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Chapter 27 Tohsaka Rin in Action

Chapter 27 Tohsaka Rin in Action
"I want to find Qinyin. According to what Kirei said, this is the lair of that evil Caster, so we must be careful and vigilant!"

Rin Tohsaka held the pointer given to him by his father in his hand, and set off along the place where the magic reaction was the strongest.

Since Yusheng Ryunosuke and Gilderley are both based on the main building, the ancillary buildings on both sides of the factory did not have much decoration.

There was darkness everywhere at a glance, Rin Tohsaka took out a gemstone from a small cloth bag to input magic power, and the surroundings immediately lit up.

With the help of the light emitted by the gemstone, the girl groped forward with her back against the wall. Even though her heart was filled with fear, her faith still drove her to move forward.

The huge iron gate was locked tightly, and the ground was covered with dried and blackened blood. This scene was stinging Tohsaka Rin's young heart.

Judging from the degree of damage to the door handle, these people must have resisted something before they died, trying to keep him out.

But obviously, this door did not save them...

Tohsaka Rin resisted the discomfort in his stomach and tried to open the iron door in front of him.

"No, my strength is still too weak, I have to think of other ways!"

After several attempts to no avail, Tohsaka Rin stepped on the trash can with a puffy face, so that he could reach the top of the iron gate.

He took out a few small red gems from the small cloth bag and put them in the crack of the iron door, recalling the teachings from his father in his mind.

"Slowly release the magic power... Let the magic power reach the same tune"

With his hands folded and aimed at the gem in front of him, magic power burst out from Tohsaka Rin's small body.

Accompanied by the cracking sound of gemstones shattering, the metal door in front of him began to deform and bend.

boom! ! !
With a loud bang, the metal gate wailed and fell straight to the rear.

Use the characteristics of gem extension to gem the lock cylinder, so that you can easily destroy the interior and open the iron door.


After seeing his success, Tohsaka Rin was also full of excitement.

I often fail when I try it at home, but I didn't expect to succeed here!
Take out the magic pointer and continue to move in, but suddenly there is a feeling of stepping into the air under your feet.

"Not good! Something went wrong!"

Many thoughts flashed through my heart at this moment, but none of them could resist the embrace of gravity.

The front of the collapsed iron gate happened to be a hole that was forcibly blasted open, and Tohsaka Rin was caught off guard and fell directly into it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

The long tunnel was almost vertically downward, and Tohsaka Rin could only keep shaking his body to adjust the direction, trying to make himself land completely.

After gliding for as long as 5 minutes, he slid out of the tunnel after a violent shock and fell into the garbage dump.

"It hurts!" Touching the forehead that had been knocked several times, Tohsaka Rin began to look around.

When she saw where she was, she froze on the spot.

A dozen children were placed in a huge crimson summoning circle, and the faint sound of breathing meant that they were still alive.

Quickly stood up and came to the front of the circle, Rin Tohsaka patted his little heart that was beating thumping.

"This should be its lair, we must find Qinyin quickly! Then wake up the others."

Lighting up a gem again, Tohsaka Rin successfully found his friend Qinyin in the corner.

It's just that the empty eyes and the drooling corners of the mouth don't look like a sane person no matter what!

"Father, please bless me again!"

At this moment, the only way Tohsaka Rin can think of is to use the magic trick that he has not learned.

She didn't even memorize the theory completely, and only read it twice in the magic book, which belonged to the advanced knowledge that she still couldn't get in touch with.

Reaching out and taking out six gems and placing them beside Qin Yin, Rin Tohsaka began to chant a spell.


In front of the main building.

The battle between Mellie and Gildrey was extremely fierce, which made Ai Luo very addicted to watching, and secretly learned a lot of helpful abilities.

After Gildre got serious, all kinds of tentacle monsters were summoned here, but they were often slashed by Meili's sword before they could react.

"The flames of rebellion against God will eventually be ignited, strong one, you alone cannot stop it!"

Gildre stared at two big eyes, as if sensing something, once again summoned a large number of tentacles to entangle Meili.

Putting a hand on Ryunosuke Yusheng's shoulder, he melted into the darkness and left.

Seeing the only enemy who could threaten him leave, Ai Luo also summoned the spirit gun again to help Meili clean up these tentacle monsters that were in the way.

"This guy wants to use fear to magnify desires, so that evil dragons come into the world, and children are often the best objects to generate fear."

Mei Li returned to Ai Luo and told what she saw with clairvoyance.

It was strange when he was fighting just now, Gildre kept using summoned objects to delay himself, and he was not in a hurry to fight.

Out of curiosity, she took a look with clairvoyance, and the conclusion drawn from this look directly made Meili call her a good guy in her heart.

What a cruel character this must be, to be able to put poisonous hands on these unexperienced children!

"Tsk, then let's go there quickly, we must destroy Gildre's ceremony!"

Ai Luo, who always hated trouble, had to admit at this moment that if Gildrey was really allowed to complete the ceremony, the consequences would be extremely serious.

Leaving aside the chain impact caused by the evil dragon's presence, Fuyuki City will suffer great losses if the other party's dragon's breath is sprayed down.

Mei Li withdrew the sword of the vowed victory, shook the staff and led Ai Luo to chase in the direction of Gildre and Ryunosuke Ugyu.


Kotomine Kirei had already arrived outside the altar of the ceremony according to the church's tracking method, touching the smooth wall thoughtfully.

"It seems that this is the place where the fake Caster made his last move." Feeling the surging but evil magic power flow inside, Kotomine Kirei took out the Bible.

He silently recited the exorcism spell, and the evil magic around him retreated crazily as if he had encountered a natural enemy.

When he came to the main gate, the purple magic formula appeared, forcing Kotomine Kirei back a few steps and then slowly fading away.

"In the name of the Lord Jesus, prayers are given!"

Blazing white light emanated from Kotomine Kirei, and the magic formula in front of the door reappeared, and began to emit magic power to fight against it.

However, it was obvious that the technique was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was completely restrained by Kotomine Kirei.

The white light became more and more dazzling. After the final struggle, the technique turned into smoke and dissipated, and the door automatically popped open.

Walking into the secret room, the huge magic circle came into view, and all kinds of bloody body art were placed around.

The well-informed Kotomine Kirei naturally wouldn't be afraid of these things, and walked to the corner of the magic circle with strides.

Rin Tohsaka is helping Qin Yin, who has already awakened, recovering his physical strength here!

(End of this chapter)

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