Chapter 346
Although the strength of the green-robed man is extraordinary, the ability of the lantern ring is unpredictable, and it all moves according to the imagination of the lantern man. He can dig pits and set up ambush in close combat or long-distance combat. Being caught by the other party's sudden brain hole, let alone the first encounter?
Even the young man saw Hal seriously fighting with someone for the first time.Although Hal also showed the ability of Lantern Ring before, most of them were transformed into vehicles, or conjured up some interesting gadgets to entertain him during the journey.At that time, the teenager just thought it was amazing.

But seeing Hal fighting with his own eyes now, he realized that this ability is really powerful when he fights, and he was stunned for a while.

The green-robed man was also shocked when he was blown into the sky by the landmine—both physically and psychologically.But his ability to adapt is really strong. After being blown into the air, a wave of energy was stimulated out of thin air, allowing him to turn backwards in mid-air.

But since he had already hit the first trick, how could Chu Cheng have any reason to break up?Green Lantern took a step forward, and pulled his right hand across the air, a ball of green light suddenly grabbed the green-robed man who was about to turn over and get away like an invisible hand, and with an unparalleled force, he volleyed into the air. Green Lantern pulls.

The green-robed man was slightly surprised to be caught in mid-air, and immediately changed his tactics, adjusting his position and planning to fight back with punches only when he was pulled in front of the opponent.

But he didn't expect that, why would a Green Lantern want to beat him and wait for him to be pulled in the face?
Hal was pulling with one hand while the other was clenched into a fist, and a right hook had been delivered.At this time, the green-robed man was still separated from him in mid-air by a long distance. It seemed as if he was inexplicably waving at the air, but the moment the green light was activated when the punch was punched, countless particles condensed into a huge and incomparable monster out of thin air. The giant fist actually turned into a powerful right uppercut, and it hit the green-robed man from a long distance away.

The green-robed man let out a muffled grunt and was punched flying, but he felt his body being pulled out by a strong force as soon as he flew out.

Hal punched out, grabbed in the air, and the divine power of Lantern Ring pulled him back again.Immediately following Hal, he kicked up and gestured across the void.Halfway through the kick of his kick, another ball of green light was activated, and a huge calf was transformed into a kick, which kicked on the green robed man and sent him flying at a faster speed than before.

As soon as Hal's foot landed, his left hand was raised violently.I saw the green-robed man fly halfway upside down, and suddenly a green brick wall erected behind him.

The green-robed man shot into the wall with a bang, his body exploded into virtual bricks and rocks, his whole body was embedded in the wall, and his whole body was sore and weak for a while.

His shock at this moment is beyond words.Although he lives in seclusion, he has always been confident in his strength, and always feels that if he goes out for a walk one day, he will still be a rare strong man in the star realm.

As a result, the freak who suddenly came to him was so strong that he had never heard of it in his life.

Is it possible that monsters are already everywhere in the astral world after staying at home for such a good time?
Green Lantern raised his right fist, and the light ring flashed, and the green light turned into countless parts and fragments that quickly attracted to his arm, assembled and combined, and turned into a technological cannon that wrapped his entire arm. in.

The green light flowed along the lines of his uniform like a torrent, continuously pouring into the barrel of his right arm, locked on the direction of the man in green robe, and was ready to fire.

Seeing that the green-robed man was powerful, Chu Cheng knew that his physical strength was extremely high, and he might not be able to subdue him after this series of combos.So simply beat him up first, and save half his life is almost the same.

Unexpectedly, at this stall, the young man suddenly threw himself on the green-robed man.


Chu Cheng was taken aback for a moment.

What the hell?grandfather?
Is this weirdo?
When the thought came to him, he quickly operated Green Lantern to dodge sideways, and canceled the unfinished second half of the skill with the dodge action.

That is to say, his hand speed is extremely fast and he is extremely familiar with the characteristics of the skill. Otherwise, this kid would rush forward in such a flashy moment, and if he reacted a little slower, he might have already given the Lantern Man a second shot.

At this moment, Chu Cheng looked at the green robed man again.The man was dressed in rags, it was more like a blue rag than a robe, and his bent waist really looked like an old man.

But the strange thing is that the young man is fair and beautiful - although it is a bit strange to describe him like this, he is indeed a little boy with a human standard that countless women can only feel ashamed of.Therefore, Chu Cheng naturally thought that his grandfather must also have the appearance of a human race.

But looking at the appearance of this green-robed man, although Chu Cheng wanted to be more respectful and polite, it was really not flattering in terms of human aesthetic standards.Flat nose, dark blue skin, full of potholes and spots on the skin, not only is there no sense of beauty at all, even staring at that face without physical nausea is considered to be of excellent quality.

Chu Cheng was a little confused when he saw this scene.

No, this is your grandfather?
This made him want to ask a little bit, buddy, are you sure that there is no alien family with the surname Wang in the neighbors of your two generations of ancestors?

But judging from the boy's reaction, he didn't seem to be fake at all.He threw himself on Grandpa: "Grandpa, where have you been? I miss you so much"

The green-robed man looked down at him, was startled for a while, and then said in doubt: "You stupid boy?"

"Yes, it's me, stupid boy, grandpa." The boy smiled, "I've been thinking about you, why haven't you come to pick me up, grandpa?"

Judging by his reaction, it seems that grandpa used to look like this.It's just that he grew up with his grandfather since he was a child, so he might not find it ugly after seeing this face.Moreover, he didn't meet others during his growth, and he didn't think it was strange that his grandfather was different from his own species.

The green-robed man recognized him, and the murderous look faded from his face, and kindness and softness appeared in his eyes.

But just when Chu Cheng thought that the battle was over and it was time to go to the cutscene CG to watch the plot, he suddenly saw that the soft color on the face of the green-robed monster was fleeting, followed by a murderous look.

He suddenly raised his palm, and under the pressure of energy, it turned into a knife in his hand and slammed it down on the young man's forehead!

Chu Cheng didn't expect this turn of events.But in the end, his hand speed was off the charts. In recent days, he often operated Lantern Man and was familiar with the skill keys like instinct.

Almost at the same second, the energy of the lamp ring was activated, and a ball of green light pulled the boy in the direction of Hal violently, avoiding the fatal blow to the extreme.The green-robed man's knife fell to the ground, and the energy of this slash blasted a deep fracture on the ground. If it hit this young man, it would undoubtedly be the result of his body being smashed to pieces.

Not only is Chu Cheng fast enough, but this skill he uses instinctively is also the fastest to activate among Green Lantern's assembly skills, almost without any forward movement. Basically, the lantern ring is activated with a single thought.Otherwise, if you switch to other skills, no matter what weapon you imagine to transform, it will take an instant, and it is absolutely impossible to catch up.

The boy was pulled out by the green light and fell into a somersault. Although he was not injured, he sat on the ground without getting up, and only looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

His lips were trembling, and he said tremblingly: "Grandpa?"

(End of this chapter)

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