People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 110 A World More Complicated Than Imagined

Chapter 110 A World More Complicated Than Imagined

After listening, Zhu Zhuqing's expression suddenly became solemn, and then he held the flowers in his hands as if performing some kind of ceremony.The next moment, the eyes were closed, the soul power in the body was circulated to attract the blood, the cherry lips were lightly opened, the blood flowed upstream, and a mouthful of blood was spit out and fell on the petals.

The flower didn't even move a bit, it just floated down.

"Zhuqing, go to the side and take it." Lin Manshan smiled and said softly.

"En." Zhu Zhuqing nodded solemnly, got up, walked to the side and sat cross-legged, put the flowers into his mouth, chewed and swallowed quickly.Although after listening to the story, she really wanted to keep this commemorative fairy grass.

But she also knows that in this world where the jungle preys on the weak, only with strong strength can she protect and help the loved ones around her, and she has no choice.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing had absorbed the power of the immortal herbs, Lin Manshan withdrew his gaze and looked at Zhu Zhuyu.

Smiling, he took out a white crystal flower and plant from the soul tool, "Zhu Yu, this is the narcissus jade muscle and bone, which has the effect of nourishing the tendons and strengthening the bones, and unblocking the eight meridians. It is very suitable for a sensitive soul like you." Teacher." As he said, he handed it to Zhu Zhuyu, and continued: "Zhuyu, the medicinal power of this fairy herb can help open up the eight extraordinary meridians. You should make good use of this opportunity and try to open up a few more."

"As for the method of taking it, you only eat the petals and then suck the stamens. But remember, you need to be calm when taking it, so that you can get the best of its essence."

"Well, thank you husband." Zhu Zhuyu nodded solemnly, took the jelly grass and walked to another open space to sit cross-legged.

Seeing that the breath of the three was stable, Lin Manshan got up and walked into the bathroom, where he took a comfortable bath.Then he got dressed and walked out, and found an open space to practice cross-legged.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk" the door was knocked, Lin Manshan got up and walked out of the bedroom to open the door, only to find that it was Dugu Yan.

So Dugu Yan also joined the training team.

I don't know how long it took.

"Tuk tuk tuk" the door was knocked again.

Lin Manshan stood up again and opened the door. It was Dugu Bo, followed by a pretty little beauty in white.

Isn't this Ye Lingling?When I met Dugu Yan for the first time two years ago, Lin Manshan still had an impression.

Smiling, just about to say hello.

"Lingling!?" Dugu Yan, who woke up behind and followed her, looked happy, and trotted out the door.

At this time, Ye Lingling was looking at the handsome but majestic Lin Manshan from the corner of her eyes, seeing Dugu Yan running out, she quickly turned her head, and smiled on her cold melon-seeded face, "Sister Yan, long time no see!"

"Lingling, why are you here?" Dugu Yan couldn't help asking.

The last time she returned to the academy to invite Ye Lingling to drop out, she didn't mention solving the Wuhun defect. The reply she got was that the matter was very important and she needed to go home and discuss it.And before she got a reply, Dugu Bo took her to the Eye of Binghuo Liangyi.

She was going to ask about the results of the consideration tomorrow.

Why are people here today?

"I..." Ye Linghan suddenly lowered her head, bit her lips, her face turned crimson, but she couldn't speak.

As if guessing that this would be the case, Dugu Bo said directly, "Because I stopped by the Ye family just now, and I proposed marriage to the Ye family on behalf of Man'er."

"My promise is that even if Lingling's martial soul defect cannot be solved, at least her strength can be improved in a short period of time without any side effects."

"The result of the discussion is that if my method can really improve Lingling's strength in a short period of time, then the Ye family will agree to the marriage and marry Lingling to Man'er. If Lingling's martial soul defect can be further successfully solved, then the whole The Ye family will obey Lingling."

"The premise is that Man'er and Leng Leng's child must have a surname Ye in the future." After finishing speaking, he straightened his back and nodded arrogantly, "Anyway, I have already taken him back."

"Let's figure it out."

Although we have discussed it before, I am so embarrassed now that you are so confident and confident, and you directly picked up the person.
Looking at Ye Lingling with a blushing face, Lin Manshan's face froze immediately, and he was directly embarrassed on the spot.

And what is the difference between this kind of behavior without the consent of the parties and robbing people to force marriages?
It was really hard for him to accept.

"Grandpa, how could you do this?" Dugu Yan, who was a good best friend, also immediately looked embarrassed, glaring at Dugu Bo with her mouth pursed, her tone full of resentment.

She was also going to let Lingling get along with Aman for a while before mentioning it, but now she directly pierced it, which made her suddenly feel that she was not human inside and out.

Naive, do you think that Ye Lingling, as the only inheritor of the Nine-Hearted Begonia Wuhun in the Ye family, will have the right to choose her husband in the future?You think she doesn't know this herself?The corner of Dugu Bo's mouth twitched slightly, feeling very helpless in his heart, and he also knew that it was wrong for him to do so.

But the effect of the fairy grass is too powerful, once Ye Lingling is invited to the academy by her granddaughter, with Ye Linghan's familiarity with her granddaughter, it is equivalent to directly putting the powerful medicinal effect of the fairy grass in front of Ye Lingling.

If Ye Lingling is really asked to get acquainted with Lin Manshan first and then develop a relationship slowly, how long will it have to wait?
In this process of getting along, almost every moment is at the risk of being exposed to the medicinal effect of the celestial herb.

Who can guarantee that Ye Lingling won't mention to her parents the fact that Dugu Yan's strength has suddenly skyrocketed from that of a soul master to a soul sect when she returns home?
Leaving aside the unique skills in the Jingtian Treasure, several people practice together, and when the martial spirit is activated, the spirit ring is immediately exposed!
If there is a little carelessness at that time, how many forces in the empire will secretly speculate and investigate?The enemy is in the dark, this is a situation he absolutely does not want to see.Therefore, he must bring this matter to the surface in advance.With the strength and name of his Titled Douluo, outsiders must directly tell the Ye family that he is cured by his ability, not by chance, based on the common knowledge of outsiders that he is proficient in medicine.

Only in this way, all the speculation and investigation outside will be concentrated on him alone.

In addition, this is the only way to confirm the relationship between Ye Lingling and Lin Manshan in advance in the most brutal way, so that Ye Lingling can remember in her heart that Lin Manshan is her future husband before touching the fairy grass.

Only after taking the fairy grass did she realize the seriousness of the matter, and she thought about her husband's family, herself, and their future children in advance.Rather than in the process of getting along with Lin Manshan and others, without knowing the truth of the matter at all, facing the soaring strength of his teammates, leaking the news to the family in full of doubts.

Although grandpa is a titled Douluo, there is only one person after all.If I don't do this, how can I guarantee the safety of each of you? Dugu Bo sighed secretly, turned to look at Lin Manshan, and nodded slightly, "Man'er, bring Lingling in to take the fairy grass. It's just right, I will take them there together Hunt for the new soul ring." When he said the new word, he slightly accentuated his tone.

Then he said, "Also, grandpa is leaving for Tianshui City to bring those two girls over."

"After they get the soul ring, you can take them back to Tianshui City to meet your father-in-law and mother-in-law."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Although the walking posture is tall and straight, in the eyes of Lin Manshan, who can perceive the fluctuation of the soul, the purple magic pupil has broken through to the mustard state, and the mental power is not bad, but there is a feeling of loneliness. "New soul ring" he said in his heart Next, the mind is running wildly.

Why did Dugu Bo rush to Ye's house to arrange a marriage for me and Ye Lingling?What is the result?
What if the relationship is cultivated first, then the relationship is confirmed, and then Ye Lingling is allowed to take the fairy grass?

"Huh? The process in the middle!!"

"Duguyan is Ye Lingling's former teammate, the soul master broke through to the soul sect and possessed the fourth soul ring in such a short period of time!" He raised his head suddenly, his hair blew up, and he felt chilly. He simply couldn't afford the risk involved!

Knowing the key, he quickly stepped forward and shouted in the direction Dugu Bo left, "Grandpa, thank you!"

PS: Maybe the code is not enough for 3000 words, so let’s post it first, and add another chapter later to make up for it.

(End of this chapter)

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