Chapter 15 The Voice of Instinct!
A few seconds ago, Wei Kun was still complacent about the deposit of 10,000+, feeling sad and sad.

The sudden situation made him a little confused.

Transfer 200 million without meeting?
Wei Kun likes communicating with this kind of sincere business elite the most.

We can talk!

"Ten million, one hundred thousand, one million... two million, that's right!"

Wei Kun's heart was grabbed hard, he felt his heart beating hard, took a deep breath, put aside the unexpected ecstasy that interfered with his thinking, and his eyes gradually returned to calm.

If you want what you want, you must first give it.

He knew what he and Happy Huyu were.

In the current Internet circle, especially the live broadcasting world, it is just a small shrimp that is not popular.

Therefore, the money is definitely not for other people's handsome ability, but for other purposes.

[-]% ran after the female corpse in red, ah, was directed at the current anchor "Red is not red", nicknamed "Hongmei" by netizens.

For two consecutive days, the skyrocketing live broadcast data was enough to make interested people notice Hongmei's potential.

According to the growth curve research made by the company's marketing department,

The popularity of Honghong's live broadcast is far from reaching the peak limit, which means that there is still a lot of potential waiting to be tapped.

Wei Kun extinguished the fire, did not forget to say thank you to his second uncle and grandpa, and returned to the Innovation Building.

"Boss, there is your Shunfeng Express. It just arrived. It was mailed from the same city..."

The pretty girl at the front desk smiled at Wei Kun and pointed to the express box the size of a computer mainframe on the counter.


Wei Kun originally wanted to go straight to the office, but he stopped curiously, and glanced at the delivery note pasted on the box.

Mailer Mr. Tian, ​​phone 159XXXX...

Does this number seem familiar?

Wei Kun has a good memory. He remembered that the letter signal of the friend application sent just now was exactly this string of phone numbers.

He picked up the courier box with one hand, starting with a weight of forty or fifty kilograms.

The relaxed appearance caused the girl at the front desk to look sideways, and her surprised eyes followed Wei Kun into the office.

she muttered under her breath.

"Brother Wang, who is 1.8 meters tall, was exhausted when I took this delivery in the morning... The boss seems to be in pretty good shape?"


Wei Kun pressed his fingers slightly, and his nails cut through the express box.

Since the ghost mouth was born in the palm of his right hand, his vision, hearing and other senses, strength and physical strength have all been significantly improved. The sub-healthy mental fatigue has disappeared, and he even needs to sleep for 4 hours a day. The next day is very energetic full.

Inside the box is a bag of refined Wuchang rice from the north, special grade.

Use the scan function to check the price. The [-]kg package costs about [-] Ruanmei coins. The output is very small, it is not easy to buy, and the supply is often in short supply.

"This man is interesting."

Sending cards, cigarettes and wine, this is the first time I have met a person who gave rice.

Wei Kun pondered, although he was a bit out of tune, this was a coup.

Tobacco and alcohol are rarely enjoyed by themselves, and most of them are transferred or put on the shelf.As for rice, it not only impresses people, but it is also inconvenient to pass on to others.

You always have to eat by yourself, right?
One bite of food, one bite of food, as long as you eat, think of others when you see things, you will subconsciously think of the person who gave the gift.

Amused, he accepted the friend request.

The person calling himself Tian Ruifeng is Qiu's Garment Co., Ltd., the head of the advertising department.

Qiu's Clothing, the Shanghai branch of the Spanish luxury brand Inditex, is one of the top trendy women's clothing brands in China, with a market value of up to 80 billion.

Tian Ruifeng's conversation is well-behaved, unlike the kind of public relations genius who throws 200 million at people and returns rice to the chairman.

[Mr. Wei, I'm sorry, I didn't get through to your company department, so I'm bothering you.Is the anchor "Red Red Not Red" on the Shark platform a contracted anchor of your company? 】

【Is such that.We, Qiu's Clothing Group, are doing a new series of advertisements recently. The scale of the announcement is very large. We want to find a protagonist with distinctive personal characteristics. Would you like to bring the anchor Honghong to meet and talk? 】

Wei Kun stared at Confidence, brows slightly frowned, and his fingers kept tapping on the table.

Let the red-clothed female corpse see others?
Ever since it advanced to A-level Specter, Wei Kun felt that there was a strange power in it, and its greedy desire to eat became stronger and stronger, as if it could no longer satisfy it just by absorbing popularity through the Internet.

As long as you let go of the restrictive force of "staring", the female corpse in red will definitely eat Wei Kun alive without taking off his clothes.

Wei Kun considered and typed.

[We have signed a non-disclosure agreement with the anchor, so it is not convenient for her to come forward. Is there any other way...]

Tian Ruifeng's reply was beyond Wei Kun's expectation.

[It doesn't matter, online shooting is also fine, and the pictures can be edited later.Meet at Luckin Coffee on Hexi Middle Road at 1 pm today, what do you think? 】

That's it, agree on a time and place.

Tian Ruifeng, who represents Qiu's garments, is surprisingly easy to talk to.

"Is this how big companies do things?"

As the saying goes, cannibals are soft-mouthed, but short-handed.

Even though Wei Kun had doubts in his heart, he still had to meet Tian Ruifeng in person to find out Qiu's true attitude towards clothing making.


Hexi Middle Road.

Wei Kun drove a rented Audi A6 and parked in the parking space in front of Ruixing Coffee.

I glanced at my watch, it was just 12:50.

He investigated the information about Qiu's clothing in advance.

According to public information, Qiu's Clothing has indeed made a big move recently, and is preparing to launch a new series of clothing, which seems to be a big effort in the fashion women's clothing circle.What Tian Ruifeng said is true.

When Wei Kun thinks, he likes to look at the scenery.

At the four-lane intersection, the traffic flowed non-stop, bringing up bursts of dust and smoke.

The traffic lights change, pedestrians cross the zebra crossing, there are office workers in a hurry, there are groups of young people, and there are also old people who are strolling and relaxing.

The speed of traffic is very fast.

A grandma in her 60s is tremblingly leading her lovely granddaughter, preparing to go to the opposite side of the road.

She is old and faint, when he hesitates.

A fat man with a goatee smiled at her, and then gently took the old man's thin arm, mouthing as if to say that he wanted to help her over.

The old man did not refuse, smiled gratefully, took his granddaughter with the other hand, and the three of them walked together.

Seeing this scene, Wei Kun couldn't help showing a faint smile.

When they came to the middle of the zebra crossing.

In the distance, there was a harsh sound of brake pads rubbing!

People looked subconsciously.

An orange supercar leaned crookedly and dangerously, barely dodging the car that was traveling with it. However, it couldn't control its direction anymore, and in the blink of an eye, it suddenly bumped into it!

The tires were screaming, the terrified woman tried to warn the passing man in overalls, and wanted to rush over, but it was too late!

Wei Kun subconsciously ran two steps forward.

Also just two steps.

The screen freezes.

The metal front of the car with a speed of more than [-] per hour tore apart the fragile human body, and the scattered blood fell to the ground like pear blossoms.

Wei Kun's eyes turned red.

I don't know whose blood was splashed all over the face, leaving the remaining warmth of life.

It seems to be instinct.

In Wei Kun's mind, there was a voice roaring like a big bell!
He only hesitated for a split second, and then became resolute!
Shakespeare once said that if a rich nature is not used to feed others who are hungry, it will wither itself.

There is a kind of power that comes from your beating heart, which will guide you to do what you think is important, and you will definitely do your best. This is the sense of responsibility.

He followed this instinctive voice!
"I can save them!"

The scene was chaotic, screaming, and bloody like hell. No one else saw it. Wei Kun suddenly opened his five fingers, revealing a terrifying ghostly mouth, trying to swallow it!

"... Backflow!"

(End of this chapter)

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