Chapter 415 Bloody Battle

On the north shore, Xia Houyuan faintly felt that something was wrong.

Because he heard shouts from the other side.

"Go, let me find out what's going on!"

Xia Houyuan looked nervous, and immediately said to the lieutenant general.


The lieutenant nodded in response, but just as he was about to retreat, he saw a soldier rushing towards him and shouted anxiously: "General, what happened to the general, the bandit army has discovered our army and needs to forcibly cross the river!"

"Found it?" Xia Houyuan frowned, gritted his teeth, and was a little annoyed. Although he had Qingzhou elites under his command, they were all northern men, and few of them were familiar with water.

It was discovered before landing, which undoubtedly increased the uncontrollable factors.

Thinking of this, Xia Houyuan immediately reprimanded angrily: "Trash!"


Xia Houyuan pulled out his sword, turned around and yelled at the soldiers behind him angrily: "The whole army obeys the order and forcibly crosses the Huaihe River. Those who control the boats and boats, please go up to me quickly, and no matter what, put the warships on the other side of the river for me! "

"Assisted by the shield soldiers to prevent shooting, the rest of the staff are ready to put out the fire."

"Promise!" The whole army responded in unison, with extraordinary momentum, this army is an elite in all battles.

"All of you, immediately follow the boat to touch up, then launch into the water to assist, dive and land ashore if necessary, and create all possibilities for the main attacking force." Xia Houyuan looked at the hundred people who had prepared earlier with good water skills.

"No!" Everyone responded as if they were dead.

"Don't worry, after this battle, your parents, wives and children will receive the treatment of a general's widow!" Xia Houyuan made a special statement, after all, these people will die in the water without life.

Almost from the moment they agreed, they were doomed to die.


Xia Houyuan roared angrily.

Immediately, only the sound of rushing into the warship was heard.

Five rows of warships are connected together, covered with planks, as if walking on flat ground, but the moment they step on it, there will still be some shaking. Many soldiers in the north are not used to it, and some even fell directly into the water.

The one who greeted them was Xia Houyuan who said to cross the river with all his strength, don't worry about other things!

These people were wearing leather armor and couldn't swim. After struggling for a while, they sank and were buried in the belly of the fish.

No way, from the moment the war started, life and death were irrelevant, victory or defeat was the most important thing, he had to find a way to lead the army across the river and gain a firm foothold.

Almost all the elite soldiers of Qingzhou are with him, and he can't live up to Cao Cao's expectations of him.

At the forefront of laying the boats, the continuous swimming ships were arranged in front. They were protected by shield soldiers, but the shield soldiers could not protect them all, and some of them were directly shot to death.

What's more, most of the shots were fire arrows, and the kerosene wanted to ignite in the ship's cabin, but Cao Jun extinguished it fiercely with the rags he had prepared long ago.

Hoo hoo!

In the dark night, several fire oil cans were thrown out.


The kerosene tank fell into the water, but a few barely exploded and ignited the kerosene, some sank directly, and some hit the ship's plank, and the kerosene splashed everywhere.

"Yes, it's kerosene!"

"It's over, it's over, rush down the kerosene!"

"Quick, quick!"

Countless voices ring out in the night,

But what greeted them was a round of fire arrows, which flew across the night sky and fell down.

A simple fire arrow is very good at extinguishing a fire, but when the fire arrow touches the kerosene, the kerosene rises in the wind in an instant, just like no money, and instantly ignites all the places that are contaminated with kerosene.

For a time, there were countless shouts on the river.

In the panic, there were countless people who fell into the water.There were also quite a few soldiers who had been ignited by the kerosene, and they let out a shrill roar, which made everyone's hair stand on end.

"Hurry up, put out the fire!" The frontier general was very anxious, he was not good at fighting in water, so he could only command the soldiers to put out the fire.

But how can ships that are contaminated with kerosene be so easy to extinguish? Those covered with sackcloth often burn directly because they are contaminated with kerosene.

"General, no, it can't be destroyed!"

Several subordinates were ashamed and shouted in panic.

"General, quickly cut off the wooden boats that are connected together, otherwise the other wooden boats will also be ignited, and there will be no way to retreat." Another subordinate shouted anxiously.

"No, unstoppable!"

"General Xiahou has issued a death order and must go ashore!"

The general scolded angrily, breaking the boat at this time means, don't fucking try to cross the river tonight.

"But general, the fire extinguishing tools are not effective at all!" the subordinate shouted in panic.

"If it doesn't work, find a way to work for me." The general angrily reprimanded, then looked at the soldiers who fell into the river from time to time, and immediately shouted: "Go, get my corpse and cover it with fire oil!"

When several people heard the words, they also looked into the river.

The armor was stained with water, and the corpse was not easy to ignite, maybe it could indeed be covered with kerosene, and everyone responded immediately.

"Keep going forward, keep going forward, don't retreat!" The general angrily shouted, waving his sword, and in this short period of time, several ships completed a new round of splicing.

A few soldiers who had prepared earlier quickly spread the planks, and then frantically stared at the rivets.

The generals saw that the situation was safe, especially the kerosene that exploded in the first few rounds was well covered by the corpse. Without oxygen, the kerosene lost its initial effect, and many of them were extinguished.

It's just that some who were not dead, or who were just injured were directly caught, hacked twice and thrown. For a while, in addition to the smell of blood, there were countless smells of burnt meat in the air.

These people screamed shrillly on the kerosene, but they were trampled down by the soldiers who went on and on until there was no movement at all.

Fortunately, this is a small boat. If the big boat couldn't find such a way to extinguish the fire in the first place.

"Go, tell General Xiahou that everything is safe here, and you can go ashore from time to time." The general withdrew his sword and smiled, his method really worked.

"No!" The messenger immediately ran back.

As for Nan'an, Li Long frowned.

Because the flames in the river seemed to be extinguished a lot, the effect was much worse than originally expected.

On the side, Wang Wei also seemed to have noticed this situation, frowned and said, "General Li, kerosene doesn't seem to work!"

Li Long nodded, hesitated a little, and immediately said: "The order is that all the catapults should remove the kerosene and use big stones instead, and smash those ships to pieces for me. I want to see if those ships will sink!"

"No!" The personal guards immediately responded and delivered the order.

"Archers, don't stop, don't worry that the enemy will release arrows. The enemy's ships on the river are limited, and sporadic arrows are nothing to worry about!" Li Long shouted at the archers.

The archers nodded, but after shooting so many rounds of arrows, their arms were already sore, but in order to win, they could only grit their teeth and persist, hoping to repel the enemy as much as possible!

At this moment, the catapult roared and sent the boulder, some of it missed, and there was a splash on the river beside it, with a plop.There were also some soldiers who fell directly on the ship, and their livers and gallbladders were directly shattered.

A few can hit the boat, some directly smash the edge of the boat, and some directly hit the wooden board, making a hole, but the speed of the catapult is very slow, and only a few can work every time.
The effect is not as good as expected,

On the other hand, Cao Jun approached the south bank even closer, and several more rows of boats were connected together.

Meanwhile, the North Shore.

Listening to the news sent by the general, Xia Houyuan's solemn expression softened a bit. Finally, there is good news, the front can be stabilized, and as long as it is passed slowly, everything will be over.

As long as the landing is successful, Xia Houyuan has even thought about how those common people will be tortured and killed. He doesn't believe that these common people are as difficult to deal with as Chu Feng's Black Banner Army!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth raised.

On the side, Ta Nu yin and yang said strangely: "Congratulations to General Xiahou, he may be the first one to land on the shore, and the tens of thousands of people who come to the other side will only become a stepping stone for General Xiahou."

"Hmph, if you like it!"

Xia Houyuan snorted coldly, not giving him a good face.

a cup of tea,

One quarter of an hour,

After two quarters of an hour,

The pressure on the south bank is increasing, because from the light of the fire, the enemy army is getting closer and closer. If this continues, the enemy army will soon reach the beach, and then it will be hand-to-hand combat!
The key point is that they don't know how many people are on the opposite side, but depending on the situation, it is very likely that it is one of Cao Cao or Yuan Shao, and there is a high probability that it is Cao Cao's soldiers.

How can a hand-to-hand battle with three thousand county soldiers be Cao Jun's opponent?
"It can't go on like this!" Wang Wei frowned, and immediately said: "The opposite is very likely to be Cao Jun. If this continues, Cao Jun will definitely land, and then it will be."

Li Long frowned, but didn't speak.

He also knew that Cao Jun had experienced many battles, and they were definitely no match for these people.

"In this way, General Li, you stay here and I will take people to ask for help immediately. There are many civilians stationed nearby, and Zhang Xi's army is not far from here. I will ask for help!"

Wang Wei paced back and forth, and finally couldn't help but suggest.

"That's the only way!" Li Long let go of his clenched fists, he must be careful not to be sloppy right now, and immediately said: "Be careful on the road!"

Watching Wang Wei recede, Li Long kept boosting morale, but the flames were getting closer and closer, making many people depressed, nervous, and even terrified. After all, they had never been on the battlefield.

You Qi heard the tearing screams of his companions from time to time, which kept destroying their fighting spirit.

"General, we can't go on like this. Once Cao's army lands, even if there are traps on the shore, even if we occupy a favorable location, they can still land on the corpses of their comrades with the loss of hundreds of people at most!"

"At that time, how can we resist?" Cheng Bao frowned, and immediately looked at Li Long and suggested.

"What can you do?" Li Long looked at Cheng Bao, because he saw through the enemy's crossing of the river earlier, Li Long specially promoted him to be a hundred-man general.

"Organize the dead soldiers, burn the boat and rush towards the boat connected to Cao Jun, so that he can't put out the fire for a short time, thus cutting off his way of transporting troops!" Cheng Bao gritted his teeth and said solemnly.

"You mean sailing a boat with a fire on it?" Li Long's pupils shrank, and the first thing he thought of was that it would be effective. As long as the fire was big enough, the other party would have no way to put it out, not to mention that all kinds of inflammables could be carried on board.

"Exactly!" Cheng Bao nodded.

"But." Li Long hesitated!
"General, the last general asks for orders, and is willing to serve as the captain of the dead soldiers, and rush over by boat." Cheng Bao immediately shouted,

"No!" Li Long refused.

"General, there are millions of people behind us. There must be sacrifices."

"My ancestors lived on both sides of the Huaihe River for generations. It was the Duke of Chu who helped me and my family survive the severe drought. My humble life should have died a few years ago. Today, I will return it to the Lord."

"It's worth it to die for millions of people!" Cheng Bao roared hoarsely, trying to persuade Li Longdao.

"If I survive by chance, your parents will be my parents. I will take care of them and tell them that their son is brave and a hero!"

Li Long clenched his fists and clenched his teeth, his pupils were slightly foggy.

Cheng Bao nodded, and immediately went to summon the Death Squad, and then under the watchful eyes of Li Long, Cheng Bao took the lead, and several small boats were filled with fire oil, and there were many fire oil tanks in the front.

These people regarded death as home, and they punted the boat from the other side. They rowed desperately, and everyone's eyes were filled with death and anger.


On the north bank, Xia Houyuan chuckled even more when he heard the news again, because the enemy army was becoming more and more unable to suppress them, so they could only count on a few bows and arrows, and these archers were obviously out of strength.
The strength of the bow and arrow shot out has long since lost its original penetrating power,

And their pontoon bridge has been paved about a quarter, and there are only a few tens of meters left before they can completely reach the beach on the other side.

After all, he knew that there were only [-] armored soldiers and about [-] civilians on the other side, while there were [-] elite Qingzhou soldiers under his command.

South bank, a hundred steps away from the shore.

Countless people watched with burning eyes,

The eyes of these people were tense, with fear, anger, and fear. They were all human beings. Hearing the heart-piercing screams, no one could look calm.

This is a battlefield, where people will die.

"Patriarch, what's going on ahead?" Next to Wang Xin, a group of hot-blooded guys swallowed their saliva from time to time. Looking carefully, their palms holding swords, guns, swords and halberds were trembling.

It was fear, or it was too cold in winter, and he was shaking with the cold.

"I don't know, but it's not optimistic!" Wang Xin shook his head, but he could tell that the screams of fighting were getting closer and closer, and it was very likely that the enemy army was slowly approaching.

Seeing the sadness on Wang Xin's face, the young men also said with relief: "Don't worry, the patriarch, and us, the bandit army is only two shoulders against a head, I can't do it, so many of us can't beat it!"

"Difficult! I just heard that most of the Yanzhou dialects and Qingzhou dialects on the opposite side should be Cao Cao's soldiers, and Cao Cao has moved to Guanzhong for a long time. These must be veterans, and they are probably Cao Cao's most elite Qingzhou soldiers!"

The creases at the corners of Wang Xin's eyes looked serious. How could he not know about Cao Cao's Qingzhou soldiers? This army is said to be comparable to the Central Army of the Lord, and at worst it can deal with the Lusu Army.

They are all county soldiers and common people.

"Qingzhou soldiers?" Everyone shouted, each showing a gloomy expression. Obviously, they had all heard the name of Qingzhou soldiers, and that was the main force that slaughtered Xuzhou.

"Hey! Do your best and obey the destiny!"

Wang Xin sighed, it's useless to think too much!
(End of this chapter)

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