People are in Douluo, there is no soul ring

Chapter 158 The enemy of the enemy

Chapter 158 The enemy of the enemy

Two days later, Tianxing Academy.

Lin Manshan walked into the gate of the college with Dugu Bo side by side, walking on the steps, and suddenly stopped.

"Chirp." A magpie croaked and flew down from a nearby tree, landing on the shoulder of Lin Manshan.

After a while, he flew away again.

"Any special news?"

Dugu Bo beside him turned his head and asked.

"Tang San's special training is back." Lin Manshan stepped forward and said as he walked, "And luckily, Haotianzong helped him find a ten thousand year snow lotus in the ten thousand li snow mountains around the hermitage."

"After Tang San took it, his spirit power broke through to level 40, and then he hunted and killed a Ten Thousand Years Split Bud Demon Vine in the Sunset Forest, and now his spirit power has reached level 43."

"It's really shit luck!" Dugu Bo curled his lips, but there was no fluctuation in his heart.

There is harm only when there is a comparison. Compared with his grandson-in-law, Tang San is too far behind.

"In addition, Tang Hao wanted Tang San to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan, but the elders of the Clear Sky School believed that this would be equivalent to tearing up the previous agreement of the Spirit Hall, and if they were found out, it would bring a fatal threat to the sect, so they proposed a condition. A gleam flashed in Lin Manshan's eyes, "Tang San must hunt and kill a Titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall by himself before the age of 35."

"Tang Hao has already agreed for Tang San."

"Heh, I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue." Dugu Bo sneered, "Is it true that Title Douluo is paper?"

Lin Manshan smiled irrefutably, and continued: "In addition, Tang Yuehua proposed to let Tang Hao subdue the Lizhi Clan living in Tiandou City. But Tang Hao's response was to let Tang San subdue all the four major clans with his own strength. Single attribute family."

"Where does he have the face to say that!?" Dugu Bo's eyes widened, "Let's not talk about the other three clans, the Pozhi clan was abandoned by the Clear Sky School because of Tang Hao, and was attacked by the Spirit Hall during the migration process. , nearly half of the clan members were killed or injured, and Yang Wudi's own son, who was the clan leader, died. How could Tang Hao have the face to let his son subdue him?"

"Who knows?" Lin Manshan shrugged, then narrowed his eyes, and said, "Grandpa, the basic construction of the college has basically been completed, and the only thing left is to improve and strengthen the fortifications. Tell me, we will hand over this work to How about doing it for the Yuzhi Clan? In addition, Yang Wudi of the Pozhi Clan is also a person who is proficient in medicine, I think we will have a lot of common topics."

"You mean to subdue the two races and bring them into the academy?" Dugu Bo was also lost in thought.

"I think we can give it a try." Lin Manshan nodded slightly, "Tang Yuehua mentioned us in the conversation with Tang Hao, and by investigating the number of times you led the team to the Soul Beast Forest, Grandpa, we guessed that our Tianxing team has at least six souls. Zong. And, because of this, he became murderous."

"It should be because I have enmity with Tang San."

"In addition, Tang Yuehua revealed in the conversation that five elders of the Haotian School have broken through to the title."

The five titled Dugu Bo frowned suddenly.

Counting Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, that's seven titles. This is undoubtedly a terrifying force.

As if thinking of something, he couldn't help asking: "Man'er, don't you want to use those two plants to win over and train Niu Gao and Yang Wudi to become Titled Douluo?"

"But as far as I know, Taitan still respects Tang Hao as the main one in the Li Clan. The Min Clan, their patriarch Bai He, and his sister are Tang San's grandmother and the mother of Tang Hao's three brothers and sisters. With this kind of relationship, I don't think so. They did not retain the idea of ​​returning to the Clear Sky School. Moreover, the four major single-attribute families have kept in touch since they left the Clear Sky School, and the four patriarchs have a close relationship."

"Man'er, if these relationships are not clarified, there may be hidden dangers." He looked hesitant.

Lin Manshan nodded, "So, we will have to test it out then. In short, let's take a look first. At least, inviting these two people to the academy will make Tang Hao and the others suspicious, which is beneficial and harmless to us. "

"That's true." Dugu Bo nodded slightly, "Aside from other things, I think Yang Wudi from the Po Zhi Clan is not bad. It is said that he has a very violent temper. He is a pure man who speaks his mind. If he joins the academy, he should not have two hearts. .And his soul-breaking gun is of good quality, and his strength has reached the level of Contra, if he can take that herb, he has a great chance of hitting the title."

"However, what about the Spirit Hall?" Dugu Bo asked again, "After all, the Pozhi Clan and the Yuzhi Clan were once affiliated clans of the Clear Sky School. If we win them over, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction in the Spirit Hall. Moreover, The academy has declared neutrality, if the two races join the academy, it will undoubtedly be seen by outsiders as expanding their power, and will definitely arouse the fear of other forces in the Heaven Dou Empire."

"So what?" Lin Manshan sneered, "Grandpa, as long as you are here, those forces that should be afraid will still be afraid. Moreover, our college was just established, and there is a serious shortage of tutor resources, so what's wrong with recruiting people?"

"As for the Spirit Hall"

Lin Manshan frowned, and continued: "Grandpa, as the saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend."

What's more, I have no enmity with Wuhundian.

"You mean?" Dugu Bo's eyes suddenly brightened.

Lin Manshan raised his eyebrows, "Hao Tianzong has added five new titles, and wants to kill another title."

"Killing tigers and wolves is a really good idea." Dugu Bo grinned, "Tomorrow I will let Silong go to the Star Luo Empire, hire the Yuzhi Clan to build the academy, and invite Yang Wudi to share his experience in medicine."

The two entered the academy with a smile on their face, and as soon as they returned to their residence, Shui Ziliu rushed over.

"Principal, Aman, the ghost elders of the Wuhun Temple came to visit a few days ago. In addition, during the days when you were away, Mrs. Ye has led the clan to settle in the academy."

"Understood." Dugu Bo nodded, "Don't worry about Ghost Douluo, he will come over by himself later."

Sent away the water to flow by itself, sitting alone in the living room drinking tea.

It's not time for dinner, and the girls are training, so Lin Manshan can only cook for himself and make some casual meals.

Anyway, it's better than eating dry food.

Not long after, the fresh food was brought to the table, and the two gobbled it up.

Before eating a few mouthfuls, the water ran back by itself.

Ghost Douluo really came.

"Let him drink tea in the reception hall first." Dugu Bo waved the water away.

A quarter of an hour later, the two came to the reception hall.

"Elder Ghost, what are you doing this time?" Dugu Bo said as he scratched with a toothpick.

"Brother Dugu, long time no see. Little friend Lin, congratulations." Being taken by Dugu Bo to the Star Dou Forest alone, there is no doubt that his soul power broke through the great realm to hunt for soul rings. The 13-year-old Soul Sect is also unique in the entire history of the mainland.Of course, except for Qianjia's scumbags. Ghost Douluo put down his teacup and stood up from his seat, smiling and saying hello.

"Elder Ghost, please be polite." Lin Manshan bowed his hands in return.

"Stop being polite, hurry up and say something." Dugu Bo waved his hand.

Ghost Douluo nodded, and took out a warm fiery red semicircular mushroom from the soul tool.

"Lin Xiaoyou, I asked for the elixir last time. I wonder if this herb is suitable as the main medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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