Chapter 418 The Collapsed Liu Xie!
At the same time, Cao Jun camp.

In Cao Cao's military tent, his pupils opened suddenly, and he stared at the beam for a moment, a little scary, then sat up, his eyes were fierce and sinister, but he couldn't hide his fatigue.

After sitting there for a while, Cao Cao straightened up without putting on his coat, and opened the curtain with big strides, a gust of cold wind blew in, biting to the bone, but Cao Cao didn't take it seriously.

Blocking his eyes with his palms, he looked at the sky. It was still dark, but it began to lighten up. Cao Cao said in a deep voice, "What time is it?"

"My lord, I just arrived at Maoshi!" Outside the tent, the personal guard quickly replied.

At Mao time, it was also five o'clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark at five o'clock in winter, the night temperature was lower, and the sound of the cold wind could be heard.

"The fog is really getting bigger and bigger!" Cao Cao sneered, with a smile on his brows.

"My lord, it's cold outside, my subordinates will help you get your robes!" Seeing that Cao Cao was only wearing obscene clothes and trousers, the personal guard bowed immediately.

"No need," Cao Cao waved his hand and asked at the same time, "Have Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren sent back any news? They should be able to succeed in this foggy day!"

"No news yet!"

The personal guard bowed and answered.

"My lord, it may be that the two generals and their troops are far away, and the news hasn't been sent back yet." The guard quickly added.

"What about the coalition army? Has there been any news?" Cao Cao didn't have any hope for the coalition army. Tadun's men were all cavalry, and these cavalry were probably fine on horseback.

But if they use boats to cross the river, it will be really difficult for them.

As for Yuan Shao, a group of frightened rats, and Yuan Shao's army is rubbish, probably on the same level as the soldiers of the Chu army on the other side, and he can't count on it. The only thing he can count on is Guishuang.

Because according to the news from the person he bribed, the third generation did not have the function of a man, and he hated Chu Feng to the bone, and he also had soldiers and horses under him, so he might have a chance to cross the river.

Of course, Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren are what he looks forward to the most.
In order to catch Chu Feng by surprise, he specially asked Xia Houyuan to lead his men to rush hundreds of miles to cross the river. Fortunately, Xia Houyuan is known as the general of the gods, otherwise it would be too late.

"Okay, report as soon as you have news!"

Cao Cao confessed, but he didn't stay there immediately, and retreated, mainly because it was indeed quite cold outside.

Watching Cao Cao return to the army tent, the two guards sighed, "How many times has my lord got up?"

"It seems to be the fifth time. My lord seems to be very concerned about this battle!" Another guard thought weakly.

"Nonsense, who doesn't care at this time? I don't know if we can cross the river successfully, but I heard that the Chu army is full of ordinary people, and it is said that they all came to fight spontaneously!"

"Hey, I don't know if I can win!"

"Who knows, this damn weather, if you can't win, you won't be able to freeze to death!"

The two discussed in a low voice and shook their heads from time to time. They can't control the affairs above, they can only say to do their jobs well.


At the same time, the ancient capital Chang'an.

As the ancient capital of the Western Han Dynasty for hundreds of years, Chang'an has a long history and profound cultural heritage. It was only because of the relocation of the capital to Luoyang that Chang'an gradually declined. In addition, it experienced several rebellions in Xiliang before and after.

In the end, he was harmed by Dong Zhuo, Li Guo and his ilk, and completely lost the background of the year.

Fortunately, Cao Cao moved his capital to Chang'an, and Chang'an has regained its former vitality. Of course, it can't compare to one-tenth of the peak.

At this moment, deep in the palace of Chang'an.

The emperor Liu Xie couldn't sleep at night, his pupils were deep, and he looked at the beams, but he was worried. The hateful thing was that he was unable to tell his heart, because the daughter of Cao Cao was beside his pillow.

Since Empress Fushou left the palace, Cao Cao tried his best to elect his daughter as the empress. It is said that several loyal people opposed it, but Cao Cao secretly punished him and ended up beheading all his families.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Mrs. Cao turned over and saw that something was wrong with Liu Xie since last night. She was a little surprised. Although Liu Xie would do the same in the past, she had never stayed up all night like this.

"No, it's okay! It's still early, queen, go to bed first!" Liu Xie forced out a warm smile and explained.

He couldn't say, because this morning was the day when Dong Cheng and a group of loyal Han rebelled, and he occasionally contacted through Concubine Dong. This time, what should have happened in the Battle of Guandu in 200 years was postponed to the Battle of Shouchun.

But the mastermind has not changed,
It was also Liu Xie's father-in-law who was the mastermind. By the way, he joined forces with the general Pian Wang Zifu, Changshui Xiaowei Zhongji, Yilang Wu Shuo and other loyal Han people. In Dong Cheng's view, Chang'an needs someone to climb up.
In his opinion, Cao Cao has been evil for a long time,
In his opinion, as long as he comes out, many loyal officials in the city will respond. Therefore, he chose this day to launch a rebellion. He wants to seize Luoyang and rectify the name of the emperor.

Of course, he is also selfish,
His daughter is pregnant, and according to the doctor's diagnosis, it is a boy. It is for his daughter, so he is ready to fight. If it succeeds, Cao Cao's daughters will be deposed and thrown into prison.

And his daughter naturally became the queen, and the baby boy in the womb was also a dragon, so his Dong family was the emperor's relatives, no one could control him, and he even wondered if he could control the emperor.

In any case, his gamble was worth it.

As for Liu Xie, the worrying thing is this rebellion. The loyal Chinese have gathered thousands of dead soldiers, plus two to 3000 people in the barracks. The number is not too many, but once they become Cao bandits, they will be mobilized and attacked!
And this mutiny was agreed at five o'clock.

Five watch, from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the morning, but Liu Xie clearly heard just now that the watchmen had just finished the fifth watch and entered Maoshi, that is to say, Dong Cheng and the others had probably been on the move for an hour.

But until now, he has not heard any news.

He doesn't know what's going on in Chang'an now!

"Your Majesty, your heart beats so fast!"

Cao's slender palm supported Liu Xie's chest, raised his eyebrows and said.

"Yes, yes?" Liu Xie panicked,
"Your Majesty, there are actually some things you can talk to me about!" Cao's eyes fell into the water, and she stood up and looked at Liu Xie with a serious expression, not like she was joking.

"No, it's okay!" Liu Xie didn't dare to look at him, feeling flustered, after all, if this matter got out, it would be over, not only Dong Cheng, but he might as well.

"Your Majesty, you...are you thinking of soldiers?" Seeing Liu Xie's eyes dodging, as if thinking of something, Mrs. Cao asked with a sly look in her eyes.

Liu Xie was taken aback, and looked at Cao with a look of horror. He instinctively thought that the matter had been brought to light, but he quickly denied it and waved his hands: "Arise, raise an army? What kind of army?"

"I am the lord of the great man, can I raise my troops and destroy myself?"

But how clever Cao is, how could Liu Xie's tense expression escape her eyes, obviously Liu Xie's nervous expression today is because someone in the city wants to rebel against her father Cao Cao.

"Dong Cheng?" Cao looked at Liu Xie and asked.

"How do you know?" Liu Xie instinctively wanted to ask him how he knew. After all, few people knew about Dong Cheng's rebellion, but he immediately added: "Queen, I can't understand what you are talking nonsense!"

"Your Majesty, I know your every move better than my father, but you don't have to hide it from me. In fact, I don't like what my father does. You don't need to be nervous, I won't be secretive!"

Cao looked at Liu Xie and said frankly.

"Zhen, I don't understand what you're talking about!" Liu Xie couldn't admit it after being beaten to death. If he wanted to admit it, it would be over. Even if Dong Cheng died, it was his rebellion and had nothing to do with him.

What's more, Cao Shi said that she would not tell the truth, can she believe it?
Damn, Cao Cao's seed was specially placed by his side, so how could he not tell the truth.

It's just that the Cao family did have a heart for Liu Xie in history, and even disobeyed Cao Pi many times for Liu Xie, but it was useless.

Seeing that Liu Xie did not dare to admit it, Mrs. Cao chuckled lightly, did not get entangled, but shook her head and sighed: "Although I don't know how to tell the truth, you have harmed Concubine Dong, the child in her womb, and everyone else. !"

Liu Xie's pupils widened instinctively, with an unbelievable expression on his face. He really wanted to ask Cao why he said that, but he didn't dare, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he could only silently clenched his fists.

"Your Majesty, you can't beat my father."

"He is ruthless and will do anything to achieve his goals. At the beginning when I was established as the empress, Concubine Dong became pregnant later, my father tried to find opportunities to get rid of her many times."

Speaking of this, Cao Shi glanced at Liu Xie, and saw a little panic in his pupils,

"But Concubine Dong is an imperial concubine after all, and she is pregnant! My father didn't dare to offend Han Chen too much for the upcoming war, so he put this matter aside, but in order to clear the way, Concubine Dong can't survive,"

"In other words, Concubine Dong can't survive the dragon son in her arms, and the big man will not have a next generation of monarch. My father has prepared all these, and he is preparing to become king and emperor!"

Cao's expression was as usual, as if explaining something unsurprising.

But these things, to Liu Xie's ears, he gritted his teeth with hatred. He knew that Cao Cao was not a good thing, but when he learned that Cao Cao was so vicious and wanted to hit his child cruelly, he still couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Actually, Your Majesty, you have used Concubine Dong to convey information many times, and my father knows it all!" Cao Shi couldn't help shaking her head when she said this, wanting to laugh.

It was as if the prophet had already detected the wolf, and then quietly watched the wolf explaining that he was a good man!And what Liu Xie and the others did was very similar to this thing.

Liu Xie stepped down a few points, his heart was broken, he was unwilling to accept it, and then his pupils tightened suddenly, Cao Cao knew it, didn't it mean that Cao Cao waited for Dong Cheng and the others to jump into the game?
Thinking of this, others are stupid.

He was waiting for Dong Cheng to rescue him, but he didn't expect that all of this was Cao Cao's layout. Cao Cao planned everything, just waiting for him and Dong Cheng to jump in?

Seeing Liu Xie's suddenly enlightened expression, Cao smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, just as you think, the reason why my father pretends not to know is that he knows that Dong Cheng will bring a group of loyal people to rebel sooner or later."

"Because he wanted his daughter to ascend to the post, Dong Cheng's every move was under surveillance, including tonight! So I say you made a very stupid move."

"My father may have found a reason to kill Concubine Dong or the dragon son in her arms, but now, Dong Cheng has colluded with foreign parties and deliberately rebelled. He can kill Dong Cheng and others openly,"

"Even my father can declare that Concubine Dong is the conspirator, and then hang Concubine Dong and her dragon child in front of you!" Cao said very calmly, as if to say something that had nothing to do with her.

Liu Xie just slumped there, feeling a little lost. Although he didn't speak from the beginning to the end, he knew that Cao was not lying. This is really Cao Cao's trap!
In other words, Dong Cheng will almost die tonight!
And the child he was thinking of will die tragically, maybe only him, Cao Cao will think about his identity and pretend nothing happened. Is it all because of him that these people will die?

No, it's because of Cao Cao, it's because of that villain!
Liu Xie was roaring almost hysterically, but because he was afraid of Cao Cao and was afraid of being implicated, he didn't dare to show it on his face, but his desperate eyes were enough to prove everything he had done.

"Your Majesty, in fact, you have no secrets to speak of, and there is no need to be wary of me!" Cao shook her head and sighed softly, as if mocking Liu Xie for having the wrong person.

Liu Xie still didn't dare to speak. If it was someone else, maybe Liu Xie would have spoken, but this woman is Cao Cao's daughter, and he believes that no one can believe Cao Cao's daughter.

Otherwise, why did Cao Cao send her here?
"Hey, what a pity!" Mrs. Cao sighed softly.

Liu Xie didn't answer, but sat there with a panicked expression, full of remorse in his heart, what he was worried about would happen, and it was planned long ago, Cao Cao's treacherous and cunning thing.

The more he thought about it, the more he collapsed.

"Queen, I don't know anything about what you said, but after listening to you, I miss the prince. I don't know if the queen can take me there to see?" Liu Xie looked pleadingly.

"No need, it's too late!"

Cao shook her head, sighed and replied.

Liu Xie wanted to say something, but at this moment, a hurried voice sounded outside the house: "The Dong family rebelled and colluded with the rebellious party. Most of them will be killed. The emperor has ordered that all the rebellious parties of the Dong family be arrested immediately!"

"No!" Someone seemed to answer.

"Someone in the Dong family made a confession. Concubine Dong, a big man, colluded with the rebel party and tried to rebel. The king ordered him to be arrested and brought to justice immediately. If he dared to resist, he would be killed on the spot!"

"No!" The imperial guards in the palace responded.

Teams of Custodians began to move,
For a moment, the entire palace was filled with the sound of scales.

The eunuchs and maids in the palace were all awakened, and they hid in the house cautiously, not daring to make a sound. They knew that the sky would change again tonight. Hey, they were arrested by Cao Cao's men.

Concubine Dong probably won't survive for the crime of rebellion. Pity the dragon in her womb. She died tragically before she was born. Look at this great river and mountain. It's sad, but the big man is only to blame for his decline, no one can save him ,
Liu Xie's body, which had stood up, was paralyzed to the ground at this moment when he heard the shouting outside, his whole body lost his mind, so fast, too fast, he didn't even have time!
Doesn't this mean that Dong Cheng and the others were executed?
For a while, he couldn't speak, he wanted to see Concubine Dong very much, and after seeing Concubine Dong for the last time, he immediately looked at Cao Shi,
"Queen, I, I beg you, let me meet Concubine Dong!"

(End of this chapter)

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