Chapter 136 Three Things

A few days later, Shrek Academy.

The running-in training of the Great Soul Fighting Arena came to an end temporarily. After a small gathering with his teammates, Tang San slowly walked into the bedroom of the dormitory. As soon as he entered the door, he caught a glimpse of a letter on the desk, and his heart moved, "It's from Dad letter?"

Trot over quickly.

Quickly picked up the letter and opened it for inspection.

"Copy down the content of the ancient book, and I will let the right person search for it for my father." The familiar handwriting, although the writing is plain, but the care contained in it makes Tang San's eyes a little moist, "Dad has been paying attention to me, He's always by my side." This kind of thought suddenly came to mind, making Tang San very happy from the bottom of his heart.

At the same time, it also made Tang San think to himself, "I'm afraid Dad's identity is not simple. At the hotel, Dad's voice went straight into my mind, and no one around responded..."

After a while, he shook his head slightly.

"Anyway, since Dad has a way to help find the grass jelly, it's better than letting outsiders find it."

Thinking that there are fairy grass in this world, and my father has the ability to find it, I can't help but feel hot inside.

If there is fairy grass, my strength will definitely take a leap, and it will be easier to defeat Lin Manshan.

Pulling out the paper, he began to immerse himself in writing the content of the grass jelly.

In the corner of the house, there was a fine cobweb, and a fat spider silently crawled to the top of the head.

On the other side, in the forest, Lin Manshan and Dugu Bo jumped off the waterfall, smiled at each other, and left.

A few days later, south of Soto, late at night.

Lin Manshan slowly opened his eyes, turned his head to look at Dugu Bo thoughtfully, "Grandpa, go back to the hotel first."

"Okay." Dugu Bo nodded.

When he came to the hotel room, Lin Manshan got straight to the point, "I got a few pieces of information. First, Tang San got an ancient book from somewhere, which recorded a lot of information about immortal grass. Moreover, everyone in Shrek, including Ning Rongrong and Tang Hao Everyone already knew about this. In addition, Tang San had already copied the contents of the ancient book and was taken away by Tang Hao, presumably preparing for the Haotian School to search for it."

"If Ning Fengzhi knew about it, he would probably look for it too." Dugu Bo's expression was solemn.

"That's not the point, the point is the second thing." Lin Manshan's face was slightly condensed, "Shrek has already learned that the process when I met Yanzi, and the things between me and Bing'er and Yue'er, started from Yu Xiao. I just learned about it from my mouth. The Heaven Dou Royal Team came to the Great Soul Arena in Suotuo City and fought against the Shrek Team. If I expected it to be correct, Yu Tianheng should have revealed it."

"After all, Yu Xiaogang is his real uncle."

"Hmph! How dare you ignore my warning because you are from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family." Dugu Bo's expression darkened instantly.

"The good news is that they are only suspicious now." Lin Manshan said, sighing, "Grandpa, after all, the evolution of the martial soul is bizarre, and your strength is a title. It is normal for them to doubt the fairy grass. However, because the fairy grass The power and scarcity of the effect, coupled with my existence, everyone thinks that Grandpa, you may have obtained one or two celestial grasses, but they must have been used up."

"The bad news is that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Haotian School will definitely not let go of any possibility, even if it is just a suspicion."

"So, we must make preparations early!" Lin Manshan frowned slightly, "When I return to Tiandou City, I will speed up the development of the elixir that can cover the breath of fairy grass."

In the original book, Chrysanthemum Douluo could directly see through the fairy grass worn by the Shrek Seven Monsters, and he had long been vigilant about this.Therefore, I have been thinking about the method of concealment.With so many people taking it, pills are undoubtedly the most suitable method.

"In addition, I will copy the contents of the ancient books transcribed by Tang San again and compile them into a book."

As he said that, he nodded slightly towards Dugu Bo, and said with a smile, "Grandpa, from now on, you can just say that this book is something inherited from your ancestors."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's eyes lit up immediately, "So, if Ning Fengzhi comes to ask, hehe."

Grass jelly, grandpa, I already knew about it.

Have you found any jellyfish?If it is found, only two people in my family will die?I will be poisoned again?Is Lao Tzu's strength still just like this?In fact, the old man has been looking for grass jelly for decades, but unfortunately he never found it. In the end, his grandson-in-law got rid of the poison.Sect Master Ning, if you find it, you must tell me! Countless responses flashed through my mind.

"Putting things on the bright side is undoubtedly the best way to dispel the suspicion of outsiders." Lin Manshan smiled slightly.

"Actually, even if we sell that book to Ning Fengzhi for a very high reward, heh, how can it be so easy to find celestial grass? Besides, I don't think Tang Hao will give all the contents of celestial grass to Ning Fengzhi , but we can give generously.”

"With such a comparison, there must be a gap between them, and it can further reduce our suspicion."

The old man has searched for decades but still can't find it, so I don't believe you can find it, pay the money, and take it away. Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "It makes sense, I'll do it when the time comes! Let them bite the dog."

If you are not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, you will die.As long as you keep the treasured land of ice and fire, are you afraid that there will be no fairy grass in the future?The wild ones outside, you should go all out to find them, right?I sneered secretly in my heart.

"However, the timing of the sale must be grasped, and it must be behind the Haotianzong to be effective." Dugu Bo continued.

"Beast Controlling is here, so don't worry about it." Lin Manshan smiled and continued: "As for the third thing, Tang San, to be precise, should be Tang Hao, who has already guessed that my current strength may be comparable to that of Tang Hao. It is related to the full absorption of the energy of the soul ring. However, none of the people in Shrek seem to think that I have a way to solve the problem of cultivation aptitude, and my future achievements must be limited by my talent and aptitude."

In fact, he really has a way, it's just more troublesome.

Regardless of whether it is a fairy grass or an ordinary medicinal herb, the medicinal properties are essentially the same.Moreover, some fairy grasses themselves are transformed from ordinary herbs, and they grow for 10 years. What kind of herbs can't become fairy grass?The difference is mainly reflected in the potency.As for him, as long as he can collect suitable common medicinal herbs and use them in a reasonable combination to act on his body in the form of elixir, potion, medicinal diet, medicinal bath, etc., he can also improve his cultivation aptitude, but it is not as good as that of fairy grass. Simple and fast.

The former is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive, while the latter is done in one step.

So I choose the latter. I secretly said in my heart.

After all, even if there are medicinal herbs, it takes time to select and refine them.

"Ignorant people are the easiest to be confident." Dugu Bo sneered, "In this world, the vast majority of people are always more willing to accept things that are within the scope of their knowledge, and firmly believe in them. Once they exceed their knowledge, they will be self-righteous , feel that others are wrong, and find all kinds of reasons to criticize. This is why there are so many mediocre people in the world, but very few geniuses."

"Because they will destroy themselves."

"This is also the reason why I guess Ning Fengzhi will send someone to investigate us." Lin Manshan sighed, "An auxiliary soul master with flaws in his martial soul is able to take care of the sect and sit firmly in the three sect seats, which shows that he It's not simple. If such a person knows the efficacy of the fairy grass, he will never easily dispel his doubts and let go of any potential opportunities and possibilities."

"That guy Ning Fengzhi is really not simple." Dugu Bo also had a slightly condensed expression.

"Just to be on the safe side, Grandpa, before Ning Fengzhi and the others get any news, we have to strengthen the protective measures at the Ice and Fire Yangyi Eye." Lin Manshan took over the words, "After all, in the past, when Grandpa went in and out of the Sunset Forest, Ning Fengzhi As a local snake character in Tiandou City, he may not know about it, maybe he will find out from the entry and exit records and send people to search for it."

Hearing this, Dugu Bo's face suddenly changed, "Since that's the case, we have to go back as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Lin Manshan nodded, "It's not too late, Grandpa, let's set off quickly and drive overnight."

"Okay." Dugu Bo stood up immediately, followed by Lin Manshan.

Not long after, the two walked out of the hotel together.

Heaven Dou City, the top floor of Yuexuan.

In the beautifully furnished bedroom, a graceful and beautiful woman wearing a palace dress and looking 27 or [-] years old is sitting in front of the window. The agarwood chair exudes a fragrance, and her plump buttocks squeeze her Became a peach shape.The moonlight was shining, reflecting the beautiful woman's perfect abrupt curves, her delicate and beautiful face was full of melancholy, and she looked at the moon with her chin resting on her right hand, as if she was thinking about something.

"Yuehua." A slightly vicissitudes of call suddenly sounded from the ear.

Tang Yuehua's body trembled suddenly, and Linglong's body quickly turned around to scan the room, then shook her head slightly as if she was hallucinating.

"Yuehua." Another sound rang, but it didn't ring directly in the ear, but outside the door.

An unbelievable expression instantly appeared on his face, Tang Yuehua got up abruptly, ran to the door quickly, and opened the door with trembling hands.

The tall and straight figure standing in the center of the living room came into view, with a slightly old face facing the door.

"Yuehua, long time no see." The voice was soft and hoarse.

"Brother!" Tang Yuehua's lips trembled, and she quickly ran up to Tang Hao, threw herself into her arms, trembling and sobbing.

Tang Hao patted Tang Yuehua on the back quietly, and didn't say anything until she was in a stable mood, "Yuehua, I came here this time to ask for your help. It is also a gift for the sect, which can be regarded as making up for these years. owe it."

As he spoke, he gently pushed Tang Yuehua away, turned his hand, and a book appeared in front of him out of thin air.

"The information here is all true, you will know it after reading it."

"Brother, our family, what can you say to help?" Tang Yuehua wiped away tears, looked up at Tang Hao, looked at that old face, his eyes were full of distress, just when he was about to ask a question, Tang Hao's face froze, With a solemn tone, "It's important."

Only then did Tang Yuehua take the book, opened it face to face and began to flip through it.

"This!" His complexion changed drastically, and he was extremely serious.

"This is my child's chance. His name is Tang San. He is studying at a place called Shrek Academy. Now he has formed a team to participate in the Continental Soul Master Competition. Ning Fengzhi's daughter Ning Rongrong is also in the team. Xiao San I have never known my identity, so I wanted to use the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to search for it, and I revealed two pieces of information about the fairy grass..." Tang Hao said flatly, "Yuehua, take this book back to the sect. Even if If you can’t find it now, you might have a chance in the future.”

"In addition, Xiaosan has twin martial souls. If I can find it in the near future, I hope the sect can give one of them first."

"Twin Martial Souls!?" Tang Yuehua's face was startled.

"That's right, Xiao San succeeded in inheriting my martial spirit and hers." Tang Hao's face was full of reminiscence and sentimentality, "I haven't fulfilled my father's responsibilities these years, but Xiao San is very obedient and works hard in cultivation. Now 12 Years old, soul power has broken through level 32."

12 years old and level 32. Tang Yuehua's face was even more shocked, and then she saw Tang Hao turn around, "Yuehua, I have important things to do, so I won't stay longer. After I finish my work, I will take Xiaosan for a while Special training, and then let him come to you. Xiaosan is stubborn, sometimes impulsive and irritable, unable to control her emotions at all times, Yuehua, I hope you can help."

"I believe that under your influence, his xinxing will be greatly improved."

After speaking, he lifted his feet and walked towards the balcony.

"Brother!" Tang Yuehua's expression changed, and just as he was about to chase after him, Tang Hao's figure suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

Tears streamed down his face, and his footsteps did not move for a long time.

In August, in the backyard of Dugu Mansion, Lin Manshan called the girls into the bedroom after finishing a day of practice.

After the girls sat down firmly, Lin Manshan took out seven exquisite wooden boxes carved from agarwood from the soul tool, with their respective names in the notes on them, and put them on the table.

"This is a medicine used to cover up the smell of fairy grass. It is divided into internal and external use, and it is marked with notes."

"For external use, it can be used as a perfume at ordinary times, and it is the floral fragrance you like."

After all, they are all daughters-in-law. Although not everyone knows the basics, at least they are familiar with the way. He knows what kind of perfume is suitable for each of them without asking.

The women moved their own wooden box to their eyes in surprise, and carefully opened it. Inside were two rows of neatly arranged wooden grids, one row of porcelain bottles and one row of glass bottles. The former was marked for internal use, while the latter was marked for external use.Zhu Zhuyun was the first to pick up the glass bottle and open it, and the fragrance of the flowers immediately overflowed. He couldn't hide the surprise on his face. He looked up at Lin Manshan, his eyes rolled, and he shouted softly.

"Thank you husband."

"Thank you husband." The other women also shouted.

Lin Manshan was shocked immediately, feeling a sense of satisfaction that everything was worth it, smiled, and continued: "In addition, the college dormitory, the pseudo-environment and the training room for the few of us have all been built. I asked Uncle Tieshan to The training equipment has also been in place. Everyone will clean up tomorrow, and grandpa will almost come back the day after tomorrow, so we will all move there."

As expected of Dugu Bo's deep pockets, 900 million gold soul coins were sent directly to Emperor Xue Ye. The construction of the academy requires both quality and speed.Emperor Xue Ye was also very helpful. He sent the entire Ministry of Industry to the construction of the college. By the way, he also brought in a [-]-man army and all the reserve troops of Tiandou City to help dig rivers and move rocks. This can not only achieve training effects, but also save military expenses. .This wave is really a win-win.

In addition, as expected of a world where everyone has a martial spirit, the construction of the academy is very fast, and it is really no worse than the previous life.If it weren't for the fact that too many materials were used and needed to be transported from various places, he doubted that the main construction of the college could be completed in a few months.

"Our next training will be in the academy, and I will formulate a targeted training plan based on the characteristics of each of you." Lin Manshan said, turning to look at the three sisters of the Zhu family, "For example, Zhuyun, Zhuyu and Zhuqing, The martial souls of the three of you are ghost civets, speed is the biggest advantage, and the attack method is basically claw strikes, so it is necessary to further refine the arm strength, wrist strength, grip strength, finger strength, leg strength, body flexibility, etc. Strengthen your training and try to maximize your strengths."

My brother is a time traveler. The Internet era makes my mind full of thoughts. I can kill Yu Xiaogang in seconds by gathering anything. Thinking in my heart, I continued to say, "When you finish this part of training, your foundation will also change. Get more solid. At that time, we will proceed to the next step of the training plan."

Zhu Zhuyu broke through to level 40 on the way back to Tiandou City last time. After going to Sunset Forest to hunt spirit beasts, his soul power successfully broke through to level 43. With Ye Lingling added, the team suddenly had two A team member who reveals a spirit ring.Therefore, the team battle training plan at the Great Soul Arena had to be suspended, but the team's run-in had already been completed, so it didn't matter.

In fact, not only Zhu Zhuyu's soul power has improved, but the team members including him have all increased by one level last month.

With the combination of fairy grass, Jingtian Jue, and hard work, everyone's soul power cultivation speed is very fast, and they can basically maintain the improvement speed of level 3 in 1 months.

He believes that in the next training, everyone's strength can be greatly improved again.

"Well, good." All the girls nodded in unison.

"In this case, everyone go back to the room and rest." Lin Manshan looked around and said with a smile,

"Well." The girls nodded, got up one after another, and walked out of the house.Soon, only Lin Manshan, Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuyu were left in the house.

"Husband..." was Zhu Zhuyun's voice.

PS: Shrek will enter the city next.

(End of this chapter)

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