People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 128 Xiao Wu's Trick

Chapter 128 Xiao Wu's Trick

The main battle arena in the center.

With a sound of "Pa!", the surrounding spotlights suddenly flashed, and in the center of the fighting spirit platform with a diameter of more than 70 meters, a round platform with a diameter of about two meters rose slowly, and what rose with it was a thick golden pillar under the platform, And leaning on the golden pillar, there is a young and charming girl who looks about eighteen or nine years old, wearing a white tunic dress and holding a cone-shaped microphone soul guide.

Brown wavy long hair fluttering, exquisite and abrupt figure, bulging chest, every groove must be hot.

"Doudou! Doudou" As the gold pillar continued to rise, the girl's graceful and abrupt curves were displayed inch by inch in front of the audience, which immediately caused whistles in the auditorium, and even a pack of wolves stood up scattered and leaned forward shouted loudly.

"Hi everyone, I'm DouDou. It's a great honor to see you again!" With a gentle smile and a voice like a silver bell, when the golden pillar stopped rising, the graceful figure of DouDou took the golden pillar and spun around , to highlight the abrupt curve.Afterwards, she stepped out of the platform with enchanting steps, her pure face and glamorous actions, under the radiance of the lights, undoubtedly aroused the most desire.

"Doudou, Doudou, I love you!" The atmosphere on the field was brought to a new climax, and the cheers continued.

The next moment, DouDou's melodious voice sounded again under the loudspeaker of the microphone, "DouDou is deeply honored to be able to host this Soul Fighting Arena team competition for all the guests again. Now, DouDou will introduce this event to all the guests. The players from both sides of the soul fighting match."

"The first is the Shrek team, the captain is the White Tiger with Evil Eyes, the White Tiger with Martial Soul, and two yellow and one purple soul rings."

The Shrek team is very familiar to the audience.Listening to the introduction, some people cheered, while others listened calmly.

"Next is Team Skywalker, the captain walks against the sky, the martial soul knife goes against the sky, and the soul ring has no soul rings."

"??? A knife is a knife, what is it called walking against the sky, so fucking pretentious. Besides, what the hell is it without a soul ring?" The audience's faces were suddenly confused, and there was a lot of discussion.

After a while, Doudou's magnetic voice finally introduced the next player, "Vice-Captain Bi Phosphorous Jiaohuang, Martial Soul Biphosphorous Jiaohuang, Soul Ring Two Yellows and Two Purples"

"Damn it, Soul Sect!" The auditorium suddenly exploded.

"The team members are extremely ice phoenix, Wuhun ice phoenix, two yellow and two purple soul rings, a level 41 control system battle soul master."

"!!!" The audience was dumbfounded.

"Team member Huangquan Civet, Martial Soul Nether Civet, two yellow and two purple soul rings, a level 43 agility attack system battle soul master."

"???" The audience was directly confused, "No, this is definitely not a game of abuse? Dai Mubai, the most powerful Shrek team, is not a soul sect. Today, the Tianxing team has three soul sects when they appear. how to spell?"

And after DouDou finished introducing the players from both sides, the voices in the auditorium became completely chaotic.

"The strength of all soul masters and above, such a strong team, how did the Shrek team match?"

"No matter how they are matched, the Shrek team's choice to fight is admirable courage!"

"Courage is indeed commendable, but it cannot change the fact that this is a brutal game. There is no suspense in this game."

"Hey, listening to the title, why do you feel that many members of this Tianxing team are female soul masters?"

"Brother, after hearing what you said, I'm really interested!"


"Okay, I won't say anything superfluous about Doudou. Next, I invite players from both sides to play." After the words fell, a bright white light burst out from the host Doudou, and then the third soul ring under his feet lit up, and with a slap, the white wings on his back Unfolded, with a light tap, the body soared into the air.

The next moment, on both sides of the Soul Fighting Platform, two doors opened silently at the same time.Tap Tata, the sound of neat footsteps followed, and the players from both sides entered the field.

"???" All the men in the audience stared straight at him. Although they covered their faces with black veils, their perfect figures and flawless white skin all told everyone that Team Tianxing was a man except for the captain.

The rest are all big beauties.

Especially the three female players walking on the right, their hot and exaggerated curves are outrageous!
"Damn! These are not triplets, are they? Team Tianxing actually has one male and six females. I admit it, and I admire it."

"Excellent, absolutely all excellent, I don't even need to look at my face."

"Regardless of the outcome of this battle, just watching the battle process is worth it"

Whistles and shouts immediately resounded throughout the auditorium.

"Sure enough, it's Zhuqing." Dai Mubai glanced quickly, and quickly fixed on Zhu Zhuqing. I haven't seen Zhu Qing for a few months. She has become taller and hotter. The familiar hairstyle and eye color are definitely his. Undoubtedly, the fiancée took a look up and down, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, secretly said: "It's still perfect, it seems that I'm right, Zhuqing still has me in her heart."

Thinking of this, his eyes softened.

In the next second, he subconsciously glanced at the other women, his eyes flashed with amazement, and his heart was inexplicably filled with jealousy and doubts, "How can there be so many top-notch beautiful teammates around Lin Manshan? And the identities are all good, how do you do it?" Arrived?"

Judging from the last time we met, apart from Lin Manshan's physical strength and strength, he is not really handsome!
"Lin Manshan!" Behind her, Xiao Wu gritted her teeth and stared at him with fiery eyes.

In the last sparring session, she was stunned by the backlash of the soul skill, and when she woke up, her clothes were dirty and her face was scratched, which is still fresh in her memory.

Tang San's face was flat, and he looked at him without saying a word, "Lin Manshan, no matter whether you have taken any treasures of heaven and earth to make a breakthrough in your soul power. The gap between talent and aptitude is always difficult to make up. Innate third-level soul power My martial soul, heh, let me see if I can split my Blue Silver Grass martial soul to control it today. In addition, the last time I hurt Xiao Wu, I should forget it."

Thinking of this, his eyes froze subconsciously, and his chills froze.

"What the hell, why are there so many beauties around Lin Manshan? This figure is so curvy, top-quality, all top-quality." Ma Hongjun's Adam's apple throbbed, swallowed his saliva, and looked back and forth with bright eyes, focusing on his private parts.

The next second, "!!?"

The hairs all over his body stood up like a conditioned reflex, and he was very cold. As the owner of the beast martial soul, his perception of danger is not low. Now the distance between the two sides is less than 20 meters, and the feeling of being stared at by a beast is particularly strong. strong.

Subconsciously shrinking his neck, he turned his head to look at the source of the danger signal.

Lin Manshan stood tall and tall with a height of more than 1.9 meters, his face was covered by a black mask, and the only exposed eyes were as deep as cold abysses.With just a frown, that kind of arrogance without anger, as sharp as a knife burst out unnaturally, making people daunting.

"Isn't he just a useless soul master with only a third-level innate soul power? He's taller than me and has a better figure than me. What's the big deal?"

The neck shrank subconsciously, his eyes dodged and his head was turned away, and he mumbled in a low voice.

Although he doesn't know how Lin Manshan broke through to level 30, in his opinion, he definitely didn't come from normal cultivation.The talent of a soul master is innate, and it is impossible to make up for it through the day after tomorrow. The difference in talent on Lin Manshan is an unchangeable fact.

My martial soul is a fire phoenix, and one day it will surpass this little Aman said so in his heart.

The next second, "???" subconsciously trembled, and goosebumps crawled all over his body.

Taking a glance from the corner of the eye, all members of Team Tianxing stared at him.

"Gulu." His Adam's apple twitched, his spine felt a chill, and he quickly lowered his head.

Only then did Lin Manshan turn his head, and his eyes were on Tang San. He was less than 1.7 meters five, ordinary-looking, and not as handsome as him.

And Xiao Wu, with fire-breathing eyes, looked very angry.

"Soul masters participating in the team battle soul competition, please pay attention!" Seeing that the participating soul masters of both sides had already walked to the designated positions and stood still, Doudou quickly flapped his wings and came to the sky above the two teams, announcing loudly in her soft and sweet voice, "Go on!" Come down, you have 1 minute to summon your own martial soul. When I announce the start, you can attack. The basis for judging the outcome is that one party admits defeat, all members fall to the ground or fall off the fighting spirit platform. Now, please both sides The participating team members activate their respective martial spirits."

Almost at the same time, the soul power surged, the light flickered, and the players on both sides released their martial souls.

Only Lin Manshan did not.

"Don't let go of the martial soul, the captain of Tianxing Academy is so arrogant!"

"Isn't it because you want to hug your thigh?" For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the audience.

On the Shrek Academy side, all the staff's expressions changed. When fighting in the spirit fighting arena, they didn't even release their martial spirits, even though it was personal freedom.But for the opponent, this is a very insulting behavior and represents contempt.

"Heh, you want to hug your teammate's thigh!" Xiao Wu curled her lips, her eyes flashed with contempt, and her taunt value was full. Although she lowered her voice, everyone on the field could understand, "I'm just saying that this guy How could it be possible to rely on oneself to cultivate to the soul lord because of his talent. It must have been forced to break through with some evil method, with a flimsy foundation and no combat power at all."

Old rabbit, you think too much.I just smashed your rabbit's head for convenience later.Today labor and management don’t need this sandbag-sized fist to beat your mother without knowing me, so my surname is not Lin. Lin Manshan raised his brows immediately, his eyes swept over Xiao Wu, and finally landed on Tang San, shaking his head in disappointment, and said lightly: "Tang San, it seems that you didn't listen to the advice I gave you back then."

"Xiao Wu's offending habit of speaking has not changed at all."

Seeing Lin Manshan's words, he still targeted them specially, Xiao Wu, who was the person involved, immediately exploded, raised her neck and shouted loudly, "Aman, it's not up to you, a trash, to take care of me! Hmph, I can't handle the revenge last time." I still remember."

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth and fixed his eyes on Lin Manshan, "It's a man who will single out later, and watch me beat you into a pig's head."

Xiao Wu, please stop talking.Didn't you see the soul ring configuration on the opposite side?Oscar at the back twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling bitter in his heart.

There is such a good thing?This is what you said yourself. Lin Manshan nodded readily, "Okay."

This guy is still the same as before, stupid.The third brother once said that soldiers never tire of cheating. Hehe Xiaowu was delighted, and quickly continued to answer the conversation, nodding his head and saying loudly: "This is what you said, don't call your teammates for help later."

"Naturally, I always mean what I say." Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu smiled as if she had succeeded in a trick, squeezed her fists, and stopped talking.

On the other side, Dai Mubai always had a gentle face, staring at Zhu Zhuqing affectionately, without moving for a full 30 seconds, as if there was something in his eyes, as if he was expressing his love, and as if he was apologizing and trying to persuade him to stay.Then, I heard Zhu Zhuyun's voice beside Zhu Zhuqing.

"Hey! The one over there, have you seen enough?" The tone was flat, as if it was just a reminder.

"Our Zhuqing family is a married woman"

Speaking of which, pause for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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