People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 116 Let's Go!beat workers...

Chapter 116 Let's Go!hit worker
"Huh?" Lin Manshan, who was the closest, suddenly showed surprise. Within sight, the scarlet blood spit out by Shui Bing'er, which had turned into ice crystals, was actually fading, turning into cherry red, and flowing down the leaves like washing with water. flow.

And the ice crystals covering the entire star anise grass also melted at the same time, bit by bit, from the outside to the inside, first the white veins on the leaf surface were exposed, then the almost transparent mesophyll, and finally the core.Soon, a small-finger-sized snow-white flesh like a melon seed was exposed, with a smudge of bright red inside, which was set off by the surrounding snow-white and transparent grass leaves, which was extremely coquettish.

The temperature inside the house, which had dropped sharply, also quickly warmed up.

There is such a thing. Lin Manshan was shocked when he felt the temperature rise around him, and then he was ecstatic, "Binger, it seems that the star anise ice grass is very compatible with you, and it has actively absorbed your blood. The cold air is also restrained."

"This is the performance of taking the initiative to remove the defense mechanism, and I really recognize you."

He raised his head and hurriedly urged, "Hurry up, take it and absorb it! The star anise ice grass has been exposed for a long time after being picked, and the medicinal properties will slowly overflow as the cold air is released. Although the cold air is restrained now, there is still overflow. signs."

"Put it in your mouth, just chew and swallow!" He added quickly.

"Okay!" Shui Bing'er nodded, grabbed it and opened her mouth to swallow it, then quickly ran to the side and sat down.

Just for a moment, a faint chill permeated the air, but it wasn't piercing, instead it was as cool as water, making people feel refreshed.

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders." Lin Manshan sat down with emotion.

"It seems that sister Bing'er will not be in danger. We were all worried to death just now." Zhu Zhuyun approached with a smile.

Lin Manshan shook his head, "Yeah, this is the first time I've seen this kind of situation, I really didn't expect it beforehand."

"Whatever." Dugu Yan answered with a smile.

"As long as the result is good!"

"That's true." Lin Manshan also smiled.

For a while, the atmosphere was joyous.

However, it didn't take long before the air in the house was not right.The temperature dropped so fast that even Shuiyue'er, who was still absorbing the first leaf of Hunyuan Immortal Grass, woke up from the cold. Fortunately, the medicinal power of Hunyuan Immortal Herb was mild and continuous, and did not cause any effect.Immediately after opening his eyes, he followed the crowd to the living room, then quickly sat down near the door, closed his eyes and continued to absorb the medicine.

Several people had nothing to do, so they sat down and practiced.

About two hours later, Shui Yue'er woke up.

There is no doubt that if the soul power breaks through level 30, the subsequent improvement will depend on the result of absorbing the soul ring.

Another hour later, Shui Bing'er woke up.

Everyone immediately surrounded him and asked him to release his martial soul to have a look.

Shui Bing'er smiled and summoned her martial soul, the form didn't change, but the bone-piercing temperature left a deep impression on everyone.

After congratulating, Lin Manshan began to teach Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er the secrets of the Heavenly Treasure.

After that, it was evening.

After dinner with Dugu Bo with all the girls, Lin Manshan asked them to go back to their room to practice.

Afterwards, he followed Dugu Bo to the inner room.

Dugu Bo spoke first, recounting the cover-up medicinal herbs he said in front of the Shui family couple.And told them that they had already greeted Sister Shui Bing'er, and that it would be fine to speak in unison in the future.Afterwards, he informed the Lin family of his intention to build power for the Lin family.

"Aman, even for your future children, you have to consider this matter as soon as possible." Dugu Bo said solemnly.

Lin Manshan was silent for a while, then nodded, "In that case, let's divide the academy into inner and outer courtyards."

"Wait for the advanced soul master academy to pass the review, um, let's wait until the soul master competition is over. Let's find another mountain around to establish a primary and intermediate soul master academy."

"Educating people in outer schools, no matter elementary, intermediate, or advanced soul master schools, is no different from other schools. What other schools have, our school also has. If there is no, we will try our best. In addition, as long as the students abide by the rules of the school , you can come and go freely. Even if you want to drop out of school and join other forces, the academy will not stop you. In this way, my academy can be regarded as running with a clear conscience."

"As for whether the students who leave the academy will take care of their alma mater, that's their business." Speaking of this, Lin Manshan couldn't help but think of himself being provoked by nobles at the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City, and Shrek. Regarding the death of students taught by the college, I couldn't help but frown slightly, "Anyway, as long as the students are still in the college for a day, we must treat them equally and be serious and responsible."

"As for the inner courtyard." Lin Manshan paused, his eyes flickering, "The cultivation of the inner courtyard is also to lay the foundation. What we want are those who have gone through the three stages of junior high school and high school and can never leave the academy. Of course, If you find a commoner soul master with excellent temperament and good talent in the middle, you can also invite them in advance and train them as soon as possible. As for the noble soul masters, it involves too much, so it's better to be careful."

"In short, I personally think that it is more appropriate to train inner court disciples mainly with commoner soul masters."

"Indeed, the relationship behind the noble soul masters is intricate, and it is indeed easy to cause problems when they are brought in." Dugu Bo nodded slightly. Marriage is the favorite thing among nobles, and the relationship is unclear, and it is annoying to think about it.

"That's what I mean." Lin Manshan nodded, and then said: "After a while, I will re-compile the strategy scriptures and divide them into four levels. The elementary ones will be better than the best meditation methods on the market. It is used to pass on to those disciples who have just joined the inner court, the intermediate ones are passed on to the core disciples, the advanced ones are bestowed according to their contribution, and the original version that can help to open up the eight extraordinary meridians."

Lin Manshan pondered for a while, and said: "Except for direct lineage, everything else depends on personal talent and status."

Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Indeed, fairy grass can't be mass-produced wholesale. Disciples with too poor talent are given to those who should not be able to become Contras, let alone the realm of titles. Moreover, it is too easy to give It’s also easy to drop in price, and it doesn’t work as an incentive. The same is true for other unique skills in the Jingtian Treasure.”

"No matter what, a faction has to create a coquettish and mysterious supreme knowledge, and it will be a town."

Why does this face-sweeping old man know the inner courtyard's supreme master, titled Elder Douluo, oh, it's okay, no, the grade suddenly rose.

In addition, if you link the supreme skill with strength and status, won't the enthusiasm be mobilized?
Hmph, I'm not good at comprehending unique skills.But understanding people's hearts and understanding human feelings, Jiang's is still old and hot... Dugu Bo nodded confidently, and continued: "Besides, even if it is to prevent the leakage of the best knowledge, it must be strictly screened."

These skills are far inferior to the power of the soul. As long as it is guaranteed not to be leaked and used to deal with your own people, it doesn't matter. Lin Manshan secretly said in his heart, his head was nodding, "The words are not rough, it is indeed the truth."

Although it is unfair to many disciples to formulate rules like this, but for managing a power, he has to admit that certain rules are really necessary.The ass decides the head, this sentence is really true.

"Grandpa, as for the details." Lin Manshan scratched his head in embarrassment, "I really need you to help me think about this. I don't know much about the internal situation of the major forces on the mainland. If you let me sort out a set of management I really can't think of a system or something like that."

"It's okay, there's no rush for this matter, I'll take care of it later." Dugu Bo raised his chin slightly and said grandly.

go!Worker Lin Manshan nodded in satisfaction, and said sweetly, "Grandpa, I will trouble you then."

(End of this chapter)

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