Chapter 203 Good luck does not favor fools
Member Chen sat upright, looking at Wei Kun with a hint of admiration.

From the perspective of the Tianshui Provincial General Administration, bringing these two event center persons into the establishment not only balanced the dissatisfaction of all parties with the distribution of the minor god ranks, but also properly protected the lives of the parties concerned.At the same time, it is logical to help local officials find an excuse to intervene in the civil field.

The reason why the Bureau of Folk Customs and the Thirteenth Bureau jointly offered an olive branch is that Hong Hong has become a phenomenon-level public figure on the Internet, especially in the fashion circle.

If coercive means such as detention are used, it is likely to cause unnecessary disturbances in public opinion.Qiu Banshan and Qiu Group paid close attention.External pressure and internal discussions jointly determined the final decision to recruit Wei Kun and Xiao Hong as non-staff partners.

The most important thing is that through this roundabout method, the ownership of this little god-level embryo and the joining of an excellent Internet entertainment company have been obtained reasonably and reasonably.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuanli stood half a step forward, persuading Wei Kundao.

"What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Talent!"

"Mr. Wei is a valuable talent that our bureau values ​​very much. Professional things should be done by experts. Many people look down on today's online entertainment, thinking that live broadcasts and short videos are like taking a selfie stick and taking pictures. Anyone can do it. In fact, it is not the case. The most important thing is to grasp the trend, control the hot spots, innovate the subject matter, and design in line with the fast-paced society and human anxiety. Take it off and it will be done..."

Wei Kun was surprised: "The leader still shoots this?"

"The leader is willing to watch other people shoot this." Chen Yuanli emphasized heavily.

After his explanation, Wei Kun seemed to have calmed down, with his hands on his knees, and the kitten was hesitating and tangled while washing his face.

Yang Sihan actually admires Wei Kun.

Leaving aside the details of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Competition, it was all the fault of True Monarch Baimu.As an ordinary person, he was able to bring an online entertainment company that was about to go bankrupt back to life, and he was able to operate it to the present level. It can be said that he is an expert in this field.

I have made some small videos of fighting criminals, but none of them are very popular, and can only have a weak "human seal" effect, not even as effective as "Hey! All evil will be brought to justice!" …

"Apart from agreeing, what else can I do?" Wei Kun said with a helpless sigh.

With a relieved expression on his face, he explained with a wry smile: "What happened last night, I was worried all night. If the employees hadn't comforted me, I really didn't know what to do. To be honest, I was a little shocked. The world view has been greatly impacted. It turns out that there are some things in the film and television works that actually exist? I’m afraid I won’t even dare to go to the cinema in the future..."

Seeing Wei Kun's attitude softened and his tone loose, Yang Sihan couldn't help but lightly grabbed Wei Kun's right hand and smiled.

"The movies with the dragon logo in the movie theater are [-]% safe movies. Don't be afraid. Although many of them are ugly, they are disgusting at most, and they won't kill you. Boss Wei, I respect elites in various fields, especially people like you. , a social elite with a clean foundation, who has no connection with the powerful capital and powerful families, you are the mainstay of the future country!"

"You have the right to refuse, and we will not hold you accountable. As long as you sign the non-disclosure agreement and never violate it, there will be no mess. But I don't want you to give up this opportunity."

"Having said so much, what I want to declare is that you and the Bureau of Folk Customs and the Thirteenth Bureau are in an equal, mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative relationship. There will be no lay leaders telling you what to do, and there will be no protection for you, your family and friends. It will not disturb their normal life, but it will restrict their exit, because we don’t have many manpower abroad, and the outside world is far less peaceful and safe than inside.”

"There is only one thing, Mr. Wei, you must be clear, understand, and consider it carefully - join the relevant departments, enjoy the rights, and naturally take on the obligations that complement each other. It is really not easy for someone to become famous quickly in the Internet industry today. If the officials end, it will always have a counterproductive effect, such as the young man in Sichuan and the girl who loves skating, look at what they are scolding on the Internet."

"Narcissus is a test of your abilities, and it's the trouble we've had recently.If you agree, here are its dossiers, and recent mission proposals. "

Yang Sihan tapped the table with his hand, and then on the empty conference table, a dark black briefcase appeared instantly, and the chain was opened, revealing two thin secret documents.The significance of this light and ethereal thing is far greater than that of a commercial building.

Under the expectant eyes of Yang Sihan and Chen Yuanli, Wei Kun finally agreed to the intention of "non-staff cooperation".

He just nodded when he was suddenly bumped into his chest by a warm embrace.Yang Sihan is about half a head taller than Wei Kun, as if his male and female identities have been reversed.She straightened Wei Kun's shoulders, touched her forehead, looked at Wei Kun happily with her peculiar double pupils, and her fiery breath hit Wei Kun's face.

Yang Sihan smiled like a flower, and grinned: "Wei Kun, welcome to our big family! You won't regret it, because your employees have already told us secretly that you are a genuine...good person. I like you, Working with you may be one of the happiest things in my work in the next few years. I will be responsible for your safety in the future, and I will take good care of you."

The way she expresses her emotions is more direct and unrestrained than any woman Wei Kun has ever met, and her words are not as gentle and shy as Xiaojiabiyu from the coastal province.Only Jiang Zhiyao's controlling lioness has a similar temperament to her.

The Folklore Bureau did not ask Wei Kun to sign a written document, but only made a verbal promise, and most of the details were finalized.It also highlights their self-confidence.After all, as the most important guardian force of the government, their size is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yang Sihan's attitude towards Wei Kun has also changed drastically, as if he changed from a guest to a friend in an instant.

Chen Yuanli got used to Yang Sihan's hot-tempered style, so he took out the documents and files he had prepared long ago from the folder and handed them to Wei Kun.

"So it was already prepared for me?"

Wei Kun flipped through the blue book of the "Folk Customs Bureau". On the top was his ID photo, which was taken from a youthful photo in college. Below was his personal information, a fourth-level investigator, and a series of special police officers. The number 7355608 is his unique number in the Folklore Bureau system.

Chen Yuanli explained: "This certificate is of a very high level, try not to break the law. Your gun and related legal certificates will be sent to you by the police commissioner in the next two days, but there will be no special special certificates for the time being. Bullets. When you pass the shooting training assessment and the general education class of the Folklore Bureau, the bullets and sirens will be distributed to you. Of course, these are for self-defense needs, and you don’t need to follow the dispatch of the Folklore Bureau.”

He scratched his forehead in thought, then clapped his hands sharply and said.

"Civilian, yes, Mr. Wei, you are a secret civil servant! There are still a few certificates that are being produced. Don't be afraid, and don't be superior to others. The Folklore Bureau has cooperative relations with many folk individuals and groups, but compared to the public , Our talents in the cultural and entertainment industry are still pitifully small, not enough at all, and the number of "ghosts" has increased sharply after that incident, and it is almost impossible to allocate..."

So package allocation is a lie?
Wei Kun is quite satisfied with the subsequent handling of this matter.Everyone present, including Yang Sihan, failed to discover the fact that Li Xiaoya just now was actually a ghost.He held his palm, the ghost seal swirled mysteriously, took out his phone, unlocked it, and opened the gallery.

Yang Sihan looked at Wei Kun suspiciously, thinking that he was going to show him something interesting.

She just saw the front of the phone, and suddenly met a pair of deep purple eyes...

Yang Sihan was still careless at first, with the appearance of a big female brother, his hair stood on end in an instant, every organ in his body was frantically alarming, warning of the terrifying danger in front of him!
"This is at least..."

"...S-rank weird!"

The screen freezes.

The window of the meeting room suddenly became bright red, the sound of suona broke the dawn, tearing the sky, and paper flowers fell all over the sky. Following the sound, I subconsciously looked, and at the far end of my field of vision, there was a faceless ghost like the Lord of the world, holding the horizon with both hands, and a red one under his feet. A grand team, coming in a thick fog and a sea of ​​blood!

In the next moment, a red figure suddenly appeared behind Yang Sihan, with twisted facial features, extreme cold and terrifying weathering, which almost made people lose all sense of resistance.

The slender and perfect fingers tapped Yang Sihan's forehead...

Wei Kun squeezed the phone.

His face paled slightly, he took a deep breath, and silently took it back.In the meeting room at this moment, the light is bright, there are no strange reds and ghosts on the horizon outside the window, only Chen Yuanli who chatters like a housekeeper, and Yang Sihan who is curiously looking at the fish tank in the meeting room.

Looking at Yang Sihan's gaze again, Wei Kunyin hides a confidence that is under control.

Even if she doesn't have to do it herself, Hong Hong of the Perfect Little God Rank can solve most of the problems.If you want Honghong to break through the bottleneck again, you can't do it with ordinary live broadcasts.What we need to do now is to complete the tasks of the Ghost Affairs Department as soon as possible, recruit and train 1 small god-level weirdo, and 3 S-level weirdos, that is, the three-and-a-half-step god-level weirdness...

The stronger the Ghost Affairs Department is, the stronger Hong Hong's strength will be.According to the little secretary's description, the three life fires of the Red Little God-level do not need to devour the monsters of the same hunting god system. As long as there are many monsters of sufficient level as a helper, the greedy god-level can immediately ignite the life fire and move towards the great god. Resolutely step up the steps!

In order to completely solve the troubles of Paradise Media and the Faith Association, including Jiang Zhiyao, Hong Hong and her own strength are the most important.

Wei Kun hasn't found a more suitable way to improve his strength, but Hong Hong has the power of "absorbing", as long as Hong Hong advances, the benefits will be fed back to Wei Kun, helping him continue to unlock the seal of the Faceless Jiuyou Tianzun .

Yang Sihan had no idea what happened in the "future".

She looked at the big fish tank with interest. There were stones, algae, and moss, but there were no fish.So he asked curiously: "Mr. Wei, where are the fish inside?"

Because the key secret matters have been negotiated, there is nothing shady.Wei Kun was opening the door when a letter called Li Xiaoya in.

Li Xiaoya blurted out when she heard the question.

"It's all dead."


"It's a fish tank, it's better to say it's a fish concentration camp with humanistic feelings. I suspect that Wei Kun is not for raising fish, but for raising that tank. The new fish are still in fresh logistics, and have not yet been delivered. "Li Xiaoya's words made Wei Kun a little embarrassed and ashamed.

Wei Kun likes raising things very much.

He is good at raising female ghosts, but there are no survivors of fish farming, just like the dyed chickens and ducklings he raised when he was a child, they all hurried on the road.He sometimes wonders if he is more suitable for hospice care for animals, raising them just to see them for the last time?
What are animal rights activists? They are true filial sons if they can be sent back.

Yang Sihan was quite frightened by these words. She looked at Wei Kun and pointed out something else: "It will come over in the afternoon. If you are in danger, find a mobile phone and point it at it. We can't help you. It is the weakest during the day." Sometimes, this is also a necessary process, you always have to get along with them alone..."

Li Xiaoya's face was full of question marks, and then she was pulled aside by Yang Sihan's big hand, and talked about the [-]th party, which made Li Xiaoya happy like a cat eating fish.

After Yang Sihan and Chen Yuanli left, Wei Kun pushed all the company's affairs until tomorrow.

It was only noon, and it was announced that the company would take a half-day holiday collectively.

This made Xia Yan, who had just started working, a little unhappy.She has only enjoyed the busyness that has attracted much attention for a long time, and she has deeply experienced the comfort of Happy Interactive Entertainment to finally establish a territory in the domestic online entertainment circle with the trump card of Honghong.

The company's temporary holiday notice is like letting someone ride on Wei Kun's waist... It's Xia Yan standing on the shoulders of giants!Feeling ecstatic, landed sadly, and returned to the boring reality.

"Okay, get off work! Go home and have a silver party!" Yiyi dragged the two little followers and left the company bouncingly.Ever since Shasha became a minor god, Yiyi has also been affected, becoming lazy and fond of fishing.

Li Xiaoya left a pot of black chicken soup for Wei Kun in the rice cooker.

The middle-aged old man Wang Shouye touched the black-and-white photo of his old buddy Li Zhiqiang, and said with emotion: "The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Old Li, you are considered a hero. Since you are gone, there are more and more company holidays." Don't worry! My brother and sister have me, and I won't let her suffer any grievances!"

the whole afternoon.

Wei Kun received at least seven calls from Chen Yuanli in a row. He kept emphasizing the horror of the thing and various precautions, and told Wei Kun: "If something happens, call brother immediately, and I will take someone there right away. You must ensure Honghong's safety!"

Wei Kun suddenly understood that he was a pure incidental.

In the afternoon, Gong Sheng also dialed Wei Kun's number.

Congratulations to Wei Kun for winning the first place in the competition, and then chatted about the bet. In this year's year-end anchor selection, he won three top 40 and one top [-]. The bet is that Gong Sheng [-]% of Shark Table shares!

Wei Kun thought about the content of the bet, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity. "3, 1... Isn't this the requirement of three S-levels, with a small god-level addition? The two tasks happened to be together!"

Because he was pretending to be troubled, he ignored Gong Sheng's next words, "If my daughter Song Qin causes you trouble, don't bother with her. She is spoiled by her mother and is not sensible. As a father, Apologize to her in advance..."

Until the phone was hung up, Wei Kun was still thinking about this bet.

He pondered, returned to the office area from the terrace, and then saw that the office area was like a legend in the folklore circle of the sea of ​​clouds—the horrible scene of the strange "side leakage", blood splattered everywhere on the floor, wall, and ceiling, it was simply It looks like the big aunt was so angry that the big uncle exploded.

Wei Kun was stunned.

"Could it be that Sasha gave birth!?"

Then overturned this guess!Because he was shocked to see that Yangyang's printer was turned upside down, the refrigerator containing Wei Kun brand juice was also pushed down and cut off, and the company's main network line was covered with horrible scratches and broken in pieces...

for no reason.

Even Wei Kun couldn't help but shuddered, showing a look of horror.

At this time...

A sinister voice came from behind him. "You're dead...I'm going to eat you a little bit..."

Wei Kun turned his head with difficulty, and saw a horrified figure in a blue skirt, threatening Wei Kun with a ferocious expression, as if he wanted to see him crying bitterly.

He took a deep breath, glanced at the miserable scene that had raged in the office area, printers, refrigerators, network cables... Thinking of the owner behind these things, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he muttered.

"Little novice sister, it's really not that I won't help you..."

(End of this chapter)

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