People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 106 Where is the snake tail?

Chapter 106 Where is the snake tail?
"I'll go, Medusa, Queen of Snakes."

Lin Manshan was taken aback immediately, and then sighed secretly, "It's a pity that the cultivation level is less than ten thousand years. It is said that the ten thousand year Medusa Snake King can transform the upper body into a human beauty, hiding in the grass to reveal the white and fat upper body, specially to seduce those who use it The male soul master, who was thinking in the lower body, approached, stared at petrification, and dragged into the cave."

A good meal.

I've never seen a snake tail before.

Dugu Bo's head soul bone came from the Wannian Medusa Snake King, he must have seen it before... He raised his brows, and couldn't help squinting his eyes to glance over.

"Boom!" Dugu Bozheng kicked the Medusa Snake's head that had just poked its head out, and the slender body of the snake was directly pulled out by more than one meter.The upper body was shaking its head and brain, and kicked another seven inches, and the whole body of the snake was kicked out.

As expected of an expert in playing snakes, he is really good at it.However, although the snake has been poisoned, is the strength of these two legs so fierce?This is the increase in physical strength brought by the fairy grass to Dugu Bo?

In other words, he deserves to be a Titled Douluo.
Lin Manshan said that he admired it.

"Grandpa is amazing." Dugu Yan showed admiration at the right time and praised him.

Dugu Bo in front of him was shocked all of a sudden, he jumped forward and picked up the tail of the snake and smashed it violently.

The battle is over, it's over, it's cool to hold your thighs! Lin Manshan sighed, and pulled Duguyan forward.

A knife pierced the eye socket, the snake's body trembled, and the deep purple soul ring floated out quickly.

Not long after, seeing that Dugu Yan was in stable condition, Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo sat not far away and started eating melon seeds.

"Man'er, tell me how to condense the soul core?" Dugu Bo spit out the melon seed shell and asked suddenly.

"Grandpa, did you read the human meridians and acupoints map I gave you last time?" Lin Manshan asked back.

"En." Dugu Bo nodded.

"The soul core is related to the three dantians marked above." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "People have three dantians, and the upper dantian is located at the Yintang point between the eyebrows. This place is the meeting place of all yang, the place where yang energy is concentrated, and the place where gods are hidden."

"The middle dantian is located at the Tanzhong acupoint on the chest. It is where the ancestral energy gathers. Simply put, it is the central station for the human body to exchange breath."

"The lower dantian is located three inches below the navel, at the position of Guanyuan point. It is the center of the human body and the starting point for the operation of the soul power of several major meridians of the human body. The twelve meridians also transfer soul power directly or indirectly through this place."

"All in all, these three places are the three places where the meridians of the human body converge the most, and they are also the main transit places for the operation of the soul power of the soul master. If you can compress the soul power in these three places, you can achieve a little bit of influence and pull a hair. But moving the whole body will bring benefits to cultivation.”

"As for how to compress the soul power, the principle is quite simple. Use extremely high control to let the soul power flow in the dantian to form a vortex. As long as the rotation is fast enough, the soul power will naturally be compressed quickly and eventually solidify into a soul core."

"So, condensing the soul core still requires a high level of spiritual power for the soul master. In addition, if my expectations are not bad, the upper dantian should be the place where the spiritual power gathers, and it is most suitable for condensing the spiritual soul core."

"However, this place is close to the brain after all, so the difficulty of cohesion is not small."

"So, to condense the soul core, it is best to start from the middle dantian or the lower dantian." Speaking of this, Lin Manshan turned to look at Dugu Bo, "Grandpa, the poison pill you condensed is actually a poison pill from a certain point of view. Soul core, if what I expected is correct, the place where you usually store poison pills should be in the lower dantian. Besides, a lot of your strength should be reflected in that poison pill?"

"That's right, the poisonous pill in my body was condensed from the Jade Phosphorous Snake Martial Soul that evolved into the Jade Phosphorous Snake Queen when I broke through the title. It can be said that half of my strength is on this poisonous pill, and the place where it is stored is indeed yours. Let's talk about the dantian." Dugu Bo nodded slightly.

"Since that's the case, Grandpa, now that you have learned the Jingtian Jue, the speed of condensing poison pills must be faster?" Lin Manshan continued.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo was stunned for a moment, then his eyes suddenly brightened, and he leaned forward slightly, "Man'er, you mean to rely on the Wuhun to continuously produce natal toxins, and use the poison pill as the core to condense the poison core?"

As he spoke, he touched his chin subconsciously, and murmured, "Soul power can be recovered, and as long as I have soul power, I can continue to create natal poisons. The poison contained in poison pills will naturally increase."

"And the poison created by Wuhun is essentially transformed from soul power, so my poison pill is closely related to my own strength."

"Aren't I compressing my soul power?"

Thinking of this, "Damn!" He slapped his thigh suddenly, his face full of annoyance, "I knew that the direction of my previous cultivation should focus on condensing poison pills. When my soul power is exhausted, I will meditate and recover. After recovering, I will continue to condense it." Poison pill."

"Wouldn't my strength improve faster if I repeated this cycle?"

You are thinking about farting. Lin Manshan nodded slightly, and then relieved, "Grandpa, you can't say that. Concentrating the poison pill requires good control, and the process also consumes energy. From making the poison of natal poison to compressing it into the poison pill, it takes a lot of time. A set of procedures must take a lot of time. Compared with direct cultivation of soul power, the speed may be much slower. In addition, if there is no good set of meditation ideas, the recovery speed of soul power will also be slow. In this case The speed of condensing the poison pill will be even slower."

The recovery of soul power is slow, and the concentration of poison into the pill is also slow. Both of them are stuck. Do you still want to go hand in hand and increase your strength?
What are you thinking?

Only my Jingtian formula can let you enjoy the pleasure of double high. Thinking of this, your waist straightened up immediately.

Although it was plagiarized and modified, it didn't affect my pretense.

"." Dugu Bo suddenly calmed down, fell silent for a while, and smiled awkwardly, "It seems to be the same."

Fortunately, I have a grandson-in-law who can create his own exercises, saying so in his heart.

The passion was extinguished, and he continued to eat melon seeds in a dispirited manner.

As expected of a 9000 soul ring, Dugu Yan absorbed it really slowly. Fortunately, with Dugu Bo by his side, he didn't have to worry about safety.

Thus, Lin Manshan started the cultivation mode.

After an unknown amount of time, "Yan'er, how are you?" Dugu Bo's slightly excited voice woke him up.

Opening his eyes, Lin Manshan got up and walked quickly to the two of them.

Dugu Yan's face turned red with excitement, but she couldn't hide her surprise.

"Increased by 4 levels, 44 levels."

The normal lifespan is 5000 years, which is generally increased by 1 level. Yanzi absorbs 9000 years, which is about the same as 2 levels, and the remaining 2 levels should be the improvement brought about by the medicinal power in the body.However, with Yanzi's physical strength after absorbing the soul ring, he probably couldn't adapt to the 4-level upgrade at once, and the last 1 level should be due to the role of the soul power. Lin Manshan thought for a while and wrote it down secretly.

Maybe in the future, I can also summarize a set of soul master theories. I say so in my heart.

He asked quickly.

"Yanzi, do you keep the soul ring and soul skills?"

He was practicing before, so he didn't have time to watch it.

(End of this chapter)

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