Chapter 119 Arrangement
Heaven Dou City, Ye Family.

After carefully inspecting Ye Lingling's martial soul, Ye Xintang, the current head of the Ye family, Ye Lingling's mother, slowly turned around and bowed to Dugu Bo with great respect.

"Thank you, Senior Dugu!"

"Senior, please rest assured that this junior will abide by the agreement. From now on, the Ye family will be dominated by Lingling."

"You don't need to thank me. Although I facilitated this matter, it is your future son-in-law who really helped. I just gave medicine. Otherwise, why do you think that the poison on my body has been unresolved for many years, and it will be cured as soon as Man Er arrives?" Already?" Dugu Bo waved his hand and said indifferently.

The beautiful woman with a cold face was immediately startled by her son-in-law, and turned to look at Lin Manshan with a slightly shocked expression mixed with doubt and confirmation.

"These are all what I should do. It's good for my mother-in-law to call me Aman." Lin Manshan smiled.

Ye Xintang suppressed the shock in her heart, her face returned to her cool and graceful temperament, and she smiled slightly, "Then thank you, Aman."

"From now on, we will be a family, so there is no need to say these polite words." Dugu Bo, who doesn't like vulgar etiquette, curled his lips, and interjected rudely, "Mrs. Ye, I intend to use Tianxing Academy as the foundation and Man'er as the core. Build a family power."

"In the future, the newly-built Tianxing Academy will have two schools, the inner and outer schools. The outer school will focus on educating people and treat them equally. After the soul master competition is over, there will be a primary and intermediate branch. Invited to be included in the training of the inner courtyard."

"As for the management of the inner court, my current idea is to adopt a parliamentary form. The highest leader is the speaker, which is equivalent to the suzerain. There are councilors under the council, which are equivalent to elders and enjoy the right to discuss matters. The deacons below the councilors assist the councilors in managing their affairs. Deacons The lower ones are disciples, which are divided into core and inner sect. I invite you to become a councilor now, and the Ye family will set up a separate courtyard in the future, which will be the Holy Healing Academy."

"The ordinary Haitang Wuhun awakened by other members of the Ye family, although the healing effect is not as good as the Jiuxin Haitang, but it is also a good healing Wuhun. Therefore, I want your family to be responsible for the daily medical work of the college. In addition, I I will generalize and pass on the knowledge of pharmacology I have learned to you, and in the future, your family will be responsible for the cultivation of medicinal herbs, elixirs, and sales of medicinal materials in the academy."

"Madam Ye, what do you think?"

"It's an honor to join the Ye family." Ye Xintang replied simply.

Dugu Bo is willing to sort out and teach the pharmacology knowledge he has learned, and set up a hospital for his own family, entrusting him with the heavy responsibility to manage a pillar industry, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to it.The most important thing is the potential of this new force.

When my daughter went there, she was level 34, and when she came back, she was level 43, and her martial spirit had evolved. What a terrifying improvement.

Perhaps this kind of improvement cannot be replicated multiple times, but as long as there are a few, it is enough.

Because there is no doubt that these people are all qualified for the title.

It is absolutely terrifying to have several titled Douluo forces in the future.

As an auxiliary Wuhun family, it is a blessing to be protected by such a force.what
What's more, it is still a family power built with the son-in-law as the core. It is said that the son-in-law is also half, and he will not be treated badly in the future.

"Okay, then this matter is finalized." Dugu Bo nodded, and said again: "The president of the Star Luo Empire Gengxin City Blacksmith Association, Lou Gao, is Man'er's teacher, and I will set off tomorrow to pick him up Help build the academy, and invite him to join the academy by the way. Including the Shui family in Tianshui City and your Ye family who have chosen to join some time ago, the current academy team is considered to be a fledgling."

"After the academy is completed, I will invite all major forces to come to watch the ceremony. After that, there will be the first internal meeting of the academy. At that time, we will discuss the rules and regulations of the inner courtyard together. Of course, there are more important things, and it is also for you. It will be of great benefit, and you will know when the time comes."

He and Lin Manshan discussed and decided to bestow medicinal herbs and unique skills in a formal meeting.

I didn't expect the team to be so strong, and the important thing that would be of great benefit to me, could it be that Ye Xintang was secretly startled, and nodded, "I understand."

Then he said: "Senior Dugu, do we need help from our clan in the construction of the academy?"

"No, the matter of the inner courtyard still needs to be carried out in secret in the early stage, and it is not appropriate to disclose the matter of your joining for the time being." Dugu Bo shook his head, "I will ask the royal family to help with the construction of the academy. , saves a lot of trouble."

"That's right." Ye Xintang thought for a while and nodded.The royal family itself supports many skilled craftsmen, and there is also a special engineering department responsible for management. They are usually idle when they are idle. If Dugu Bo is willing to pay for them, the royal family will definitely be very happy.

"In that case, Madam Ye, see you in the future." Dugu Bo laughed.

After some politeness, several people said goodbye and left.

The next day, Dugu Bo left for Gengxin City.

Lin Manshan rushed to Tianshui City with Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

When they first entered the city lord's mansion, Shui Chaozong and his wife were so enthusiastic, especially after seeing the strength of the two women improve, they were so excited that they almost went to worship their ancestors on the spot.And after Lin Manshan took out a large can of low-preparation version of aphrodisiac medicinal wine prepared according to the medicinal properties of Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower and ordinary medicinal materials, his father-in-law became a good brother on the spot.The two mothers-in-law happily accepted the self-made beauty mask.

After discussion, Tianshui College was privately designated as the branch of the water department of Tianxing College, and it will not be moved for the time being.

Everything will be discussed after the Tianxing Academy team has participated in the Soul Master Competition and achieved good results. If they speak with their strength, they will naturally be willing to relocate if they are convinced.

Lin Manshan deeply agreed, and slept in the empty and lonely night in the city lord's mansion.

The next day, after promising a drink of the same yang-replenishing medicine, the good cousin of the father-in-law, the 68th-level soul emperor, called him a good brother on the spot, and happily took his daughter-in-law and the team to Tiandou City. His son stayed behind to watch the house.

Parents are true love, children are just accidents, it is true.

"Perhaps, I should open a restaurant in Tiandou City." On the way back, Lin Manshan couldn't help thinking.

And put forward their opinions, and the good brothers of Shui Ziliu said that the Shui family is willing to help take care of it.

So, things were settled.

Back to the mansion of Tiandou City, I saw a few girls.

"Damn it!" The water was sour immediately, and he couldn't help but glance at Lin Manshan's buttocks as he stepped forward, "It's so fierce!?" While deeply shocked and envious, he was looking forward to the medicinal wine Lin Manshan prepared.

"Aman is really lucky." The beautiful woman next to him squeezed someone's waist and sighed with a smile.

Shui Ziliu gasped for breath, then turned his head, regardless of the pain in his waist, he grabbed his daughter-in-law's waist domineeringly, lowered her head slightly, and gazed affectionately, "Yu'er, it is also my blessing to marry you. "

A smart man should take the initiative at this time, solve his own crisis and make his daughter-in-law feel at ease, and at the same time make her happy.

Shen Qingyu, soul power level 62, Wuhun great white shark, big and white, he used this trick to eat it back then.

"It's a lot of age, and I'm not ashamed." Shen Qingyu blushed suddenly, and punched her chest with small fists.

Brother Liu, Xiu ah. Lin Manshan, who was walking in front with superb hearing, was shocked and said that he had learned it.

Brother Liu and I will definitely have a lot of topics to talk about in the future. I secretly thought.

After a while, the two sides finished their self-introductions.

"Aman, I think so." Shui Ziliu glanced at Lin Manshan, who was tall and straight, and surprisingly handsome.As well as the graceful, beautiful and bubbling girls, they couldn't help but say, "You guys should wear a mask or something when you go out in the future. It should save a lot of trouble."

"I think so too."

Shen Qingyu nodded in agreement.

So, the next day, under the leadership of Shui Ziliu and his wife, Lin Manshan put on a black mask and led the girls in black veils to fight towards the Great Spirit Arena.

PS: Make a quick transition and start the game of grievances.

(End of this chapter)

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