It's him."

Chu Cheng stopped turning the angle of view, and the angle of view of the screen was locked on one of the fallen people.

It was a pink thing with a sucker mouth like a mollusk.The body is soft and the person is soft, and after being looked at by Green Lantern, his whole body trembled with fright, and he was speechless.

This is a feature of the green light visual mode.The Lantern Man series uses the power of the emotional spectrum, which is extremely sensitive to emotions.The green light ring also scans the emotions represented by courage and will when executing the program of identifying the master, so that it can lock the predestined mangzi to become its next master.

So Chu Cheng was using this function to find the most cowardly alien among the aliens present.

Looks like he hit the lottery.

Green Lantern hooked his finger, and the soft alien was captured by a ball of green light, and his body was pulled towards Green Lantern uncontrollably.It was immobilized by the green light and fixed in front of Green Lantern, and its whole body twitched like chaff.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to have a good chat with you and ask a few questions." Hal said politely.


The soft-bodied man looked at his teammates who were lying on the ground in horror, and couldn't help but trembled even more.But when he saw that everyone around him was focusing on him, he also thought that if he was coaxed here, he might not be able to get along in the alliance, so he broke his heart, summoned up the courage from nowhere and shouted: "If you want to kill, you can kill me!" Kill it, I have nothing to say to you!"

However, after being hardened, he regretted it a bit, especially when he thought of the series of earth-shattering operations that the green man had just done, it was probably just a matter of effort to squeeze himself into juice, so he couldn't help being even more scared, and couldn't help but weakly want to say brother I'm joking, you can ask whatever you want, don't take it seriously
"oh, I see."

Green Lantern nodded to show his understanding, and then the light ring flashed again.

Three chainsaws appeared out of nowhere in midair, whirling with deafening buzzing and sawtooth.With a movement of Hal's fingers, the three chainsaws were activated at the same time, and one sliced ​​across the top of the creature's head, one passed over the man's thigh, and the other swung and swept across his waist.

Everyone only saw the three unhandled saws criss-crossing in mid-air like dancing, almost touching the man's body every time, without leaving a scar.Almost every time the saw passed by, everyone was in fear, as if they could hallucinate the appearance of the poor guy being cut open, but it didn't happen every time.

"Extremely severe fear, may cause irreversible damage." Deng Jie reminded.

After several saws in a row, everyone admired this precise technique more and more, but they also became more and more frightened in their eyes.But as the person concerned, feeling the three saws walking around against his body, listening to the heavy buzzing in his ears, feeling the whistling wind, how could he have the heart to praise his superb skills?
"Brother, I was wrong! You ask, you can ask whatever you want!" The soft-body star is out of his mind, and whether he can get along in the organization is a matter of tomorrow. In short, he has to save his life first.

"You know."

Hal waved his hand, and several chainsaws temporarily stopped, but they were still buzzing beside them, like hungry wolves staring at them, ready to pounce on them again as long as they felt that a word was wrong.

"That Kantel wanted man, the one who got out of our alliance." Hal asked, "His whereabouts."

The alien's sucker-mouthed face began to cry: "But we really don't know."

Seeing that the chainsaw floating above his head seemed to speed up, the alien hurriedly screamed: "Wait! Wait! I see, I might have a clue!"


"Although we don't know where he is now, we know where he will go!" the alien shouted, "The temple! He will definitely go to the temple!"

"The temple?"

Chu Cheng frowned.Just as I was about to ask again, there was already an interface next to me.

"Yes, the temple in the 'Astral Void'."

It was Brother Mercury who spoke.He was first punched by the Green Lantern and flew to the wall, and he was smashed into a piece of cake. Now he has recovered, limped over, and answered carefully.

"It is rumored that it is the place where the gods of the past fell, the gods before the great master of our Yevgoen star realm took over this star realm, the former great master of our star realm.

But we all know that gods are immortal.So many people believe that there must be some way to awaken the gods of the past, and no one has given up trying for so many centuries. "

Chu Cheng pondered for a moment, then turned on the mic and said, "Is this related to your missing friend?"

Many people looked at each other.They all understood that the strength of the person in front of them was not in the same dimension as theirs, and it was not their choice to answer the question or not.

And more people also think that what they have mastered is actually not a secret. Now that so many people and forces are paying attention to the temple, and so many people are looking for the whereabouts of the missing Cantel people, just think about it Many people can figure this out on their own, and they can't be regarded as selling out their teammates if they say it.

".You should also know that there is an ancient rumor among the ancient gods." Brother Shuiyin continued, "If someone can awaken a god, then in return, the god may give that person extremely powerful power according to his mood, or It is a treasure, or it can be taken as the chief entourage, or a wish can be fulfilled.

But either way, it will bring enormous power. "

After a pause, he turned to continue.

"In addition, you also know that if there is no necessary reason between the great ancient gods, they will try their best to avoid friction and war. So if anyone makes a mistake in this star world, the best hope for him to get rid of the responsibility is "

"Get the protection of another god." Chu Cheng seemed to understand.

Killing an envoy made it impossible for the Cantel man to move even an inch in the entire star world.He can hide for a while, but he cannot hide forever.

Unless he manages to break the seal to awaken another ancient god and obtain the protection of that god race, then maybe the killing of a god envoy can be forgotten.

"This is actually a whimsical idea. In the past so many years, so many forces have traveled to and from the Void Temple, trying to find the lost ancient god and wake him up, but how can it be so easy?

No one can get past that level without finding the lost statue."

"and many more."

Chu Cheng seemed to have discovered Huadian.

"What statue?"

(End of this chapter)

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