Chapter 13 Folklore Events: The Red Bride

Bright and spacious office.

Chen Yuanli was dressed in a police uniform, with his head resting on his hands and watching online videos, enjoying a moment of leisure during his lunch break.

The female colleague Xiao Wu put down a glass of ice water at the corner of the table with a smile, put her slender hand on Chen Yuanli's shoulder, and whispered.

"Going to eat something in the afternoon? Please."

Chen Yuanli was secretly happy and scratched his temples, pretending to be calm.

"Xiao Ai, you decide the place, I will listen to you..."

Ding Ding Ding-!
The piercing metal bells broke the ambiguity that had just been born.

Then, there was a burst of hurried steps, and as he walked into the big office, the relaxed atmosphere disappeared and turned into depression.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with flat facial features, small eyes, square face, and deep temperament. His name was Jin Xiangyang, an ethnic minority, and he was the leader of the police officers in the office.

The work card on the chest is printed with the position of the Director of the Traditional Folk Culture Investigation Bureau.

Traditional Folk Culture Survey Bureau, referred to as Folk Customs Bureau, or Polling Bureau.

It is a special department set up in China in response to the special phenomenon that has gradually occurred frequently in the near future. It belongs to the local police system and is at the same level as the public security.

Although the folks in the Bureau of Folklore are wearing police uniforms, have police numbers and police establishments, they are not called any familiar police types, but official investigators.

Jin Xiangyang raised the kraft paper bag in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Shangfeng sent a document and detected three "folk incidents" in Yunhai City this month! "

Hear this.

The investigators of the Folklore Bureau put away their smiles, their expressions gradually became serious, and they looked at each other, seeing anxiety in each other's eyes.

Chen Yuanli felt that Wu Yuan was tugging at the hem of his clothes, and he could see that she was extremely nervous.

The investigators whispered.

"Three incidents in one city?"

"In the first quarter of this year, there were only two cases in the province..."

"What happened again?"

"The C+ grade incident that abolished the school last time, Brother Sun disappeared, and I couldn't find any traces with my eyes..."

In effect, the impact of "folklore events" is contained.

There are no ghost elements in film and television works, ghost movies and zombie movies disappear, and they are all man-made and schizophrenic in the end.

Horror and supernatural literary works are gradually withering.

Superstitious live broadcasts and videos are strictly prohibited and controlled, and even secular monks, Taoists and priests on bibs and online are also subject to relevant laws.

The three progressive nets limit the spread and influence of "folk events" within a controllable range.

Coupled with the Folklore Bureaus established in various places, they together constitute a protective umbrella for the protection of the people.

Jin Xiangyang distributed copies to the investigators present.

First, there is a bird's-eye view shot of a crossroad, misty, with only crimson traffic lights looming.

"Level D folklore event, "Misty intersection", the intersection of Changjiang Road, the hazard level is relatively low.People who walk into the intersection in the early morning mist will lose their sense of direction and cannot leave by themselves, and return to normal after the mist clears.Related sub-events, Changjiang Road Porcelain Case.At present, the [-]th Bureau of China Construction has blocked the intersection and is undergoing system transformation. "

Chen Yuanli couldn't help nodding when he saw the name of China Construction Thirteenth Bureau.

The Thirteenth Bureau is the first group to solve folk incidents physically in China. The most famous case is to use [-] kilograms of TNT to violently mine, blast the entire random graveyard, and then transform it into a martyrs park in a week. There is no folk custom in the area. Event happens.

Turn to the next page.

Then there is the panoramic real shot of the construction site.

"C-level folklore event, "Shadow on the Wall", southwest corner of the fourth floor of the Garden City construction site at No. 189 Central Avenue, middle to lower hazard level.When the surviving local workers worked overtime at night, they discovered the dark shadows on the wall. In the records, many workers claimed to be pushed down the building by the dark shadows on the wall.Related secondary incident, Garden City Work Injury Salary Case.China Construction Thirteenth Bureau has been contracted. "

Chen Yuanli pointed to the picture and asked the old leader, puzzled: "I passed by Central Street last time, didn't I see this building?"

Jin Xiangyang replied calmly.

"It was blown up the next day. By the way, more than 1 liters of earth was dug and transported to the south to reclaim the sea and build an island. The original site was planned to be converted into a new embassy of the beautiful country."

The investigators stopped in Bengbu and laughed out loud.

"It's time to see if God will take care of the old man."


It was the third document, and the only one with a large red title and a "Top Secret" seal.

"Class B folklore event, "Bride in Red", was witnessed at an alley at No. 4 West Xincheng Road. The missing person was a fugitive from a hit-and-run death case in other provinces. According to other witnesses, "Bride in Red" was a A slender black figure in an ancient red dress, moving regardless of physical distance.The operation was accompanied by strong weathering and corruption. There were serious corrosion marks on the ground, walls and abandoned objects at the site. One of the modern craft pottery found on the site, according to the thermoluminescence dating method, showed that it was from 170 years ago..."


Such a weird file made the investigators present couldn't help but gasp.

"Modern pottery from 170 years ago? Impossible, what if it is an antique from the Qing Dynasty..." Wu Yuan whispered.

Jin Xiangyang glanced at her.

"The shape of the pottery is Doraemon."

Wu Yuan was silent.

Chen Yuanli continued to browse through the documents, his eyebrows gradually furrowed.

"What about the witness and the fugitive?" he asked looking up.

"They are all missing. The description was found in the memo on the witness's mobile phone. The last sentence of the memo is... I saw her eyes."

"As for the fugitive, some fragments of internal organs were found at the scene. After comparison with the national DNA database, it was confirmed that it was the fugitive. Some nails and a lot of blood were also found on the wall."

With a low voice, Jin Xiangyang handed a separate photo to Chen Yuanli.

The moment Chen Yuanli saw the photo, his pupils shrank in shock, and a chill suddenly rose from his back.

The photo is a shot of a wall.

The wall was covered with desperate scratches, crooked, as if he had received a horrific torture before he died. His nails were broken and his flesh was bloody, leaving behind a string of bloodstained words.

"Yimao day, great auspiciousness, suitable for marriage."

The black and red bloodstains formed a sharp contrast with the seemingly normal text, which made people feel obscure and strangely uncomfortable.

Jin Xiangyang sighed deeply, and said loudly.

"If you spot the 'Bride in Red', run!Run as hard as you can!Its attack mode is likely to be staring at each other, never look directly into its eyes!Affecting the passage of time, ignoring physical space, ordinary people are no match for this level of "folklore"..."

"Director, watch that video!"

An investigator, with a trembling voice, pointed to the video paused on the computer screen beside Chen Yuanli.

On the screen... was a bright red ancient dress!

(End of this chapter)

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