Chapter 407 The End (End)


Any form of attack, any technology, law, or law will not work, and any ability will be wiped out.The weak body of the human being floating in the universe seems to be an insurmountable barrier.

He can make any energy and anything disappear in one thought, how could he have the means to injure such an existence?
Chu Cheng slowly raised his hand, palm outward, aiming at a battleship on the far left outside the boundary of his field of vision.

Then he waved his arms gently.

A random sway is like a painter waving a huge pen on a grand picture scroll.But such a casual sweep seemed to come from God's irresistible prohibition.

Then, under the eyes of everyone, the battleship on the leftmost wing, from the outermost deck to the armament, heavy artillery and cabin on the deck, every piece of iron plate and every part began to collapse, disintegrate, until it disappeared completely.

Then came the second, the third, the fourth
Along the direction of his waving arms, battleships disintegrated and disappeared one after another.At this moment, any cutting-edge technology is so pale, and any weapon defense system is useless.The church's most advanced technology and the most powerful armament all appear pale and ridiculous in the face of this supreme will.

As if the heaven, earth and starry sky were his canvas, a magic eraser swept lightly, and everything became illusory under that rub.

The only thing that might be consolation to the invaders is that they can't feel anything.

It's as if they are small characters in the program named "World", easily erased by the delete key with unparalleled power.No pain, no discomfort, nothing felt, it was literally like being deleted from the world, as if they never existed in the first place.

There is nothing they can do.

When they faced Superman, they were terrified, but they still fought hard. Some people tried to retreat and escape, and tried to make the battleship flee at full speed in different directions around them to avoid pursuit.

But face this?
Nothing can be done.

They had a hunch that even if they ran to the ends of the earth and shrunk to the corner of the boundary of the universe, the other party would still be able to crush them into pieces in the next second.

No, or does the concept of spatial distance—even the distance across the entire universe—really make sense to this monster?

No one will ever know the answer.In an instant, the fleet disappeared with an efficiency that even Superman could not imagine.It was as if they spontaneously exploded into silent fireworks in the starry sky, and even the smallest unit parts were crushed and turned into cosmic dust.

During the period, the bishop also tried his best.

He used almost all the weapons in his possession.That was almost the final crystallization of the church's technology. What he could control and what he couldn't control was all thrown out.

But he knew it was useless.

Just as he knew what was coming.

In fact, he knew it the moment he saw Chu Cheng appearing in person.They were doomed, perhaps doomed in the first place.Because that is the ultimate goal they pursue, and it is the ultimate form of technology in dreams.

Not limited by weapons, not bound by tools, can transform everything as he likes, and even hold the truth in his hands.

That's what a so-called god of technology should look like.

No, not right.

Not sure yet.

With a flash of eyes, the bishop made the final decision of his long and colorful life.

He blew himself up.

Time-space wave, a technology that even the church has not fully mastered, is also his ultimate weapon, time.

Using law as a weapon is the ultimate goal they pursue.At this point in the war, the bishop no longer had any desire to win, nor did he have any ambition to conquer.He just wanted to see where the limit of this power was.

He wanted to see if this man in front of him—this man who seemed to have reached the realm of his dreams—could and how he would break through the difficulties that their church failed to overcome.

So this time he didn't control it, and it wasn't an aggressive move.The time-space wave exploded with all its strength, without any target or direction, it simply bombarded the field in the most brutal form.

Of course, Chu Cheng, who bears the brunt, was immediately sucked into that whirlpool.At the first moment, he felt as if his body was being rushed into a strong torrent, and a terrifying force dragged him into the center involuntarily, spinning violently in the current.

In an instant, the picture appeared, as if the scene with a layer of weird filter was changed at the speed of light.

He saw the temple in the star world in the starry sky.See Green Lantern battle it out and go on a rampage among hordes of aliens.

Seeing the floating islands heading towards the pole star, the Legion led by the Avengers fought fiercely with the Cantels.

After a while he remembered that he seemed to be driving Lawyer Ma out on patrol.

After a while, Iron Man seems to have a press conference task to do.

But before he can make a move, he has become Batman and landed among the gangsters.The dark knight punched and kicked, walking through the darkness like an elegant vampire duke, and the gangsters turned on their backs and lay on the ground.

No, that's not him.

He sat there the whole time.That room, that computer, that one-third of an acre of land is everything to him.He experienced it all there and achieved it all.

He is Chu Cheng, and he comes from another world.

In an instant he fell into the vortex again.Time and space rotate, time goes back, and everything goes back, as if back to the beginning.Sitting in that chair, he saw the game icon on the computer for the first time.With excitement, he moved the cursor and double-clicked the LOGO, waiting for a new world to be opened.

No, that's not right.

That is already in the past.

Chu Cheng stepped in the void, with a long river flowing under his feet.Every drop of water in the endless river carries countless pictures, a story, and there is a Chu Cheng in every scene.

Those are all him, but none of them are him.

If it wasn't for the self-destruction of the other party's space-time wave, Chu Cheng would never have imagined that he could do this.After all, although Dr. Manhattan has indeed done this, there is no direct camera performance in the original work.

He stands outside of time and space.

Like a passerby, but also like a shaper.He feels that time has never been as close as it is now. He reaches out at will and can touch every drop of water in the flowing time, edit and accelerate at will, or add and rewrite at will.Even his own history.

Even if he is completely wiped out in every time, every time and space, it will not have any impact on him now.

Chu Cheng once again realized that he still underestimated the simple four words in Dr. Manhattan's ability description.


He closed his eyes gently, and opened them again.

The river of time disappears, and the fragments return to their place.The starry sky was so calm, as if nothing had happened.

The Bishop looked at him with peace in his eyes.

"I lost."

He has no resentment, no unwillingness.

To be defeated by such an opponent is an honor that they can't even imagine.If you can get a glimpse of such a magical realm ahead in your lifetime, you will no longer be regretful if you die.

"The god of technology should be you."

At the end of the speech, his body has become unreal.Within half a second, the bishop also turned into a star point of light and disappeared.

So far, the entire army of the church has disappeared completely, not even a single shadow left.


Hanging alone in the boundless universe, Chu Cheng glanced at his hands that exuded a faint blue light.

That's what he's been after.

Gou reached the full level, and now he really has reached the full level or is close to the full level.

it is finally over.

It's not just about the crisis facing the Earth Pole Star.

For the first time ever, he felt a sense of relief.

It was as if I had finally reached the finish line where I had been drawing cakes for myself day and night, and I felt a little lost for a moment.

But after a brief absence, he immediately came back to his senses and sensed something.

No, it's not over, not yet.

There is one last thing to deal with.

A day ago, this matter had been the biggest hidden danger in his heart, a trouble that he tried to avoid but had a premonition that he would not be able to escape in the end.But after just one day, it doesn't seem to matter anymore.

It seems that the disaster that seems like the sky is falling in the eyes of a child, but it seems childish and ridiculous from the perspective of a few years of growth.From Chu Cheng's perspective today, all the problems he had had headaches in the past were like this.

"Sir, it seems that a large number of powerful energy bodies are approaching, and it is speculated that it may be"

Before Friday's reminder was over, Chu Cheng interrupted: "Well, those protoss from various star realms. It seems that the movement on the Earth's Pole Star has finally attracted attention."

"I remember we should try to avoid being noticed by them, right?"

Polestar is a ghostly planet, and as far as they know so far, the policy of this universe may not be very friendly to Polestar.So hiding from the radar has always been their main policy.

Not anymore.

"don’t worry."

Chu Cheng said calmly.

"I'm going to reason with them."

A thought, a flash, Chu Cheng has come before the gods.

They didn't seem to expect to see Chu Cheng on the road.Their surprise can be seen from the reactions of the gods.

No firefight, no hands.Doctor Manhattan doesn't like violence, and Chu Cheng feels that he is a more civilized person.There is no need to resort to violence when people can sit down and have a good talk.

Not surprisingly, the conversation didn't go well at first.

Chu Cheng has already seen through that these guys are actually tool gods.They are like parts and gears in the cosmic factory, faithfully performing their duties, but rarely ask why, and don't care.

Technology is forbidden, and it has been so since time immemorial.The human civilization that has been conceived on the Earth Pole until now is not allowed to exist. This seems to be an iron rule, and there is no room for maneuver.

But after Chu Cheng closed his eyes and brewed for two seconds, Tie Ze was no longer so "iron".

Dr. Manhattan's ultimate ability, the power of connection.

The ability to create something out of nothing, to create matter and laws.Modify the settings, logic, concepts and appearance of the real world at will, rewrite everything as you like.

So from now on, the rules have been rewritten, and the shackles of technology have been opened.

After a simple and rational discussion, the gods looked at each other, and finally reached an agreement, decided to let the Jixing star develop freely, turned around and left.

"You did it, sir," Friday lamented. "It's unbelievable. It's pretty amazing, sir. Nobody's going to believe what you've done."

"No, it's nothing."

Not being humble, just telling the truth.The current Chu Cheng really only felt that he had done a trivial and ordinary thing, and there was nothing worth mentioning.

He turned around in the boundless darkness, crossed the galaxy and looked at the blue planet in the solar system.

Clear, clear, like a crystal ball, hanging there quietly.

He knew that this time was really over.

With all his hard work and leveling day after day, this long and endless marathon finally ushered in the long-lost finish line.

No more chasing, no more camouflage with countless waistcoats.Now he can go where he wants, he can be anything he wants.

Now, he can finally rest.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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