People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 102 It's so good to feel like a hang-up!

Chapter 102 It's so good to feel like a hang-up!

"Huh? The color of the soul power has changed, it has become lighter, and there is a sense of green with gold. And the breath has obviously become thicker." Lin Manshan's eyes gradually narrowed slightly, and his fingertips stroked the blade, "The appearance of the martial soul has not changed, but its strength has increased."

"As expected of fairy grass."

With emotion, he withdrew his martial soul, took a step forward, walked up to the cockscomb phoenix sunflower and squatted down halfway.

"I am currently limited in the absorption of the medicine, so why is it related to the presence of impurities in the body? Since it is saturated, let's refine it next! People usually have to walk around when they are full to help digestion." While thinking, While exercising his refining hand, he took off the phoenix sunflower that emitted heat, then quickly walked to the open space before and sat cross-legged, stuffing it into his mouth and swallowing it without hesitation.

"Alchemy!" Performed the alchemy again, then quickly closed his eyes, and began to run the Heavenly Art.

After a few seconds, "Hiss, it's so hot."

But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and persist.

Not long after, a faint white mist with a stench rose from the surface of Lin Manshan's red skin, and the fine black juice was squeezed out from the pores, and then hardened, turning into a black film on one side, which fell off over time , and then re-formed.

Time passed little by little.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Huh..." Lin Manshan breathed out, slowly opened his eyes, and blinked in discomfort when he saw the red and blue colors.

Immediately, he subconsciously twisted his body, the feeling of the clothes sticking to the skin was extremely uncomfortable.

He lowered his head slightly, and the tip of his nose moved slightly, "!!!" He quickly covered his mouth and nose, "It really stinks!" He quickly stood up and trot to another open space, and took off his clothes.

Take out clean water from the soul tool and wash it.

"Tsk tsk, these lines, these eight-pack abs, these pectoral muscles, and this skin are really white and clean. What the hell, I have a day when I become a pretty face again. My whole body is full of strength, and I feel changed I feel relaxed, is it because the body has removed impurities?" While washing, I felt the changes in my body, "Eh, it seems to have grown a little taller, but I don't know if I have become handsome?"

Thinking of this, he trotted to the side and took out the mirror from the soul guide to inspect it.

The next second, he was dumbfounded, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Fuck, who is this handsome guy?"

The facial features have not changed much, but the outline is obviously smoother, as if it has been polished twice.If it was said that his appearance was seven points before, now he feels that his appearance is properly nine points, and he is afraid that he will be proud of the remaining one point.

"That's right, it's down!"

Very satisfied slightly nodded.

Not long after, after changing his clothes, Lin Manshan walked to a stone and sat down, and began to feel the improvement of his body.

"Spirit power level 40!"

He clenched his fist without any fluctuations in his heart, and then he was surprised, and couldn't help but sigh, "Sure enough, concentration is the essence. After the impurities in the body are quenched, the strength and strength of the physical body have increased by [-]% again."

"Well, it should also be related to the fact that the body has absorbed a part of the medicinal power of the Strange Velvet Tongtian Chrysanthemum after being tempered."

"It's such a nice feeling!"

He grinned, then closed his eyes.

Check the potency of the herbal jelly in the body.

"There is still a lot of medicinal power! It feels like it can last until I absorb the sixth spirit ring. Huh? The medicinal power of the cockscomb phoenix sunflower in the muscles seems to be shifting, converging towards the meridians and lower abdomen." Lin Manshan couldn't help being surprised, and pondered for a moment , became relieved again, "That's right, cockscomb phoenix sunflower is a nourishing fairy herb that nourishes yang after all, and its main function is not to strengthen the body. It seems that part of it needs to flow into the meridians to transform into cultivation, and part of it nourishes the kidneys and spleen. The body organs where Qi gathers."

Slowly opened my eyes, suddenly my heart moved, without touching it, I said to myself: "Even after eating two yang genus fairy grasses, I don't know if my physique will become the most yang in the novel with the absorption of the medicine. If Gang's pure yang body can be achieved, it will be a cowhide."

Silently set the flag in my heart, expecting the outbreak of Ouhuang's physique, turned and walked towards another herb.

"Wangchuan Qiushuilu, well, although the medicinal properties do not conflict, I have already eaten two plants after all. Let's wait for the body to slowly eat before eating." While walking towards a large open space in the distance, he thought, "Hunting the fourth There is no need to rush the soul ring, the soul power has increased so much in a short period of time, it will take a while for the body to adapt."

He took out the medicine pot, set firewood on fire, and began to refine detoxification pills for Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan.

He has never tasted fiery apricot vegetables and star anise black ice grass, and he can't do the operation of refining medicine on the extremely hot Yangquan with a copper tripod.Moreover, he used the herbs in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi to smear the bottom of the medicine tripod to resist the high temperature of Yangquan and prevent the copper tripod from being melted. This, he couldn't bear it!
"I have to say, Tang San is really a prodigal." After complaining, he started to work as a medicine maker.

"Son-in-law, I'm here."

A clear shout sounded from the cliff on the side of Binghuo Liangyi Eye. Lin Manshan, who was practicing sword skills, stopped immediately and looked up. Dugu Bo was carrying Dugu Yan, who was pinching the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo, from the sky.

As soon as the footsteps were stepped, Lin Manshan hurriedly came to the front, ignoring the surprised eyes of the two, "Reincarnation!"

The majestic green soul power burst out from the body in an instant, rushing towards Dugu Yan's body.

Isn't this the soul power used by my grandson-in-law a few days ago when he used the method of crossing the acupoint with a silver needle to help me check the toxicity?Seeing the bright green energy pouring into Dugu Yan's body in front of him, Dugu Bo couldn't help but stare slightly, and then his face was a bit worried, "Man'er passed this power to Yan'er to protect his body..."

"Then what about your own body?"

"Also, I haven't seen you for a few days, how did Aman change so much? Could it be that he ate the herbs here?" Thinking of this possibility, his complexion couldn't help but relax, and he said secretly: "It seems that Man'er has already thought of a way to protect himself. "

At this time, Dugu Yan who was on the side also gradually felt the increase in his own strength, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Aman, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm getting stronger?"

"This is normal. I am now transferring the soul power in my body to you. This power can not only protect your body, but also comprehensively increase your basic abilities." Lin Manshan smiled.

Dugu Yan became anxious immediately, with a worried expression on his face, he blurted out eagerly, "Then what should I do?"

"Don't worry, I've already found a suitable medicinal herb in this medicine garden. Even if I lose most of my soul power, I can guarantee that I will not be harmed by the bipolar energy here." Lin Manshan shook his head.

Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum and Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower are, after all, fairy grasses that grow in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and they have already adapted to the bipolar energy around them. After taking these two fairy grasses, they are full of medicinal power, so they naturally have good resistance.This point, he thought of it when he was examining the medicinal properties of the immortal herbs, and tried it briefly.

Put some pollen on the back of your hand and you'll see it.

At this time, although the soul power in his body was continuously draining, he didn't feel any discomfort other than the emptiness of losing power.On the contrary, my body is warm and I feel pretty good.

"That's good." Dugu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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