"Passengers, I'm very sorry. A female passenger in front of me suddenly passed out. Passengers checking in, please check in at the auxiliary ticket gate." The station manager's words stopped further commotion. She was a neat middle-aged woman with a relaxed tone, His brows were tightly furrowed.

Wearing a windbreaker and uniform, she quickly walked to the platform escalator where the incident occurred and asked about the specific situation.I saw the platform staff and doctors nervously surrounding the stretcher, checking the condition of the unconscious female passenger.

The doctor said solemnly: "Anemia, or sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, need to be sent to the hospital for examination as soon as possible..." The female passenger was carried away, and the station manager secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

At this moment, she suddenly noticed something special.At the position where the female passenger was unconscious, there was a large amount of water mist on the glass curtain wall next to it, and the shape of the water mist faintly seemed to reveal a strange face.

When the station purser looked again, the strange face disappeared, and there were only long, falling water droplets that slid down the glass curtain wall, leaving traces like scratches.

"There is a special guest on the train. Make sure everything is safe. Unless there is a serious accident, you must ensure that the train arrives at the terminal in Shanghai on time." The station manager reminded the dispatch center. She looked at the shadow of the G717 high-speed train in the distance, and her eyes suddenly Startled.

Just in the last curved glass window, she seemed to see someone smiling at her?On the train galloping towards the terminal of Fengcheng City and Modu.

Car No. 13.The positions of Wei Kun and Bai Fei are 13b and 16e. Wei Kun and Bai Fei bought their own tickets, so they are not assigned to the adjacent seats.

Seeing Bai Fei from a distance talking to the young woman beside him in high spirits, he shook his head secretly.

As soon as he got on the train, he noticed an indescribable strange atmosphere permeating the train.Pungent, painful, with a strong smell of blood... Wei Kun followed the sound and looked to the right.

"The couple's lung slices made by my mother, do you want some?" The young man dressed as a student next to him showed an embarrassed expression.

Guo Junwei is a freshman this year. He has just finished the National Day holiday, and he will go back to school to report with a few classmates from Shanghai Metropolitan University of Technology.

Most of them were in this carriage, and those who were closer to the junction of the carriages played Doudi Zhu and Red K on the only small table that could face each other.

The one sitting on Wei Kun's left is also a student from Shanghai Metropolitan University of Technology, but they are a few grades older than these freshmen.

Liu Han coughed lightly, and she was slightly displeased by the strong smell of the food.She didn't make a sound to remind, but just turned her eyes and stared at Guo Junwei quietly until she saw Guo Junwei getting hairy.

The young man finally put away the plastic bag nimbly, and then tied it firmly, the pungent smell that was permeating the air was greatly relieved immediately.

She put on the earphones again, looked down at the notebook, and slowly slid her fingertips.Page 29, line 5...

"True thoughts are the power inspired by the human body itself, and also the extension of the power of the spirit and dreams. It must be identified and clearly distinguished that this is not a supernatural theory of mysticism, but a systematic theoretical study closely related to life science. The essence of sealing is actually the observation and collapse of quantum theory, which is strangely in an uncertain superposition state and is popular.
"Looking" makes Weird have an exact shape, and can further evolve itself, becoming a more advanced Weird..." Liu Han noticed Wei Kun's attention, and instead of closing his notebook hastily, he took off his earphones and smiled generously laugh.

Wei Kun's appearance and temperament are relatively outstanding, coupled with his calm conversation and well-behaved manners, Liu Han has a slight liking for him.

"Where is the handsome guy from?" She tilted her head, looked at Wei Kun curiously with her bright eyes, and greeted Wei Kun first.

As one of the contemporary heirs of the Liu family in Fengjing and a scholar of the True Thought School in Shanghai, she has devoted most of her time to practicing and studying true thoughts. Chatting to pass the time.

"People from Yunhai City." Wei Kun didn't seem very interested, and he said nothing.

"Going to magic is all about tourism or business trip? I see you are carrying that...big bag?" Liu Han has a good memory, and pointed to the tightly wrapped Umbrella Machine on the shelf above his head.

Wei Kun was still sniffing where the strange smell came from.It wasn't a couple's lung at all, but from the bathroom at the junction of carriages 13 and 14... He was a little desperate.

Since he took charge of the ghost company, he has been encountering and bumping into ghosts non-stop. Even on a trip to the magic capital with a slightly vacation taste, it is inevitable to encounter such unusual things.

The weirdness tried to suppress the breath, but how could it escape the keen perception brought by the ghost seal to Wei Kun.

'If you keep yourself safe, report to the Shanghai Folk Customs Bureau when you arrive at the station.If they make trouble, I don’t mind letting the invincible narcissus relieve their itching..." Wei Kun sighed in his heart, looked back at Liu Han who was curious about the baby, and said truthfully: "I am on a business trip to Shanghai to participate in the Asian Fashion Week. Look at you looks like a student?"

"Modu University of Technology." Liu Han shrugged.

"Hey!" Guo Junwei looked over in surprise, and said, "I'm also a student of science and engineering. I'm a freshman this year. Which department is my senior?" His voice attracted the freshmen from the same class, and they asked Liu Han about things on campus.

Liu Han originally wanted to have an in-depth chat about relationship issues with the handsome guy next to him while reading a book.But she couldn't save face, looked at those curious and excited eyes, and answered one by one in a low voice.

at this time. There was a commotion in carriage 14.Then the two figures stood up, quickly walked through the No. 13 carriage, and hurriedly ran towards the No. 14 carriage.

The passengers in the carriage looked around curiously.I don't know if the humidity in the carriage is too high, or the automatic door is made of frosted glass. No one can clearly see the scene in the next carriage.

"what happened?"

"There seem to be policemen in uniform over there..."

"Could it be that there are thieves?" Behind him, the sound of footsteps sounded hurriedly, and then sounded three times.Liu Han was still smiling, with a smile on his lips, trying to make a good impression on Wei Kun.

She suddenly saw Qiu Kang and Qiu Jian's uncle and nephew walking in the No. 12 carriage with heavy faces, and nodded to herself imperceptibly, then winked at the No. 14 carriage, and made a three-pointer with the right hand first, and the index finger Arching the thumb against the depression of the index finger... This is a common communication gesture within the Zhennian School.

This gesture means that at least the strangeness of the third level of power has appeared!Liu Han's eyes were fixed, and she explained to Wei Kun seriously.

"No matter what happens later, don't walk around. Try not to look around, so as not to see things you shouldn't see." She told Wei Kun to sit in the seat, then stood up, followed Qiu Kang and Qiu Jian, and walked towards into car No. 14.

at the same time.An unimaginably shocked cry sounded from the railway dispatching center.

"Train g717 is missing!!!"

"The running signal, the safety beacon, the safety transmission, all the data indicators have disappeared, and the data feedback from the real-time monitoring stations along the way can't be found, as if this train has never appeared on the railway..."

"Sure enough, something happened. After all, escorting that kind of thing will definitely attract unnecessary attention." Behind him is a senior investigator from Fengcheng Folklore Bureau.

Through their communication, we learned that an extremely important special passenger was secretly escorted on train G717, whose internal code name is
"Destiny".On the surface, it looks like a thin and thin young man, but in fact, there is a very dangerous, mysterious and strange creature living in its body.

Weird has the power of prediction, and only through the shielding mechanism made of special materials can the ability of Weird be restricted.

they will
"Destiny" was secretly escorted to the Shanghai Folklore Bureau.Only a large Folklore Bureau of the level of the Demon City can protect it.

"Destiny".And have the scientific research ability to carry out investigation and research.If the power of the Mandate of Heaven can be discovered, utilized, or even reproduced, it will bring unimaginable advantages to the Bureau of Folk Customs and the government!

So avoiding people's eyes and ears, secretly escorting, still something went wrong!

"Can you still contact the investigator in the car?"

"All the characteristic signals of train g717 are gone, and the locator has also lost its function."

"In other words, it's hard to confirm whether this train is still on Earth..."

"Never let
"Destiny" lost!This weirdness has extraordinary strategic significance! "The investigator visibly wrote anxiously.

at this time.Someone seems to have found some important information in the internal system.

"There is still hope of redemption! The Liu family and Qiu family of the Zhennian School are also on that train! They are located in carriages 12 and 13, and they must be escorted

Car No. 14 of "Destiny" is not far away!With their assistance, maybe the situation wouldn't be so bad! "

"Do you really read the school?" the director of Fengcheng Folklore Bureau whispered.Even though this group of hard-headed and obsessed scholars often caused troubles to the Folklore Bureau, they were still the most reliable neutral force at critical moments.

Everyone can only hope that the Zhennian School and the senior investigators on the train will work together to tide over the difficulties.

Train No. G717 at this time.Boom... Boom... The wheels crushed the rails, making a deep roar.

If someone stands above and has a bird's-eye view, they will see this long and narrow train driving in a vast white mist, and they can't see their fingers, completely losing the concept of orientation.

The cab should have slammed on the brakes to prevent an accident.The purser hurriedly knocked on the door of the cab, but there was no response for a long time, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and break in according to the emergency procedure.

Bang!After knocking open the door, he saw a thick and twisted hemp rope, the knots of which were obviously not in the domestic style, quietly hanging from the ceiling of the carriage, exuding a dangerous and terrifying atmosphere.

The purser tightly covered his mouth, and he saw the two conductors hanging high like broken plastic bags.

As the car body swayed slightly, he stared intently at the instrument watch that was alarming.

'Something has happened! 'Afterwards, a black figure wearing a fox mask slowly emerged from behind the purser, wrapped the same hemp rope around his neck like a poisonous tongue, and accompanied by an undetectable sound of bone cracking, the driver There is a third hanging figure in the room.

The train is still running at high speed.However, the panic spread rapidly from the No. 1 compartment.They found an abnormal scene outside the window and tried to contact the flight attendants and marshals.

The conductor's walkie-talkie could not contact the train conductor and purser at all. The beeping busy tone, flustered expression, and anxious pace all showed the current confusion.

Snapped!A loud noise suddenly hit the left glass of carriage No. 1, frightening the already anxious passengers.

Everyone thought that a bird had hit the carriage, but when they followed the sound, they were suddenly so shocked that their hands and feet became cold and their breathing became short of breath.

I saw a bright red handprint printed on the outside glass of the carriage.

"What the hell is this..." The marshal held the stun gun, his expression extremely ugly.He couldn't understand what he saw, even though these high-ranking people urged him to solve the problem as soon as possible.

But he only had inexplicable irritability and fear.It seemed that what he was facing was not a criminal, but something much more terrifying than a criminal.

Car No. 14.Two Shanghai Folklore Bureau, one Yunhai Folklore Bureau, one Fengcheng Folklore Bureau, a total of four senior investigators, responsible for escorting

"Destiny" went to the magic capital.At this time, their faces were ugly, and they looked obliquely at the rear of the car through the glass of the car in the parking space.

The crow screamed.From the direction where the strange loud noise was coming from, there was a dense black mist rapidly attacking the train.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and it seems that we are about to catch up with the train.In the dark room, a huge human face can be seen vaguely, with four eye-shaped eyebrows and stern and terrifying black teeth, which is shocking.

"The god crow, the black teeth, the god of rope in the carriage, the bloody clothes..." The old investigator gritted his teeth and whispered, "It seems that our foreign counterparts have arranged a lot of skill! Such a big formation , It can be called a ghost disaster!" The other investigators were heavy, serious and extremely nervous.

The more you get in touch with the weird, the more you understand the terrible influence of the weird power on reality.Especially in public places, if it erupts completely, it will lead to a large-scale disaster that will shock the outside world.

Not to mention, in a closed train from which no one can escape.The purpose of choosing to do it at this time is self-evident.

behind the scenes, yes
"Destiny" is bound to be won!Click.The bullet was loaded, Officer Huang, who was also the old investigator who spoke out first, took a deep breath, stood at the front, and stared fixedly at the automatic door that was oozing blood.

"I will try my best to create opportunities for you, no matter how difficult and weird, they also have their rules of action, even if they are driven by others!"

"Brother Huang!"

"Don't talk nonsense, time is running out. Remember, observe their rules, and try your best to crack them! Do you remember the creed of our Folk Customs Bureau?" Police Officer Huang showed determination, and he angrily scolded his companions for their weakness.

The female policeman regained her spirits and took a deep breath.

"Investigate, witness, and protect!"

"very good……"

"Even if it may be an A-level or even a super-A-level event, confidence is absolutely indispensable. My sacrifice, even our sacrifice, will bring key information to the latecomers. Protect the 'goods' and never let them It fell into the hands of other forces!" Tick tock.

The sound of blood and water echoed in the air, bringing them more and more pressure.On that special seat.The thin young man knows the future, even though his hands and feet are bound by the metal structure, he always maintains a strange, compassionate, and superior smile, looking at them.

"Will I die? Will they die?" He chuckled and asked the mouth on his chest, which was the most mysterious

"Destiny" is weird,
"Destiny" gave him a vague answer.

"The shadow from the underworld is dormant, and the will of the abyss is about to descend, ready to devour this coveted land..." A scene from the future appeared in the young man's mind, and he suddenly froze, with a frightened expression on his face.

"who is it?!"

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