Chapter 17 All Good Comrades

A small barbecue restaurant on the side of the road.

The waiter snickered and secretly looked at the two men in poor clothes.

Some people bet that the two had a fight, and they were meeting and laughing at each other here.

Some guessed that catching the adulterous failed. In the end, the two found that they were both spare tires, and decided to shake hands and make peace with the outside world.


Tian Ruifeng filled a large glass of Longshan Spring white beer, raised his head to finish it, and burped comfortably.

He put down his cup, threw a peanut into his mouth, and looked at Wei Kun.

"Before I arrived in the sea of ​​clouds from Shanghai, I investigated the ins and outs of signing the contract with the advertising heroine, and the final conclusion is that it can't be done at all!"

Wei Kun refilled it with great interest.

"Appreciate further details."

Tian Ruifeng held the wine glass this time, not in a hurry to drink, and smiled sarcastically.

"Qiu's Garment Group is united on the surface, but it is secretly divided into two factions. One is the family faction headed by Qiu Yunying, and the other is the returnee faction headed by overseas returnee executives."

"The current chairman, Mr. Qiu, don't care about world affairs, let the two factions fight among themselves, and wait for the winner. Whoever wins will be qualified to control Qiu's clothing..."

"Qiu Yunying wants to use Internet channels to get through the age-sinking market of Qiu's clothing. The anchor Hongmei is the help she found."

Tian Ruifeng paused and tapped on the table lightly. "That's why she impatiently gave away 200 million first, and showed it to the returnees!"

Wei Kun pondered: "After signing the contract, go through the process normally, where are the pitfalls?"

Tian Ruifeng smashed his wine glass on the table.

"Qiu Yunying is using a knife to kill people! If she is sincere, then the one who came to Yunhai City to negotiate with you, Brother Wei, is not me, a neutral scumbag, but she herself. The 200 million yuan is the bait she threw out. Whether the anchor is popular or not, go to test Brother Wei's details, and the most important thing is to find out the returnees."

"The overseas returnees don't want to see Qiu Yunying's success, and they will definitely stop it secretly. The people killed by the foreign companies are full of bad things. If I return to Shanghai with the contract of intent, they will [-]% entertain each other with happiness." Take a shot... But there will be traces when you move it, and then Qiu Yunying can use it to play, and in front of Mr. Qiu, take a look at them, and even directly decide the victory!"

"In case the overseas returnees can't get in the way, Qiu Yunying will take advantage of Hongmei's enthusiasm to promote the new series of women's clothing. She is a winner no matter what."

Tian Ruifeng said leisurely, he poured wine for Wei Kun himself, and smiled. "Originally, you and I met by chance, and I would never confess like this. But Brother Wei, you saved my life. No, if something happened to the young and old, my conscience would be troubled for the rest of my life, so, you also saved my conscience!"

Wei Kun felt that Tian Ruifeng was more and more interesting, he was simple and honest, he was a good person, he knew how to protect himself, and he was cunning and wise.

He said: "Then you suggest I sign this contract or not?"


Tian Ruifeng said loudly, "Qiu Yunying gave me a budget of 600 million for one year of exclusive endorsement, 200 million for signing, six months, and three times for termination. I can give you 900 million, divided into 600 million and 300 million twice. pay."

"Such a high price, Qiu's Clothing is unlikely to agree." Wei Kun laughed.

Tian Ruifeng spread his hands. "Why don't you agree? If you don't sign, Qiu Yunying won't get the handle of the returnees. No matter how reluctant she is, she will still go through the contract."

At the same time, he narrowed his eyes and made a gesture of counting money.

He laughed and said, "But Brother Wei, let's get one yard for one yard. You have to share the 600 million yuan with me for 100 million yuan."

Wei Kun nodded.

"definitely no problem."

Tian Ruifeng praised his boldness, patted his chest and said: "Big atmosphere, my old Tian is right. Brother Wei, don't get me wrong, you think I'm asking for bribes. At least half of the 100 million will be taken back to manage up and down, and then also It can paralyze Qiu Yunying's vigilance, and make her never think and I are actually on the same team. In this way, if there is any movement in Qiu's clothing, I will be the first to know and then notify Brother Wei."

What is a win-win?
Even if I took your money, you still have to accept my favor.

Wei Kun felt that Tian Ruifeng's personality was very contradictory.

There are both innocent kindness and sincerity, and the cunning honed in the workplace.If he revealed his true feelings at this time, and it wasn't that Chengfu Jishen was just pretending, he would be considered a worthy friend.

Tian Ruifeng paused, looked at Wei Kun, and said solemnly.

"Brother Wei, there must be no problems with the popularity of the anchor Hongmei! It's not that I'm making things difficult for you, but that the contract may not be negotiated if the popularity drops. We're taking advantage of the momentum. One must!"

"I read the public opinion on the Internet. Many viewers want Hongmei to show her face. Brother Wei, please tell her that you should show your face. You don't lose anything through the screen. The patience of netizens has a limit. From the explosion It was too popular, even overnight."

"For the next live broadcast, the popularity can only rise but not fall!" Tian Ruifeng emphasized repeatedly, with a serious expression.

Wei Kun frowned, and finally nodded slowly.


The two of them worked hand in hand, looked at each other with a smile, and decided to swindle Qiu's clothes.

"Done, for 900 million!"

This amount of money, the pit's heart is at ease, who made Qiu Yunying feel at ease in the first place?

"You can really brag about B."

The waiter next to him couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and the action of chopping garlic became faster.


Wei Kun gave Tian Ruifeng a drink and got down on the ground.

The ghost mouth in his right hand enhanced Wei Kun's physique in all aspects.He was not drunk, so he asked the valet to drive the fat man back to the hotel.

Back to the company.

Wei Kun was carrying two bags of steamed stuffed buns, and before he stepped into the door, he saw a letter at the front desk and a pot of pink crabapple.

He opened the envelope first, and couldn't help frowning when he saw the contents.

The stationery listed a large list of phone numbers of Wei Kun's relatives, classmates and friends, and a threat printed in red font on the last line.

"Boss Wei, you don't want your address book to be in danger, do you? - 600 million, 5 days left."

Wei Kun clenched the letter into a ball and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

He pointed to the flower pot and curiously asked his sister at the front desk.

"Where did it come from?"

"Xiaoya bought it as a gift. Look, Boss, there is her handwritten card on it."

The handwriting on the card is not very good-looking, but it is written very seriously.

"There must be a spark in the eye of a man who suffers; if that spark goes out, he is worthless. That spark must contain hope, though he himself does not admit it - Elias Canetti"


"I will always be with you - Hua Xiaomiao"

Wei Kun was stunned at first, feeling guilty for cheating a child.

He looked around and saw Li Xiaoya, who was standing at the door of the dressing room and looking at the mirror.

Li Xiaoya found Wei Kun, waved her hand, and trotted over.

"Boss, that..."

She smiled and said: "Do we have a script book? I thought about it today, and the barrage interaction should not be played freely. What if she says something wrong, reminds her of sad things, or stimulates something bad?" ?”

"Uh, not yet." Wei Kun scratched his temples.

Li Xiaoya was annoyed: "How could it not be! Such an important matter! Now that I have done it, I will be responsible to her!"

Are you responsible for what you do?
Li Xiaoya is that kind of D-rank little beauty, plus the glamorous red dress that appears to be A-rank but is actually E-rank...

Wei Kun quickly strangled the unhealthy and green imagination in his mind, he coughed.

"Let the people in the planning department think about the copywriting tomorrow."

"Boss, we don't have a planning department..."

"The finance department is also good, they are the best editors. If it is really impossible, find another expert, not counting you have 19 employees, and you can't find anyone who can write copywriting?"

Li Xiaoya looked at Wei Kun's leaving back and tilted her head in doubt.

"Counting me, I'm the 19th, right... How did you become the boss?"

Night falls.

Wei Kun came to the live broadcast room at the end of the corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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