People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 155 The Strange Power Soul Beast

Chapter 155 The Strange Power Soul Beast

Tang Yuehua put down her teacup and asked with a smile on her face.

"Level 40." Tang San smiled slightly, as if such an improvement was a matter of course.

The 13-year-old Hunzong Tang Yuehua was shocked, and then turned into a deep smile, "Not bad, not bad..."

Tang Hao nodded calmly, "After dinner, I'll take you to Sunset Forest to hunt for soul rings."

"Yes, Dad." Tang San nodded with a smile, and then his face turned into thinking, he lowered his head and slowly walked to Tang Hao and sat down, then turned his head and said: "Dad, my third spirit ring is limited to 2000 years, and I can get In addition to the eight spider spears attached to the spirit bone, this at least shows that a soul master can leapfrog to absorb spirit rings. In addition, leapfrog absorption of spirit rings seems to also increase the chance of spirit bones falling."

"Father, tell me, does my fourth spirit ring have a chance to absorb the ten thousand year spirit ring?"

"No, it's too dangerous!" Tang Yuehua's complexion changed suddenly.

Tang Hao on the side showed a thoughtful expression, then turned his head, "Little San, stretch out your hand."

Tang San nodded, raised his right hand.

Tang Hao stretched out his hand to touch it, his eyes flashed, "That snow lotus has greatly improved the strength of your muscles and bones, coupled with the blessing of your fast-attached soul bone, with your current body, it can indeed withstand ten thousand years The energy of the soul ring. However, a soul beast begins to have spiritual intelligence after reaching [-] years, and the soul will not completely dissipate after being killed, and a part of it will remain in the soul ring."

"When absorbed, there will be a certain amount of soul shock, which will cause a mental attack on the soul master, which is very dangerous."

"And the stronger the bloodline and the higher the intelligence of the soul beast, the higher the intensity of this shock."

"So." After the words fell, a powerful coercion burst out from Tang Hao's body, instantly covering Tang San.

"Hmm." Tang San snorted suddenly, his face turned pale, but he still gritted his teeth and insisted.

Suddenly, the mental coercion dissipated suddenly, and Tang Hao's faint voice came, "It is enough to resist the mental impact of ordinary ten-thousand-year soul beasts. If it is a plant-type soul beast, the life span can be higher. Plant-type soul beasts are naturally stronger than animal-type soul beasts." It is difficult for soul beasts to open their intelligence."

"Father, then my fourth spirit ring should absorb plant-type spirit rings. It's best to have the poison attribute." Tang San said without hesitation.

The age limit is higher, and it is also of the same plant type as Wuhun, and the attributes fit well, so it is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Tang Hao nodded expressionlessly, "Okay."

Seeing that Tang Hao had already tested, Tang Yuehua didn't say anything, but there was still a hint of worry on his face.

At the same time, there is still a lot of anticipation, the fourth soul ring of ten thousand years, which is unique in the entire continent.

Not long after lunch, Tang Hao took Tang San and left Yuexuan.

"Chirp." A magpie flew up from the balcony.

Star Dou Great Forest, the living area of ​​ten thousand year soul beasts.

The giant tree towered into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, "咻咻." Two figures jumped between the branches.

Not long after, it landed firmly on a thick branch.

"Ghost Tiger." Lin Manshan glanced down, shook his head, and said, "Grandpa, next."

His soul power has broken through level 50. In order to find the soul beast more efficiently and avoid unnecessary dangers, he did not choose to bring his wives with him this time.

After all, with his current physical strength, soul rings below 5 years can be easily absorbed.As for more than 5 years, there is no absolute certainty.After breaking through 5 years of soul beast cultivation, it was another qualitative leap.

What's more, it is a top-level power-type soul beast.

And such a top-level power-type soul beast with such a age can only be found relatively easily around the core circle of the Star Dou Forest.

Although his soul perception range has exceeded 900 meters, this distance is not too far for a soul beast with a cultivation base of 5 years.Although Dugu Bo is a titled Douluo, but after all, there is only one person, if an accident happens, it will be difficult to take care of everyone.

For example, what if the titan ape popped out of nowhere?

He still remembers the story of the original Titan Giant Ape attacking the Shrek team outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

Not to mention the closer inner circle.

Find the right direction, put your toes on the ground, and jump in one direction.

"Okay." Dugu Bo didn't say much, and followed suit.

After an unknown amount of time, the two stopped on a tree beside a river beach.

"Man'er, the soul beast in front is probably not simple, at least it is also huge." Dugu Bo glanced at the water surface below, which rippled from time to time, and frowned slightly, "It's less than 5 years old. Is it the Titan Great Ape?"

The Titan Great Ape with a cultivation base of nearly 5 years, at least it is difficult for him to win in a short time.

Now that the two are close to the core circle, if they accidentally attract other high-level soul beasts to intervene, it will be troublesome.

"Don't you know after seeing it?" Lin Manshan nodded slightly.

"Yes." Dugu Bo nodded.

The two moved on.

Not long after, seeing the whole picture of the soul beast clearly, Dugu Bo heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time showed surprise, "A baboon can be this big!?"

It is more than [-] meters high, with knotted muscles, hairless chest and abdomen, dark hair on the back, short hind legs, and two broad arms.What surprised him the most was the nape of the neck, where the hair turned out to be golden, and there were two golden horns growing on both sides of the head.

There is also a ox tail behind the buttocks.

Looking at the face, it was undoubtedly a baboon, but this was the first time he had seen such a strange-looking baboon.

"Man'er, do you know him?" Dugu Bo turned his head and asked.

"It looks like it should be a descendant of Baboon King Kong." Lin Manshan touched his chin.

"King Kong Baboon?" Dugu Bo showed doubts.

Never heard of it.

"Well, a pure power-type soul beast with infinite strength and a huge body. The largest can grow up to 40 meters. It only has one talent skill, that is madness, which can increase the physical attributes by 50%. It is a kind of A warlike race. However, their intelligence is very low, and they basically rely on survival instincts. It is said that they were ruled by the Titan giant apes in ancient times, and their bloodlines are slightly inferior." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Looking at the bare chest and abdomen I know, there is no hair, and the defense is relatively low, which is the weakness."

"In terms of strength, it is not inferior to the Titan Giant Ape, but its defense is worse."

"However, there are a large number of groups, and they are group-living races. According to records, a vajra orangutan with intelligence was born and led the group to fight against the Titan giant apes. The battle spread to the entire soul beast world. Of course, they lost in the end. .resulting in a sharp decline in the population of the entire group, which was almost wiped out by the Titan giant ape family, but the Titan giant ape family has also turned from prosperity to decline.”

"Now there are hardly a few titan great apes on the mainland, and that battle is the main reason."

"I just said, how come there are so few top-level soul beasts like the Titan Giant Ape, which has almost no shortcomings. It turned out that it was wiped out by the civil war." Dugu Bo's eyes widened, he clicked his tongue, and then raised his brows. "So, this nondescript soul beast in front of me is the blood offspring of the surviving Baboon King Kong who couldn't find a partner and got together with some kind of cow-like soul beast?"

"After all, I'm mentally retarded. It's understandable that I can't help it when this physical need arises."

"This is indeed possible." Lin Manshan said that he could not find a reason to refute.

The image of a baboon splitting a cow was beyond his imagination.

"The one in front of me, it seems that its head, tail, and short hind limbs are all weak points." Lin Manshan continued: "However, its arm strength is probably very strong, so I don't know if it has inherited the madness of Baboon Vajra. ability."

"It's okay, as long as the defense is not high, it's fine." Dugu Bo was eager to try.

He has strong soul control skills and has absolute first hand.As long as it can break through the defense, the poison will enter the body, no matter how strong it is, it will have to kneel.

Squishy dog, he is a professional.

(End of this chapter)

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