Start operation Batman

Chapter 393 Fast as a ghost

Chapter 393 Fast as a ghost
At this time, the alarm of the entire spaceship has been sounded.Troops had already been deployed outside the door. Seeing that the situation was not good, they rushed in immediately, trying to take down the intruder.

But these troops are actually just a backup plan. The trap they really designed to take down the Flash is the force field cage just now.

In fact, these are not temporary ideas, but planned early in the morning.Before they came, they expected to invite someone with a higher status in the mysterious alliance on the Pole Star to the ship. It would be best if they could negotiate, but if they couldn't, they would rely on the force field and many other powerful restrictions arranged in the room. Sexual weapons suppressed withholding.

When they watched Bishop and The Flash fight in advance, they were also surprised for a while by the speed of the opponent's performance.At that time, the relevant generals on the ship also asked the captain if the plan needed to be changed. After all, the ghostly speed of the opponent's hand was indeed beyond their expectations.

But the captain only hesitated for a moment at that time, and waved his hand, saying that there was no need to change the original plan.At that time, he also thought that although this person's speed was astonishing, he might be troublesome if the opponent attacked him, but if the plan went well and he was controlled within the force field area first, then no matter how fast he was, it would be impossible to escape.

The reason is the same, and the plan turned out to be as "smooth" as he thought - the other party seemed to walk into the trap they set without being defensive.

But before they had time to be happy, the other party walked out in such a swaggering manner, and then directly entered the unparalleled mode.

According to the original idea of ​​the captain, they also have a lot of weapons for individual combat, and there is no shortage of AOE for damage control.Once the opponent boards the boat, even if he is suddenly alert and does not step into the force field, he is still sure to take him down.

No matter how fast they are, it's just one person, and taking down the opponent with their army and equipment is nothing more than spending more effort.

But he made a mistake, that is, he still subconsciously took Bishop's ability as a reference when designing tactics.After all, so far their concept of "fast" comes from this general, and even after seeing the man in red is very fast, the concept they hold is only "he is faster than Bishop", that's all. That's all.But there is no concept at all about what kind of realm is approaching.

It was only now that the members of the Church of the Ship realized how superficial and naive this idea was.

This is not a dimensional thing at all with the "fast" they know. The concept of speed people they have established so far, and the tactics they have summed up to deal with it, are almost completely useless in the current situation.

It is true that they have some weird weapons, and some of them with unknown uses may be troublesome if they are seriously researched and conquered.But most things are not a threat as long as they can't be hit.

Seeing that a team pouring out of the passageway in front showed yet another unknown device, a pair of two picked it up and prepared to fire into the room.Chu Cheng didn't know the purpose, but directly operated the Flash to shoot forward, and swayed between their formations before they took shape.With one punch to the left and one kick to the right, the whole team suddenly turned on their backs, and there was no chance to fire at all.

The Flash swept across the hall like a red tornado, and none of the enemies, regardless of their arms or abilities, was a match for him.Everyone felt a red shadow flashing in front of them, and they fell on their backs with a bang, leaving them with no room to use any weapons.

After clearing it, he didn't stop, dragging the golden lightning all over his body, and rushed out along the passage.

Chu Cheng had this kind of thought at the beginning, since he came up, he should be a big one, capsize the whole ship and hijack him, and finally leave two survivors to go back and ask questions slowly.

First, let The Flash single-handedly pick out the entire ship.

Along the way, I encountered two teams that were coming, but without exception, they were smashed into pieces by the Flash before they could even see them clearly, and they fell to the ground without knowing their life or death.

Until a stalwart shadow crossed in front of the passage, completely blocking the narrow passage.

Chu Cheng noticed that it seemed to be the big guy who invited him to board the boat before, but he didn't care.The Flash continued to move forward without slowing down, and directly punched the opponent's chest.

But unexpectedly, the speedy punching punch, which was always going against the odds, was deflated this time.The big man stood there motionless, and the afterimage of the Flash slammed into him, his chest swayed, and there seemed to be a transparent wave on his body, which bounced the Flash away.

The Flash flew far away backwards, and with a bang, he dented the metal wall behind him, and electric currents surged all around his body.Fortunately, bumping into a wall is probably considered a "side effect of extreme speed", and it is also within the scope of the speed force body protection offset, so the damage to the blood bar is not serious.

"Ha, you don't want to eat a toast, then feel the power of the strongest in the fleet - Dewan Stone!"

As he spoke, he snapped a photo of the Flash with five fingers.The Flash, who was protected by the speed force, did not move stiffly at all. He got up and immediately swayed to the side before dodging.A group of transparent and distorted waves blasted straight over, gouging out a huge hole in the rear wall.

Obviously, this is a brute force opponent, the kind with high defense and high attack.Although it is bulky and difficult to move, it is more fleshy and fleshy, and the armor on its body has a protective force field. The defense is not weak, and ordinary attacks will be blocked by resistance.

But The Flash has a way of dealing with it.

After avoiding the blow, the Flash turned around, and the red movie rushed straight up.And at the same time, that big guy named Dewan Stone gave a strange cry, punched each other with both fists, and the two forces clashed with each other, one left and one right, and a majestic and transparent force field burst out, tumbling Head on.

This move was so powerful that the narrow passage could only accommodate one person, but it filled the entire passage in an instant.The invisible storm swept across the walls like thousands of transparent sharp knives, the metal walls were lifted upside down, and crackling sounded everywhere.

No matter how fast the speed is, there is no room to dodge if there is no room to move.

However, the Flash faced the impact without dodging or avoiding it.He rushed straight up two steps, suddenly stepped two steps sideways, and maintained a high speed across the wall on one side, sprinting parallel to the ground as if attached to the wall.

Following his whole body shaking, a high-speed shock suddenly penetrated the wall and rushed to the outside of the spaceship outside the passage.On the outside of the spaceship, he gasped and sprinted against the wall like a Spiderman. After avoiding the inevitable blow, he shook again, penetrated the wall and returned to the passage, and landed right in front of Dewan Stone .

The big alien was terrified, staring wide-eyed at the flashing Flash in front of him, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and a thought flashed in his mind like lightning.

This man is really a ghost! ?
(End of this chapter)

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