Chapter 427

"Fuck, what is that?"

At the military barracks in the city, countless sleeping soldiers were awakened, all holding knives and guns, and their helmets and armor were not neatly dressed, looking crooked.

"It's so bright, it's like daytime!"

"Gudu! Does this bang sound have something to do with the Chu army outside the city?"

"Should not be?"

"Listen carefully, there seems to be screams all over the city. Could it be that it is really the Chu army's big killer? If it is true, can we fight it?"

"Ghost knows, but I'm a little hypocritical to hear this voice!"

For a while, all the soldiers in the barracks continued to discuss.

Apparently, they were also frightened by the voice that shook the world. During the discussion, they all respected the explosive bag that looked like daytime.

Chi clenched his iron fist, revealing a shadow.

"Rush!" The general in charge of the charge angrily reprimanded.

With a bang, dozens of dead soldiers were blown to pieces under the watchful eyes of Chi, with blood everywhere, and the screams were audible, extremely shrill, which shocked the waiting crowd.


In an instant, 3000 people made a loud noise of fighting.

"Whoever kills the enemy army will receive a reward of one hundred taels!!"

"General, the news came from the scouts, and the soldiers and horses are expected to reach the coast of Zhongli by noon tomorrow at the latest." A lieutenant general said in a deep voice.

"Here's an order, all the assembled death squads are waiting in place. If the enemy troops capture the city gate, I will drive them all out to prevent the city gate from being taken!" Chi explained again.

The goalkeeper quickly replied, this is his perception.

"To put it simply, the explosives are in front, suppressing the enemy's firepower, and the infantry takes advantage of the situation to attack, forming the largest gap, and completing the occupation of the target. I want to try!"

What's more, there is such a high frequency of muffled thunder.

The centurions of various ministries began to call for soldiers to gather. Although they didn't know what was going on, they knew that this thing was a bit fierce when they heard the screams in the distance.

The scales were moving, the swords were screaming, thousands of people ran wildly, and the gates in the distance were slowly opened with creaking sounds.

Even if you rush to the side, it's still a matter of whether you fight or not.

"General, although the refueling tactic is good, the enemy army is not a fool. How can they continue to fight according to our arrangement? What's more, if the bombing continues like this, our army's morale will definitely be unstable!"

To put it bluntly, infantry coordination is a concept. Although it sounds not difficult, the actual operation is extremely risky. After all, the precision of this thing is limited, and if there is a mistake in execution, it will be gone.

For a while, everyone echoed and said.

A general frowned and suggested.

"Assemble, assemble!"

"Order, all ministries in the city are on standby, and no actions are allowed without my order!"

"The general still uses his troops like a god!"

Chi clenched his fists with anger. If he knew that these people had this thing, he would never let them get close. In the final analysis, he was still careless!

"After this battle, the name of the general will be famous all over the world!"

Hearing this, he was lost in thought, and he had to say that this seemed the easiest and most trouble-free way. Anyway, they were in the city, and the catapults couldn't come in. To put it bluntly, they just fought for the defense.

"Damn it!" Chi scolded angrily, and immediately said to the lieutenant general: "You lead someone to watch here, and report immediately if there is anything, the two city gates must not be lost no matter what!"

"No discussion!"

All the generals watching in the city swallowed their saliva in unison.

Around, one by one the generals began to flatter their horses, which made Chi smile, and the earlier goalkeeper pursed his lips and said, "General, do you think the Chu army will let the catapults attack this side?"

"Returning to the general, it's not the sound of thunder. It seems to be coming from the top of the city. Every time it's like daytime, and the subordinates don't know what it is!!" The guard at the door replied.

At the same time, in the backyard of the General's Mansion.

In the city, through the city gate, it is obvious that the archers on the opposite side are useless at all. According to this approach speed, those bandits can be chopped down very quickly.

"Now the soldiers at the top of the city are suffering heavy casualties. There is no way to fight back. Countless soldiers are already panicking. If the bombing continues like this, I am afraid that Zhongli City will collapse without attack."

The 300 people who had finally assembled were completely reduced to fly ash under an explosion.


"Hurry up, take the shield for me and charge, I don't believe it, can't their bows and crossbows shoot through these shields?" Qi angrily yelled at the people around him, who can break these big shields once they resist?

See who's consuming who!
"There is nothing wrong with what you said. In this way, the whole army will stick to it and protect all the main roads in the city. The enemy is not allowed to rush in. In addition, the top places in the city will be stationed at all times."

Chi continued to stimulate these people, trying to make them work harder.

Chi frowned, and angrily said: "Is there a better way right now? If not, then shut up. As for the morale of the army, I will draw people's attention, so don't think about it!"

It flew directly from the city wall and landed on the ground, then twitched twice and died.

"No!" The lieutenant responded immediately.

Immediately, the city was already chaotic, and it became even more noisy as military orders were passed down. However, Chi was good at raising dead soldiers. These people could eat, drink and have fun, and they fought fiercely.

"Here, as long as the catapult can be transported here, the bandit army will be defeated!"

In a face-to-face meeting, only a few of the hundreds of people who had just rushed out fell down without responding, and most of the rest were covered and shot.

On the fourth watch, at the military formation outside the city.

Chi's mind was in a mess, he would know it if he was in a normal battle, but now he is also at a loss when he encounters this thing for the first time.

As soon as the words were finished, a large group of people came running with shields in the distance, panting one by one.

"No!" The general nodded in response.

But this time, an explosive package also fell not far away.

And the closer he got to the city wall, the more his heart trembled, because the explosives exploded in the distance, and every time there were many people screaming, he even felt the ground under his feet tremble.

Gao Shunguo's face was solemn, his palm dropped and he said in a cold voice.

"Tomorrow at noon?" Gao Shun frowned, he didn't have much time left, and immediately said: "No matter what, Zhongli must be taken. I heard the lord tell Zhuge Liang earlier that the infantry is coordinated."

In the field of vision, soldiers were blown out from time to time,

However, he knew that this Chu Feng was a time traveler, and if Gatoni must have known about it, he might be another cross-century product.

It didn't take long for two death squads of 3000 people to be organized, one for the north and one for the south, and Chi, wearing armor and holding a sword, personally led the army to approach.

The fireworks all over the sky rose up in an instant, and almost instantly, those soldiers were blown to pieces, flying everywhere, some directly separated their hands and feet, and some were blown with blood holes all over their bodies.

With the sharp sword out of its sheath, Chi couldn't bear it any longer, and angrily said: "The whole army obeys the order, open the city gate, and rush out to destroy those catapults!"

"Continue to rush, rush out!"

"A few catapults are vacant for calibration, ready to throw explosives to cover the gate of the city!" Gao Shun told the lieutenant again.

"They want to break through the city, sooner or later they have to send someone to charge, and then we will kill them by surprise."


"Kill! Kill!"

"Haha, it works, it works!"

As the words came out, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched.

Damn, what is this thing, why is it so lethal?A large shield this thick is useless under an explosion.

"No!" The lieutenant immediately nodded in response.

"This matter must not just sit still, what is the specific situation outside the city now?" Chi asked quickly.

"This" all the generals hesitated.

"General, what should we do now?"

"That's right, that's right, General Hao is right, don't pay attention to them, let's stick to it, there are 10 people in our city, and there are so few people on the opposite side, there is no chance to attack."

Chi immediately made a decision to refuel and fight, and the effect should be pretty good.

Right now, the bombs used by the Chu army are clearly beyond their knowledge.

Several generals looked over at the same time. Now that they are driving, it will be even more difficult to destroy the catapults. After all, there are Gao Shun's trapped camps guarding these catapults, so there is no chance at all.

Almost at the moment when the explosion sounded, there were also the screams of pain from the soldiers, so shrill and desperate that they reverberated throughout the city and inside and outside the city, and the scalps of the people in the city stood on end.

"Ziyi, you arrange for the soldiers of your sharpshooting battalion to help them hold their positions and ensure that they can attack the city smoothly!" Gao Shun looked at Tai Shici again, pleading.

"General, if we stick to the city, we won't go out. Let's see how many monsters there are in the bandit army. It won't be too late to go out after they run out of monsters. And in my opinion, the monsters alone may not be able to attack this city."


Without exception, explosions followed.

Thinking of this scene, Chi smiled awkwardly on his face in an instant.He really wanted to give this hair a hammer, but what he said was not unreasonable, after all
call out!
pat, pat!
Suddenly, several explosives were thrown under Gao Shun's command.

He opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, and angrily shouted at the door: "What's going on outside, why are there such noises? Could it be that there is thunder in winter?"

Involuntarily, he frowned, showing a dignified look.

Gao Shun was holding a layout map of the city defense, which showed the structure of the city, and he was discussing with several generals how to completely take down the bandits in the city.

These soldiers all began to gather, but the fear in their hearts did not dissipate. On the contrary, every sound of bombing made them look over, and then swallowed their saliva.

One fell onto the shields of the crowd, some fell in front of them, and some fell to the side.

As Gao Shun said, he pointed to the head of the city, where there was an open space where the catapults could be put on. At that time, there would be catapults with different heights, which could directly cover most places in the city.
In this way, no matter how strong the will to fight is, the thieves will not be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombing!
All the generals looked at that position, their eyes were full of solemnity, and they immediately said, "General, I'll go!"

Immediately, countless dead soldiers put their big shields on top, especially the front row, which were all cowhide and iron armored big shields. They moved slowly, but those bows and arrows fell one after another, and they had no lethality at all.

Gao Shun confessed solemnly.

The goalkeeper couldn't help reminding him again.

And in the distance, at the military formation.

With a pair of beauties in his arms, he was sleeping soundly at first, but the sound of bombing outside the city suddenly awakened the two beautiful concubines in his arms, and he himself was a shocker.

"No!" The goalkeeper nodded.

"Yeah!" Gao Shun nodded.

"It's self-defeating? Damn it, let me see who dares!"

"General, this is not the way to go!"

A general came with a sword in hand, with a bit of sadness.

Chi stared at his pupils and scolded angrily, but he knew that if he didn't do anything, Zhongli would be doomed, and if he didn't keep his retreat, the third generation would be trapped to death in the Jianghuai area.

"The thief army is nothing more than that!"

Thinking of this, Chi was a little nervous.

At this time, the gatekeeper rushed over and shouted anxiously: "General, the bandit army has attacked the city. I have never seen the monsters used in my life. They used catapults to throw all kinds of monsters to the top of the city, and then they exploded!"

The lethality of this thing is too strong, and the attack surface is very large.

"The defenders at the top of the city are already full of feces and urine. It's not worth mentioning. I will let the catapult blockade here, and there are two entrances to the city. Then you can find a way for me to take the top of the city in one fell swoop and stand firm."

"Shoot indiscriminately, leaving no one behind!"

"Decree that the inspection team will strictly check all crossings, and if anyone is found to escape privately, they will be killed without asking for instructions!"

"No!" The generals nodded.

Boom, boom!

Looking at the enemy army rushing out, Gao Shun's eyebrows were not surprised at all, but he raised his palm, and immediately, the archers who had been prepared behind him all raised their bows and arrows and aimed at the city gate.

As the words fell, hundreds of bows and crossbows shot arrows in unison. These are all good archers, and they covered the gate of the city in a blink of an eye.

Chi looked at the past, and saw explosions from time to time in the direction of the city gate, and each explosion shone like daytime. Looking at this scene, Chi's pupils shrank slightly, he had never seen such a thing before,

"No!" The inspector team nodded.

As he said that, Chi also got up and put on his robe, and opened the door. He was also a little bit worried, and always felt that there was something wrong. How could Menlei be possible at this time?

"What about the shields, why haven't the shields come yet?" Chi scolded angrily, he had already asked for shield soldiers to come over, and now that the archers outside the city were covered, only shield soldiers would have some effect.

Then, round after round, there were more and more corpses at the gate of the city, but they still didn't rush out. This made Chiu very anxious. He wanted to put pressure on the top of the city, but it was not easy for the top of the city to survive. up.

"Returning to the general, the monsters used by the enemy are all thrown by catapults, and the range is far beyond that of bows and crossbows. If you want to complete countermeasures, you have to rush out and destroy those catapults, otherwise it will be impossible!"

Chi shouted wildly from behind.

No way, people are most afraid of the unknown.

"Then rush out, go, order all the ministries to assemble, and immediately form a death squad, charge me from the two walls of the city, and be sure to swallow this army alive for me!"

These people instinctively took a dozen steps back, fearing that the next monster would fall.


"That's right, as long as there is no blessing from this monster, there will be a bunch of trash on the opposite side."

inside the city,

"Don't worry, Bo Ping, I'll take people there myself."

Tai Shici patted his chest with a solemn expression, not daring to be careless.

"Time is running out, and the suppression must be completed before dawn, otherwise the troops will arrive in a hurry, and all previous efforts will be wasted!" Gao Shun said, looking at the crowd.

"No!" Everyone agreed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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