Chapter 357
The Giant Levi saw Iron Man flying away, and stood there watching from a distance, until the opponent turned into a black dot and still refused to look away.

Feeling lost, he stood there for a long time, like a child who was left by the side of the road by his parents.It seems that the vast world has no place for him for a while.

After standing in a daze for a while, the Levi giant retracted his eyes.He thought, this new father is extremely powerful, and he is probably one of the best among all the strong men he has ever seen.I'm afraid I only used the tip of the iceberg to crush myself just now, and maybe in the eyes of the other party, my inconspicuous ability is just a burden.

Their race has been respecting the strong since ancient times, and it has even evolved to the point where it is already a bit weird.And he himself is the weirdest of the weirdest.In just a few minutes of fighting, he had already admired that iron man like a god.But even though he recognized his father with a shy face, people disliked him for being too weak, and he couldn't follow his side to fulfill his filial piety.Thinking of this, I can't help but frown and sigh that life is hard.

Turning around and seeing the body of the commander of the Cantel army that the new father threw on the ground and did not take it away, he was even more moved.

We all know that this Kantel wanted criminal is very valuable, and the new father I just met probably took a lot of effort to find him here and take him down.In the end, he actually left it to his useless son without saying a word. Such a heavy meeting ceremony made him feel that his kindness was as heavy as a mountain, and he couldn't help but burst into tears for a while.

No, I have to find a way to be filial and help.

Although the other party didn't say anything, he thought that since he came to this astral void, that person's purpose was probably for the temple.He himself has given up hope on the temple, but he has to find a way to help his father get in, which is kind of kind.

Thinking of this, he immediately carried the dying corpse on his shoulders and left on foot.

First step, he had to find a way to find the way to the temple.

In any case, for Chu Cheng, the primary goal of this interstellar journey has been settled.He originally came here for the runaway legion leader, but now that he has been dealt with, the coordinates of the Earth's Pole Star are fortunately not leaked, and the most important main line has been completed.

If there is any other way to leak the coordinates, it is beyond his control.It can only be said that everything should be done according to the destiny, that when soldiers come, they will be blocked by water and earth, and when alien gods come, it is a big deal to fight desperately, and run away if they can't fight.

That's right, the shipment of the green light system also means that Chu Cheng now has a new option.It would be best if he could defend the Earth's Pole Star, but if he couldn't defend it, no one would be able to stop him if he wanted to run away.

At that time, the big deal is to stuff the people close to you into the green light spaceship, and go wherever you want in such a big universe.Fly to an alien planet and then level up and develop for a while, and it won't be too late to come back to find a place after becoming a god.

It suddenly occurred to me that Stark seemed to say the same thing when he described the concept of the Avengers to Loki in Avengers 1.
Of course it's not there yet.It is still in the stage of exhaustion.

First of all, you can start by exploring the way in the temple.

In fact, it didn't take him a few minutes to get the Legion Commander and Levi Hanhan just now, and the Green Lantern and the silly boy are still on the way.Before that, Chu Cheng can go in with the Iron Man vest to see what's going on, so he can know when the key figures will come.

After flying for a while, the entrance to the temple appeared in front of him.

When approaching from the air, what he saw was a huge and gorgeous palace, with architectural decorations that were completely different from the human style but revealed an inexplicable beauty. Magnificence and simplicity perfectly coexisted on this creation.Chu Cheng couldn't think of suitable words to describe such a unique style for a while, but felt that the lines and shapes seemed to resonate with the soul, and it made people feel indescribably comfortable.

That may be similar to beautiful music.It seems that the beautiful music derived from different civilizations from ancient times to the present can arouse the resonance of beauty in the hearts of people of any race. Although the ancients said that cows play the piano, there are also studies that show that animals and even plants actually respond to some music. .

The same goes for this building.Although they come from different races in theory, they coincide with the beauty appeal of creatures on a certain level, making people feel unspeakably happy when they see it.

There are multiple entrances around the building.There are many aliens staying in the periphery, and even a bazaar seems to have developed in the open space after a while.

Some aliens of various races seem to have discovered business opportunities and made money by setting up stalls outside the temple.There are those who sell props to aid in exploration, some that sell entertainment and pastimes, and of course there are those who sell food and supplies. It's as lively as a night market.

The temple has been standing here for many years and is difficult to decipher, but it has driven the development of tourism in the void of the astral world.For a while, the temple was even more like a scenic spot in comparison. Outside was the service industry of the scenic area, a thriving scene. God knows how many star coins the vendors here can earn in a year.

There are many races here, and there seems to be no shortage of humanoid races at a glance.Moreover, the clothing styles of each ethnic group are extremely different, and some ethnic groups have no concept of clothing and are all naked.

After thinking about it, Chu Cheng simply switched the brand-new all-different armor to transparent mode, revealing Tony Stark inside.Tony changed into casual clothes, walked straight into the bustling market after landing, and blended in easily without any abruptness or attention.

He first operated Tony to randomly go to a street vendor.The stall owner is an alien with a sucker mouth. When he saw Tony, he greeted him warmly and said in the common language of the astral world: "This guest, come and see, the small vessel unearthed from the temple! It is absolutely real! Although the purpose is not yet known , but it might be the key to cracking the temple.”

As he spoke, the shopkeeper sucked up a small green vessel with his tentacles. The texture was a bit like emerald, but the shape was like a petri dish.

Chu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and scanned the transparent Iron Man armor.Without any source of infection or other forms of energy response, it is probably a fool.

In fact, I also want to know that although no one has cracked the temple, it has been open for many years, and the latest progress has been stuck for an unknown period of time. It would be strange if there are new things dug out here.

This kind of thing also fools newcomers who have just arrived.

But Chu Cheng did not refuse.Stark took the object, looked at it with interest, and said casually: "Speaking of what happened in the past two days, the temple has suddenly become lively."

"Yes, yes." The stall owner smiled, squinting his eyes happily, "It's because there is a conference going on, and the traffic has increased by more than ten times."

Looking at this happy look, he must have made a lot of money these days.

Chu Cheng pretended not to know, and acted surprised: "A meeting? What meeting?"

"Hey, you haven't heard?" The stall owner smiled, "I'm not particularly clear, but it seems that a big boss said that there will be a breakthrough in the next few days.

If I remember correctly, it should be the leader of Avar United? "

Chu Cheng silently wrote down the new message.

Awal United convened?

(End of this chapter)

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