Chapter 400
The team interaction of the Avengers, including the quarrel between Hammer, the green and fat duo, and Stark's outburst, naturally cannot be done by Chu Cheng. Team BUFF.

As mentioned before, as the most well-known league of the M family, there were quite a lot of messy buffs when the reunion team was formed.Hammer and Green combine two powerful characters, both of whom are strong and brainless. Brother Hammer may be slightly stronger than the furious Lu Fatty, but his strength is limited.Two packages and one IQ add up to the bottom of the Avengers.

But when these two form a team, the strength increase is really strong.And the string of voices just now is the switch that triggers the "anger" blessing BUFF. As we all know, Hulk is a walking powder keg, and the strength he can exert is proportional to the level of anger.Putting on the upper-level fury BUFF will naturally increase its strength a bit.

At this time, Chu Cheng also turned to Hulk's perspective, and a sledgehammer slammed into the back of the huge machine. The power of the Hulk under the blessing of BUFF is almost unlimited, and it is no exaggeration to say that it can break mountains and rocks with one punch.

But the strange thing is that the fist fell like a rock sinking into the sea. The huge green fist hit the huge mechanical body without any movement, and even the sound was a dull bang, as if someone punched the stone angrily. brick wall.

There was neither an earth-shaking movement, nor an exaggerated impact.

This is weird.Hulk's punch has to be a hundred tons of strange power, which is still the lower limit when he can perform poorly with his ups and downs.If the anger value is in place and fully exerted, the explosion of tens of thousands of tons is not a problem.

How could it be as unresponsive as hitting cotton?
While Chu Cheng was suspicious, of course he didn't stop the operation. Hulk ran a few steps and hit the shell dully with both fists.But that incomparable power is always like falling into the water.

Chu Cheng thought that it should be another kind of weird technology that has the ability to dissipate strength. If Hulk's fist power doesn't work, brute force must be useless.Just as he was thinking of trying to change roles and abilities, he suddenly seemed to see that the opponent's shell seemed to be slightly dented after a punch fell.

It was only for a moment at first, and the resetter's solid shell was like a soft and elastic mattress. After eating Hulk's fist, it was briefly dented, but it immediately resumed bouncing.

This fleeting change could hardly be noticed at first, but Chu Cheng has already tempered his body after upgrading many times. Even without the equipment skills, his physical fitness and reaction are properly superhuman, and he can detect this change at a glance.

Could it be that the strength is not strong enough?
Hulk is known as the strongest avenger, and strength is of course his strong point.But the level of performance of the Hulk he drew is affected by the rating of the game character after all, and it may not be powerful enough.

Suddenly, a transparent impact erupted on the shell of the resetter, like invisible ripples exploding.The overwhelming force immediately pressed on Hulk's chest, and the big green man let out a loud "roar" and was sent flying far away, smashing through the forest and mountains all the way, flying straight for an unknown number of miles and disappearing.

Chu Cheng was taken aback, and immediately understood that the other party had the ability to reflect the kinetic energy reserve.Presumably, the power of Hulk's previous continuous punches was temporarily stored in some way, and then suddenly rebounded.This burst accumulated the power of the previous punches, as if the power of Hulk's punches were superimposed and hit him in the chest. No matter how rough his skin was, he couldn't resist for a while, and was immediately blasted far away.

Of course, Chu Cheng couldn't leave the battlefield temporarily, and immediately switched from the inverted Hulk.As soon as he pressed the substitution button, the order in the team automatically fell to Thor.

As soon as the angle of view in front of him settled down, a silver snake rushed towards him in the picture.Chu Cheng's pupils shrank, and he immediately struck sideways. Thor's hammer immediately dragged Thor sideways for more than ten meters, and the high-speed silver snake suddenly flew into the air.

After taking a closer look, I realized that it turned out to be a mechanical arm, which suddenly popped out from nowhere on the resetter's endless body.

It was extremely fast, and it struck like a thunderbolt, and immediately retracted into the resetter's body if it missed a hit.Looking at the place where it shot out before, it was just a smooth piece, without any trace of ejection port or machine bracket, without any warning, it was hard to guard against.

At this time, Kung Fu Ant-Man originally shrunk in size and wanted to find an entrance to sneak in. He didn't expect that the machine was not slippery and there was no gap at all. In addition, he just discovered that even if he went in, the lower layer of the shell seemed to be protected by a force field, so he finally drilled. Do not go in.Then I tried two shrinking darts of Pym particles, but it didn't work when I hit them.

But this is not surprising.The darts that Ant-Man always has are consumables, and the Pym particles are extremely precious, so the particle content of each dart is actually extremely low.It’s easy to use against general enemies, like making a train bigger or smaller in a Civil War movie is just like spraying water, but it’s not so easy to use when encountering really powerful opponents or alien spaceships.

Later, Ant-Man developed the Pym Particle Cannon specially for the continuous wars of the Avengers. While increasing the concentration of Pym Particles, it also strengthened its power, but the level of the thing was even higher, the level in Chu Cheng's hand Neither did Ant-Man.

After several consecutive moves failed, Ant-Man suddenly became huge and turned into a giant standing on top of the sky. He rushed towards the resetter rumblingly, intending to break through with the brute force strengthened to thousands of tons.

But before he could swing his fist after landing in gigantic form, another silver snake popped out.This time it rushed out from an almost impossible angle, extremely concealed and fast, and it strangled Ant-Man's throat with one blow, nailing him to the mountain wall behind him with a bang.The mountain wall suffered a heavy blow, and the rocks rustled down.

Ant-Man struggled and couldn't get rid of it, and immediately activated the Pym particles, and his body shrank back to the size of an ant.In this way, the pressure on his throat was instantly relieved, and he flew in the air and rode on the flying ant, but he fell down with a bang after flying a few meters, as if he had hit an invisible wall.

It turned out that the mechanical arm was not just a physical restraint, it opened an invisible and transparent cage the moment it hit the target.Although Ant-Man dodged the pincers by controlling his size, he was already trapped in a transparent cover, and he couldn't break through even if he flipped up and down.

Brother Hammer yelled in mid-air, swung his warhammer, and the tornado wrapped around a thunder dragon and slammed down.But I saw a stream of air rushing out of nowhere on the back of the resetter, rushing into the eye of the wind in the direction of the whirlwind.An extremely strange force suddenly exploded, the tornado whirling in the sky disintegrated immediately, the thunder and storm were twisted into pieces, Brother Hammer also flew backward as if he had been hit hard.

The Resetter fought against the Hulk, Thor and Ant-Man at the same time, and the abilities of the three veterans of the Avengers were broken one after another, while the opponent just stood still, and most of his energy seemed to be concentrated on the accumulation of internal energy, as if nothing was spent at all. effort.

Knowing that this was the first time he had encountered such a powerful opponent, Chu Cheng had no choice but to summon up his energy and resolve to deal with it with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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