People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 139 Meeting Su Yuntao Again

Chapter 139 Meeting Su Yuntao Again

The first to enter the gate were the imperial prince Xue Qinghe who participated in the ribbon-cutting, and the Qibao Liulizong Ning Fengzhi team.Then followed by the Platinum Bishop Salas of the Spirit Hall who came up to Ghost Douluo, and Su Yuntao who followed him, just walked to the door.

He was stopped by Lin Manshan, "Brother Tao!"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, even Ning Fengzhi and the others stopped to look back, and then saw Lin Manshan walking straight towards a young man in white beside Salas.When he got closer, Lin Manshan turned his head to look at Salas and Ghost Douluo, and cupped his hands slightly, "I hope the bishop and Your Majesty can be accommodating." The young man in white looked at Sara with a somewhat reserved expression. Si, as if asking for instructions.

"Since it's an old friend reunion, let's take it for a while." Ghost Douluo smiled slightly, "Go, come and join us after the party is over." After finishing speaking, he slightly nodded towards Lin Manshan, and led Salas into the house .

Someone followed behind, Ning Fengzhi also had to go, frowned, turned his head and walked inward.

Seeing his boss leave, Su Yuntao turned his head to look at Lin Manshan, and raised his hand in a cautious greeting, "Aman, long time no see."

Lin Manshan frowned immediately, and said with some displeasure: "Brother Tao, why is our friendship so strange?" Then, he put Su Yuntao on the shoulder, "Come on, let's go in too, we haven't seen each other for a long time, Let's have a good chat today."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked behind him, "Bing'er, Yue'er, go see your father-in-law and mother-in-law and your old teammates too." Today is not only the opening ceremony of the college, but also the first high-level meeting of the inner court, so The father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Ye family and the Shui family also came.

"En." The two girls nodded, watched a few people enter the door, and when Tianshui Academy approached, they immediately became friends.

"Bing'er, who is that young man from the Wuhun Temple? He seems to be very familiar with your Aman." A female teammate couldn't help asking.

"His name is Su Yuntao, and he used to be the deacon of the Wuhun Palace in Notting City, Barak Kingdom. He helped Aman awaken his Wuhun. Aman always remembered this kindness and had frequent contacts. After that, the two became friends. " Shui Bing'er introduced with a smile.

"I see." Several people nodded, secretly lamenting Lin Manshan's gratitude.

While chatting, they crowded into the door.

On the other side, Lin Manshan led Su Yuntao to the seat on the inner edge of the reception hall and sat down.

"Brother Aman, why are you covering your face?" Su Yuntao sat firmly on his buttocks, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Because I've become handsome, I'm afraid of attracting attention." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, and replied solemnly.

"???" To become handsome?His appearance can still change, how handsome is he? Su Yuntao was taken aback and looked him up and down.

Lin Manshan's skin, which was once tanned by charcoal fires due to frequent blacksmithing, now looks visibly whiter, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, and an inexplicable aura.

It's the kind of majestic temperament as a leader. When he saw it for the first time today, he was a little vain.

Immediately after Lin Manshan took off his mask, he was shocked, the overall facial features did not seem to have changed.But the lines are smoother and finer, as if cut by a knife.After careful inspection, nothing has changed, but from a distance, there is a kind of natural elegance.

Especially that stable and majestic temperament, which directly raised her appearance by several levels.

"Brother Aman, how did you do it?" He couldn't help asking, he also wanted to be handsome.There are really many beautiful girls in the Wuhun Temple of Tiandou City, but his strength is average.But as long as you are handsome enough, this is not a problem!

"Wow, so handsome!" The eyes of all the students at the seats of Tianshui Academy not far away were also shining.In the next second, Qiqi turned to look at Shui Binger and Shui Yueer, one of the female teammates said anxiously: "Binger, Yueer, we are good sisters. Aman's medical skills are so good, there must be some exclusive formula, You two can't forget us."

"The kind that Aman ate has been prepared with myrrh." Shui Yue'er, who had already had a draft, squeezed out a helpless expression, touched the table with her wrist, and suddenly several wooden boxes appeared, "This is what our sisters usually use now. Applying the face before going to bed can beautify the skin and slow down the aging of the skin. There are not many herbs that can be prepared at Aman's side, so I have so much left, you should use it sparingly."

In less than a second, the desktop was empty, and the air was full of sour emotions.

"It's good to have a boyfriend with good medical skills. Why didn't Aman save me back then?"

"Bing'er, girl Qi, how about you match me up? I can be the little one"


On the other side, Lin Manshan was also explaining to Su Yuntao, with a tone full of Versailles, "Hey, brother Tao, there is no way. My wife is so good-looking, brother, I am under a lot of pressure. To be honest, sometimes I feel a little inferior. So, Just have to think of a way."

"Hey, my medical skills are pretty good."

As he said that, he took out a ring from the soul guide, and said with a smile: "Brother Tao, I was really sorry before. After returning from Notting City, I have been busy with other things and have no time to visit you in the Hall of Spirits. Here , this is a gift I specially prepared for you."

"This is a storage soul guide with a small space, only three cubic meters. It stores the medicinal wine I brewed for you and Grandpa Maciuno. Take a sip every day before going to bed to help you sleep. Take it for a long time, It also has the effect of detoxifying and quenching impurities, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation, which can be of some help to cultivation. My academy is short of manpower now, and Grandpa Ma Xiunuo can only rely on you to send it back."

"This is really too precious!" Su Yuntao waved his hands in shock.

"Brother Tao, there's no need to refuse. If you hadn't helped me awaken my spirit back then, I'm afraid I wouldn't have even had the chance to become a soul master. And after so many years, you and Grandpa Matthew Nuo have taken good care of me. Now I can only I'm just doing what I can." Lin Manshan smiled, put the ring in front of Su Yuntao, raised his eyebrows slightly, "You can become handsome after drinking this wine for a long time!"

"Then thank you, Brother Aman." Su Yuntao accepted the ring sincerely, and said with emotion: "It's a pity that Master Matthew Nuo didn't come to Tiandou City with him, otherwise he would be very happy with your current achievements." Proficient in medical theory , to help the title Douluo detoxify, 12 years old with a soul power of 32, and killed the Quartet in the Great Soul Arena.If the bosses hadn't said it themselves, he would have suspected it was a storyteller.

Great, my brother Aman.

"The last time I went to Notting City, I also invited Grandpa Matthew Nuo, but he chose to dedicate the rest of his life to his hometown and to the children in his hometown."

Lin Manshan sighed with respect, "As a junior, I can only choose to support him."

"Yeah." Su Yuntao nodded, then looked around the hall, and continued: "Brother Aman, I heard that you picked up Old Jack's family. Where are they? Why didn't they come to the party?"

"Grandpa and the others don't like this kind of occasion, so they didn't come here." As for the older brothers.There are so many beautiful young ladies present, they definitely want to come, but unfortunately the sisters-in-law disagree. Lin Manshan mourns silently.

"I see." Su Yuntao expressed his understanding.

After receiving the fruit juice that Lin Manshan handed over, they turned their heads to all the forces entering the door and listened to Lin Manshan's introduction.

The reception hall is neither too small nor too big, and all who can come to participate are soul masters. The conversation between Lin Manshan and Su Yuntao was heard clearly by everyone who has already entered the venue, sighing secretly that Lin Manshan knows how to be kind At the same time, the mood is also different.

After all, the person whose kindness was recorded by Lin Manshan was from the Wuhundian.

This kid Lin Manshan is really good. On the side of Wuhun Hall, Ghost Douluo and Platinum Bishop Salas are in a happy mood, and the latter is a little envious of Su Yuntao.

Who doesn't want medicinal wine that detoxifies and quenches impurities, relaxes tendons and activates blood circulation, and is beneficial for cultivation?
Lin Manshan is a medical master who can cure Dugu Bo's poison that has been accumulated for decades. The products produced by the master must be high-quality goods, and the effect must be good.

But if you ask Su Yuntao for it, you definitely dare not.Speaking of it, Lin Manshan's temper is really similar to Dugu Bo's. They both repay kindness with kindness, revenge with revenge, and have both good and evil dispositions. It is really good for friends.But for those who have offended him, it is really cruel.

For example, those from Shrek Academy were beaten really badly.

While thinking, he glanced at the door from the corner of his eye, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his eyes showed disdain.

Within sight, Yu Xiaogang stood on the left and right with Liu Erlong and Flender walking out of the gate led by the girl, and a fat man behind him was staring at the girl's buttocks.

Ma Hongjun?Oh, no wonder you were beaten.
It is said that what kind of teacher teaches what kind of disciples.Regardless of such an important occasion, it shows the level and virtue of the tutors in Shrek Academy.Not to mention morality and immorality, the most basic survival rules are not taught well.

If you cause trouble like this, you may be beaten to death for offending someone when you graduate and go outside.

"Hey! Isn't that Tang San?"

On the other side, Su Yuntao also recognized Tang San from the Shrek team who had just walked in. He really didn't notice that the seats of Lanba Academy were at the back in the square.When Tang San was studying at Notting College before the age of 12, he would come to the Spirit Hall every month to receive the subsidy for soul masters, so he remembered his face very clearly. Now he hasn't seen him for a year, but he just grew taller.

Surprised, Tang San glanced across the hall, just right here.

After all, he is a fellow villager, or his own awakened martial soul, Su Yuntao hastily raised his hand as a signal.

Tang San's expression was flat, his eyes just paused, then moved away.

It's so embarrassing. Su Yuntao's face froze all of a sudden, he was quite polite when he received the subsidy from the soul master.

The raised hand was slowly lowered, drinking juice to cover up the embarrassment.

And this scene happened to be seen by Xue Qinghe, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, Ghost Douluo, Salas and others.

The eyes of Ghost Douluo and Salas turned cold for an instant. Tang San and Lin Manshan came out of the same village, and they were both martial spirits awakened by Su Yuntao. Tang Sanyue received subsidies every month for six years, and finally met He didn't even nod his head.However, Lin Manshan only received one Golden Soul Coin for six years, but he went to give Matthew Nuo and Su Yuntao New Year's greetings and gifts every year, and donated [-] Golden Soul Coins when they were about to travel far away. .

There is such a huge disparity between people.

The two empires have been afraid of the number of soul masters under the jurisdiction of the Wuhun Temple since Chihiro Ji became Pope.Therefore, the special subsidy funds for commoner soul masters have been reduced year by year for various financial reasons.When Chihiro Ji died, the ratio was only [-]%.

In order to maintain this expenditure, Wuhundian's finances have been very tight during that time.If it wasn't for the Pope Bibi Dong who vigorously developed the self-employed industry after taking office and filled the loopholes, maybe the amount of subsidies for soul masters would have been cut accordingly.What can I do if I don’t have money?
As a veteran who assisted two generations of popes, he, Ghost Douluo, saw this process.

Moreover, he has also seen the money for repairing loopholes every year. The amount is huge and shocking.Those who have not experienced it will not understand it.

Now that he can see someone like Lin Manshan who remembers his kindness with his own eyes, even if he has become a titled Douluo, he is still gratified in his heart.And when meeting someone like Tang San who took the subsidy for granted and didn't remember it at all, he was really angry and wanted to shoot him to death on the spot.

Turning his head back with a sullen face, his mood moved, he turned his head and glanced at Ning Fengzhi and the others sitting beside him, his eyes were on Dugu Bo who was in the first place, and he smiled slightly, "Brother Dugu, congratulations for getting such a grandson-in-law as Aman. According to me As far as I know, apart from getting the first soul ring when I was young, Matthew Nuo, the steward of the Notting City branch hall, forced a golden soul coin as a subsidy for the soul master, and I never received it again after that."

"But Aman always remembers the steward Matthew Nuo who certified him as a soul master and gave him a subsidy, and the deacon Su Yuntao who awakened his martial soul for him. In the next six years, he will visit with gifts every New Year's Eve. Moreover, after reaching the age of 12, before coming to Heaven Dou City to fulfill the promise with Dugu brother and granddaughter, he even privately donated one hundred thousand gold soul coins to Matthew Nuo."

"Moreover, a few months ago, he brought his adoptive parents' family, the owner of the blacksmith who taught him blacksmithing and his fellows, including his family, to Heaven Dou City."

"This son values ​​love and righteousness, keeps his promises, and is brave enough to take responsibility. His kindness is rare in the world."

"It's not like some people, Yueyue receives my Wuhun Palace subsidy, but never remembers even half of the kindness in my heart. Even when I usually see the Wuhun Palace elders who helped awaken the Wuhun and distribute the subsidy outside, they are not serious. Don't look at it."

As he said that, he did not forget to cast his eyes in the direction of Yu Xiaogang.To be honest, he really didn't know why Pope Bibi Dong was interested in Yu Xiaogang.Yu Xiaogang's soul power is level 29, and he has already received the soul master subsidy from the Wuhun Temple for decades.Once a month has never been dropped, but he has never said hello to Wuhundian. According to the investigation, even when receiving the money, he always has a straight face.

As for the students of Shrek Academy, they were similar to Tang San, and they were polite when they received the money.On weekdays, she doesn't flinch at all, and occasionally slanders her.

Because of the conflict with Lin Manshan, he sent someone to check everything out.

At that time, it was annoyed, and there was a sense of being disliked by whoring for nothing.

But when Pope Bibi Dong knew about it, he just evaded it, otherwise he would have come to the door and shot them all to death.

"That's right! Otherwise, how could he be my grandson-in-law." Dugu Bo straightened up immediately, very proud.As he spoke, he frowned, "However, my grandson-in-law and I are both people who repay kindness and revenge. We never look at birth and background when making friends, but only whether the people we meet are worth making friends with. So, don't think about it." Let's spread this friendship to the entire Spirit Hall, let's not accept this."

"As for some of the people you mentioned, you don't need to be sloppy with me here. Those guys offended my grandson-in-law a few months ago. Then they were severely punished by my grandson-in-law. To be honest, such shameless people , being beaten and scolded deserves it.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Yu Xiaogang's direction and sneered.

"Heh, my grandson-in-law is the only one who is kind and merciful. If the old man was present, he would definitely slap him to death."

"It really deserves it!" Ghost Douluo smiled and nodded, not caring at all about Dugu Bo's separation.

Things are done for people to see, and it doesn't matter what the person concerned thinks about it.

PS: Change first and then change, a chapter will be added in the evening, so let’s read it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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