Chapter 405 Xu Chu fights Ma Chao

"Wait who dares to fight!"

Chu Feng raised his halberd in his hand, pointing at the generals of the coalition army ten hundred paces away, looking down on the world, revealing their domineering arrogance. Just one sentence made countless generals of the coalition army falter and falter, and no one dared to fight.

For a long time, no one came out.

Chu Feng has one person, one rider, arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily arranging millions of coalition troops. This can be seen as a foolish coalition army, but no one dares to make trouble at this time, especially they can see that Chu Feng's combat power is far superior to them.

"Millions of coalition troops, is this the only thing?"

Chu Feng's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

"My lord, please give it a try!"

Ma Chao frowned, stepped forward on his horse, and clasped his fists to ask for instructions.

After finally seeing a person with extraordinary combat power, he couldn't help but feel at ease, especially since Chu Feng was still so arrogant.

"No!" Cao Cao immediately refused.

Ma Chao is the number one general under his command right now, if he breaks here, it will be a big loss, especially the spear and cavalry he commanded is unparalleled in breaking the formation, and he must not be sent to death.

"My lord, you will have confidence in the end!"

Ma Chao insisted, looking at Cao Cao with burning eyes.

On the side, Sanshi hurriedly said: "Leader Cao, how can you refuse the generals under your command if you want to fight? Is it possible that Leader Cao, as the leader of the coalition army, also has the desire to coward the enemy and hide his own interests?"

Cao Cao frowned, clenched his fists and said in a deep voice: "Meng Qi, I can understand that you want to fight, but you still need to take charge of the tens of thousands of cavalry in Xiliang. In this way, if you can defeat any one of Chu Feng's five tiger generals, I will never stop Chu Feng from fighting again!"

"Really?" Ma Chao frowned.

"Really!" Cao Cao nodded, that's all he could do.

Immediately, Ma Chao rode out with a tiger-headed golden gun in his hand, and Pound, who was on the side, was worried, and stepped forward a little bit, to sweep the battle for him.

After more than twenty steps, Chu Feng pointed his war halberd at Ma Chao, and said in a clear voice: "Ma Mengqi, in history, the Ru Ma clan was all killed by Cao Cao because of your rebellion, and you were killed by Cao Aman, who cut off your robe and shaved your beard, and fell into desolation. and run away."

"I didn't expect you, General Shenweitian, to surrender to Cao Cao and serve him. It's really a trick of good fortune."

Chu Feng's voice was so loud that not only Ma Chao, but also Cao Cao behind him could hear it, which made Ma Chao frown. He knew that Chu Feng was a time traveler, but he was not sure if what Chu Feng said was true or not.

"Hmph, it's useless for you to divide people!"

Pointing at Chu Feng with a steel gun, Ma Chao snorted coldly and shouted.

"Believe it or not!" Chu Feng shrugged, and then teased: "But since you have come to ask for death, I will reluctantly give you a ride."

Hearing Chu Feng's lightly disapproving tone, Ma Chao clenched his teeth and clenched the steel gun with his five fingers, full of anger. How could he, who has always been proud and arrogant, bear it?
"General Chu, Ma Chao didn't come here to challenge you. He heard that all the five tiger generals under your command are brave and want to fight!" Pang De knew Ma Chao's character well and said hastily.

It is estimated that if he did not speak, Ma Chao would have appointed to challenge Chu Feng.

"Oh?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"The majestic General Shenweitian doesn't even have the courage to fight me?" Chu Feng laughed loudly.
"You!" Ma Chao's body was trembling with anger.

Ma Chao
Force: 108
Commander: 95
Intelligence: 75
Interior: 54
Chu Feng glanced at Ma Chao's data, and probably knew it in his mind. He was on the same level as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and he was also a top-notch fighter. It is estimated that there are very few people in the world who can hold him steady.

"Forget it, you are qualified to challenge me only if you defeat them!" Chu Feng chuckled, looked behind him and said, "Hey, Zhao Zilong, Xu Zhongkang, Tai Shici, you pick one, and I will give you three halberds if you defeat them!"

Chu Feng pointed to the generals behind him.

Zhao Yun should be able to gain some upper hand. Xu Chu's words are historically comparable to Ma Chao's combat power. Originally, Xu Chu only had a force value of 107, but later because he was often trained by himself, his force value reached 108.

Tai Shici is weaker than the two of them. At first, he had a force value of 106, but now it has reached 107. This value is slightly inferior to Ma Chao, but like this kind of top-level contest,

At least Lily will win the game later, so don't worry too much.

Ma Chao frowned, and looked at the three of them. Xu Chu knew that Chu Feng's personal general, who was alive with a big sword, was said to be Chu Feng's number one general.

And Zhao Yun next to him heard that a silver gun was unpredictable, but he was not as famous as Xu Chu. After all, Xu Chu belonged to the leader of the Black Banner Army, and he often took the lead in fighting with Chu Feng in the north and south.

Finally, he looked at Tai Shici who was on the side, he knew very little about this person.

Just as he was about to speak, Sun Ce shouted: "Meng Qi, Xu Chu is unstoppable, but Zhao Yun is unfathomable. If you choose, you can choose Tai Shici. This person is comparable to me, or he can win!"

Sun Ce knew Tai Shici's combat effectiveness well. Back then, Tai Shici was considered a hero under him, but he surrendered later.And of course he had fought against Ma Chao, and Lily was defeated.
Thinking about it, he should also be able to win Tai Shici.

However, Ma Chao just frowned when he heard this. He did not choose Tai Shici. The arrogance in his heart made him choose the strongest one. Immediately he raised his spear and shouted: "Xu Chu, dare to fight!"

"Hey, come alive!"

In a row of generals, Xu Chu chuckled.

The generals were also dumbfounded and shook their heads helplessly.

Zhao Yun was a little disappointed, while Tai Shici was a little angry because of Sun Ce's words.

Holding the saber, Xu Chu rode forward on his horse, looked at Ma Chao in the distance, and grinned: "Ma Chao, you know what to do!"

Ma Chao frowned, and asked angrily: "Xu Chu, I heard that you are the number one general under Chu Feng's command? Defeating you today will make my Ma Chao famous!"

Xu Chu: "???"

"Well, who told you that I am ranked No. 3 under my lord, and if you count my lord, I am No. 4. But it is more than enough to beat you!"

Xu Chu pouted, with an expression that you didn't investigate clearly.

"You ranked third?" Ma Chao frowned.

All the generals of the coalition army were also ashamed. They naturally heard about Xu Chu's bravery, but he was only ranked third with such fierceness?Still not counting Chu Feng's situation, this motherfucker is too irritating, right?
Cao Cao's face was dark, and he was depressed. Why did Chu Feng have so many elite soldiers?He was very depressed, the only fierce general Dian Wei was finally ruined because of his lust for beauty.

Besides, Xiahouyuan, Xiahoudun, Xu Huang, Le Jin and others can only be regarded as first-class generals, and they are still worse than super-first-class generals. Now he has a Ma Chao, but it is still much less.

Yuan Shao even sighed,

He thought that Yan Liangwen was ugly, if Yan Liangwen was ugly here, he might be able to fight, right?

"It's also possible to be fourth!" Xu Chu said with some guilt.

"Who else is in front of you?" Ma Chao felt even more angry in his chest.

"Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong are stronger than me, even Zhao Fan is equal to me, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is fourth!" Xu Chu curled his lips, he was right, he and Zhao Yun were almost invincible.
Fighting with Huang Zhong is also three to seven,

It was about [-]-[-] with Zhao Fan.

Fighting with Tai Shici is seven or three times, of course, this is the situation where Tai Shici does not use arrows. If Tai Shici, a gibbon, uses arrows to kill him, it is really uncertain who will win the battle.

This man is superb at archery!

Ma Chao gritted his teeth tightly and looked at Zhao Yun behind Xu Chu. He didn't expect that this young general in white robe who looked like a jade-faced scholar was stronger than Xu Chu, and there was Huang Zhong and Zhao Fan,

How many fierce generals does this Chu Feng have?
"Kill you, then kill your master!"

Ma Chao felt that he had reached the critical point of anger, and raised the steel gun horizontally, pointing at Xu Chudao.

"No shame, just like you, you still want to challenge my lord? I'm going to fight someone like you, and I don't need three halberds!" Xu Chu sneered, but his eyes were surprisingly serious.
He could feel that this Ma Chao was not a good stubble.

"Zhongkang, be careful!"

Chu Feng took twenty steps back and gave some instructions.

"Don't worry, my lord, let me chop off his head!" Xu Chu gave a firm look, and immediately rushed out.

Ma Chao also galloped his horse,

In a blink of an eye, the two approached.

Xu Chu relied on his horsepower to charge up his saber and slashed down obliquely. Ma Chao's pupils shrank, and he immediately raised his gun to parry.

A sound of gold and stone resounded across the battlefield,
Ma Chao could only feel a numbness in his mouth. Although he used a gun, the steel gun grew stronger with strength, but in this confrontation, he could clearly feel that Xu Chu's strength was definitely not inferior to his.

The key point is that Xu Chu was only ranked fourth in the Chu army camp, which frankly hit Ma Chao's competitive spirit.

Ma Chao was also dissatisfied, he thrust his long spear hard, and then swung the steel spear obliquely at Xu Chu. Xu Chu failed to hit him with a single blow, and had already guessed Ma Chao's attack, so he immediately leaned back and grabbed the long spear diagonally.

At the same time, the big knife also completed a new momentum, from top to bottom, directly came to Jili to chop Huashan, with a fierce face: "Horse, die!"

Ma Chao also raised his gun to parry,

In an instant, there was another sound of gold and stone,
Ma Chao's arms sank slightly, this Xu Chu had so much strength, he clenched his teeth, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

Xu Chu pressed his arms angrily, and the veins on his arms swelled up, trying to win with strength, Ma Chao also roared, holding on to Xu Chu's strength, he thought he was not weaker than Xu Chu in terms of strength.

The two gritted their teeth and held their breath, unable to stop.

Xu Chu took the initiative and said with a smile, "Ma Chao, is this what you are capable of? If you can't even catch my sword, don't challenge my lord with wishful thinking. My lord's halberd can take your head in a moment!"

Although Xu Chu was smiling, his words were full of confidence, not bragging at all. He was so hung up, and he was beaten like his younger brother in front of Chu Feng. Is Ma Chao counting on his face like this?

When Ma Chao heard this, he was furious!

With a roar, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and he directly raised the spear, and then the spear swept out again.

Xu Chu was frightened, and quickly leaned back, his whole body flattened on the horse's back, and dodged narrowly, but he was cursing in his heart, this hanging hair is indeed not weak.

He said that he was not weak, but his face was full of ferocity, and when he stood up, the sword had already swept across.

Ma Chao was also startled, leaning back, with the long spear lying in front of him, there was only a sound of stabbing, and a sound of gold and stone came out, the saber slashed at the barrel of his gun, and the two of them drove away.

In a round of confrontation, the two are more or less aware of each other's strength, they are rivals, and they can't beat the opponent without using all their strength.

Twenty steps apart, Ma Chao turned the horse's head, reined in the horse's reins, and stood upright, heroic. He knew that when dealing with Xu Chu, he had to strike first, otherwise he would be suppressed by Xu Chu.

Immediately, he charged forward with a gun.

As they approached, Ma Chao stabbed violently with a steel spear, Xu Chu snorted coldly, and went forward with a big knife to slash it away.

However, Ma Chao's long spear was better than letting it go, he drew the gun and stabbed again, Xu Chu quickly turned his head to dodge, then as if guessing Ma Chao's action, he quickly lowered his head, only to see the long spear brushing past his head.

The spear was retracted, but it took the lead, and it directly and charged down with anger.

Xu Chu gritted his teeth and frowned, raised his knife to parry, this time Ma Chao pressed the barrel of the gun angrily, and let out a roar of fighting.

"Go away!"

Xu Chu raised his sword angrily, then swept it obliquely, Ma Chao also went up to meet him, the sword and gun disintegrated at the touch, and the two horses were crossing the distance, but they turned their heads at the same time,

Ma Chao's long spear is better than lightness, and he took the lead in stabbing with a backhand,
But Xu Chu leaned back and used the blade to resist the stabbing blow, and then raised it up, the blade circled and slashed towards Ma Chao's head,

Ma Chao was frightened, and hurriedly bowed his head and carried his gun, only to hear a thud, and the swiped knife brushed against the barrel of his gun, making an ear-piercing sound.

The war horse also circled in place because of the two pulling the reins.

Ma Chao hurriedly got up and wanted to stab, but Xu Chu just took advantage of the situation and circled the saber, and the saber made another move, and it was already slanting towards him, so Ma Chao had no choice but to draw his gun to parry!
Both of their arms trembled!

But this time the power was not heavy, Ma Chao quickly swung his gun to fight back, while Xu Chu met him with the tail of his knife, and there was another clang.

The tail of the knife was weak, or Xu Chu did it on purpose. He saw the long spear sweeping at the tail of the knife, directly helping Xu Chu straighten the sword, and then ran towards Ma Chao and swept across.

Ma Chao couldn't draw his gun in time, so he quickly lay down on his back,
Almost in front of and behind the saber, the light of the saber was clearly visible, sweeping across his eyes, and at the moment when the saber swept across, Ma Chao stood up and stabbed violently, which also made Xu Chu dodge quickly.

At the same time, Xu Chu drew back his saber and swung it from bottom to top. Such a blow was enough to split Ma Chao's mount in half.

Ma Chao was frightened, and stabbed suddenly with his long spear.

In the space between the two,

Swords and guns intersect obliquely, making a piercing sound of gold and stone,

At the same time, the two of them exerted strength together, the knuckles of the knuckles holding the knife and gun turned white.
Instead, the war horse under his crotch began to spin around in place!

Seeing that he couldn't take Xu Chu down, Ma Chao immediately followed Xu Chu's saber gesture and raised it diagonally, letting the saber pass dangerously by the horse's head under his crotch, but Xu Chu lost the saber gesture,
Ma Chao's long spear is light, and he stabs in the blink of an eye!

Xu Chu frowned, and held the knife pole to meet him, only to hear a stab, the spear was blocked, and Xu Chu swiped backhandedly with the knife pole, forcing Ma Chao to retreat quickly.

Xu Chu drew his knife and slashed at Ma Chao angrily, wanting to kill Ma Chao directly.
Ma Chao raised his gun again to parry, making it difficult for Xu Chu to get an inch.

For a while, the two went back and forth, and anyone could see that Ma Chao and Xu Chu were very different, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short time, but even so, Cao Cao was still in a cold sweat.

Ma Chao himself is a baby lump,
The key point is that this baby pimple can only fight against the fourth place on the opposite side!

(End of this chapter)

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